The White Tiger looks like a continental plate being submerged below the Red Bird plate moving in the opposite direction and pushed upwards by the White Tiger. The head of the White Tiger is low and that of the Red Bird is high:
The Three Stars moon station is connected primarily with Alnitak (ζ Orionis), the 3rd and last to rise of the Belt Stars. Possibly this has to do with the special character of Ka1-3:
Spring 'stones' out in the water (?) |
Ka1-1 |
Ka1-2 |
Ka1-3 |
Motu Nui |
Motu Iti |
Motu Kaokao |
The central element in Ka1-3 is the 'vacant' henua sign which we have seen earlier in Ga1-23, in Ga5-30, in Eb6-1, and in ancient Egypt (cfr the Preliminary Overview of the G text, line a6):
Ga1-22 |
Ga1-23 |
Ga1-24 (25) |
Ga1-25 |
Ga1-26 (*90) |
γ Leporis (85.9) |
Saiph (86.5), ζ Leporis (86.6) |
Wezn (87.6), δ Leporis (87.7), Betelgeuze (88.3) |
η Leporis (89.0), Praja-pāti, Menkalinan, Mahashim, and γ Columbae (89.3) |
η Columbae (89.7), μ Orionis (90.3) |
'June 15 |
'16 |
'17 (168) |
'18 |
'19 |
Albatain 3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Ga5-29 (140) |
Ga5-30 (*204) |
Ga6-1 |
Ga6-2 |
Spica, Alcor (202.7) |
Heze (205.0) |
ε Centauri (206.3) |
'October 10 |
'11 (284) |
'12 |
'13 |
Assarfa 3 |
4 (148) |
5 |
6 |

... The king, wearing now a short, stiff archaic mantle, walks in a grave and stately manner to the sanctuary of the wolf-god Upwaut, the 'Opener of the Way', where he anoints the sacred standard and, preceded by this, marches to the palace chapel, into which he disappears. A period of time elapses during which the pharaoh is no longer manifest ...
Given a parallel with Alnitak there could be a 'black night' after the last sign of the White Tiger. Following the equator in the sky the Milky Way will bar the way beyond Orion, and only later will Gemini arrive on the other side of this 'wall'. Sun is moving in a lower terrain than Auriga.
The 4th glyph should be the unlucky one. To swim between the mainland and the islets was presumably not without hazards.