There are several days from π and ο Virginis before Zaniah (η) arrives, several days from Gregorian day 260 before day 266 arrives:
At Zaniah the summer year is in the past and from Porrima (γ) the arms of Virgo are stretching out, one arm leading up to Vindemiatrix (via Minelauva) and the other down to Spica (via Apami-Atsa).
In Gregorian day 280 there is a type of glyph which could mean rain (ua), and considering the hakaua glyph (as if partly hidden by clouds) 4 days earlier the 'rain making' (hakaua) may have achieved the desired result:
... It was 4 August 1968, and it was the feast day of Saint Dominic, patron of Santo Domingo Pueblo, southwest of Santa Fe. At one end of the hot, dusty plaza, a Dominican priest watched nervously as several hundred dancers arranged in two long rows pounded the earth with their moccasined feet as a mighty, collective prayer for rain, accompanied by the powerful baritone singing of a chorus and the beat of drums. As my family and I viewed this, the largest and in some ways the most impressive Native American public ceremony, a tiny cloud over the Jémez Mountains to the northwest got larger and larger, eventually filling up the sky; at last the storm broke, and the sky was crisscrossed by lightning and the pueblo resounded with peals of rolling thunder ... Rain comes from above and σ is above the torso of Virgo. The distance from equinox is 200 days: "Sigma (upper case Σ, lower case σ, lower case in word-final position ς; Greek σίγμα) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, and carries the 's' sound. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 200." (Wikipedia) The form of the ua type of glyph looks like Σ in triplicate, although rounded. It is also somewhat reminiscent of the viri type. Similarities in form ought to tell us about similarities in meaning, perhaps as follows:
The peculiar body form of the empty-handed person in Kb3-4 could allude to viri (which I have not recognized earlier). The impression is that 'fire' no longer is present and that rain has changed the fire into smoke. The Earth Mother (Virgo) needs rain in order to bear fruit. The little mata added in front of ua in Kb3-5 could illustrate a child. Hevelius has Virgo reaching up with her right arm above the tail of Leo and right in front of her face is 93 Leonis:
The 'feet' of kiore in *Kb1-22 are drawn so as to have no contact with henua - he has lost his foothold. This is a Sign which perhaps was meant to refer to the 'tail' of Leo. Possibly the kiore sign means Leo. From the time when Orion is 'blinded' by his 'turtle helmet' (suggested by the Heka manzil in conjunction with the name of the Chinesen way station Turtle Head) the henua calendar shows kiore at left (in the past) and henua at right (ahead). Once, a long time ago, Leo must have ruled powerfully up to midsummer. Nowadays he has moved ahead into the rainy territory. According to G the end of Leo is halfway to the end of side a and long before the end of the henua calendar:
Maybe the final of Leo was the point of reference for the creator of the G text. From there he could have decided the length of the text on side a should be twice 115. |