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1. The position of ν Cancri at the eye of Cancer is like a sign of 'mud in the eye' - not seeing anything at all - because the letter ν is a sign of darkness. This interpretation agrees with the 'strings' across the henua signs, which presumably means 'no daylight':

Ka4-7 (69) Ka4-8 Ka4-9 Ka4-10 (*136)
  ζ Hydrae (134.1) Acubens, Talitha Borealis (135.0)  ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6), ν Cancri (136.0), Talitha Australis (136.1)
'August 1 ' 2 (214) '3 '4
Alhena 11 (77) 12 13 Murzim 1 (80)

The distance from Ka1-7 - with the same kind of horizontal internal marks - to Ka4-10 is 72 - 7 = 65 glyphs, which suggests the distance from Ka4-10 to Ka1-7 could be 300 days. 216 + 300 = 516 and 516 - 365 = 151:

365 days
299 64
Ka4-10 (72) Ka1-7
 ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6), ν Cancri (136.0), Talitha Australis (136.1)      
'August 4 (216) 299 'May 31 (151) 64
Murzim 1 (80) Pleione 1 (15)

'May 31 is Gregorian day 151 and this indicates the glyphs on the K tablet indeed represent days (because 216 + 300 - 365 = 151).

The season of growth (shown by rising maro) from 'August 4 (Murzim 1) to 'May 31 (Pleione 1) can be interpreted as the 10 months of Sun (with 'May 31 as a 'zero day' not to be counted).

The glyphs in this 300 day long season ought to refer to those stars which were rising heliacally in summer south of the equator, because we can probably rely on the RA position of Castor in 'July, when it was winter on Easter Island:

Ka3-6 Ka3-7 Ka3-8 (49)
Aludra, Propus (111.1)  Gomeisa (111.6), ρ Gemini (112.1) Castor (113.4)  
'July 10 '11 '12 (193) 16
Heka 2 3 4 (57)
Ka4-4 (*130) Ka4-5 Ka4-6 (68)
π¹ Ursa Majoris, δ Hydrae (129.6), Al Minhar al Shujā, Museida (129.9), Beehive (130.4) Ascellus Borealis (130.9), η Hydrae (131.0), Ascellus Australis (131.4) ε Hydrae (131.9), ι Cancri (132.0), ρ Hydrae (132.4)
'July 29 (210) '30 '31
Alhena 8 9 (75) 10
Ka4-7 (69) Ka4-8 Ka4-9
  ζ Hydrae (134.1) Acubens, Talitha Borealis (135.0)
'August 1 ' 2 (214) '3
Alhena 11 (77) 12 13
Ka4-10 (*136) Ka4-11 (73) Ka4-12 Ka4-13
 ρ Ursa Majoris (135.6), ν Cancri (136.0), Talitha Australis (136.1) ω Hydrae (136.8), σ¹ Ursa Majoris (137.0), κ Cancri (137.3), Alsuhail (137.5)  σ² Ursa Majoris (137.6), τ Ursa Majoris (137.7), ξ Cancri (137.8)  Miaplacidus (139.3)
'4 'August 5 (217) '6 '7
Murzim 1 (80) 2 3 4

From Castor (193) up to and including ν Cancri (216) there are 24 days, and 'May 31 seems to be the last day of the Easter Island summer. The elbow ornament possibly indicates a completed cycle. The first day of this summer could be 'August 5 = day 136 + 1 beyond 'March 21.

The evidence above secures my rule to add 64 to the glyph numbers in order to find the RA days.