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5. In order to further investigate the slight possibility that the texts are designed to primarily follow midnight culminations (instead of RA days) we need some other star to rely on, because Allen has not told us when π Virginis culminates.
Regulus could have been the proper star pillar to rely on, but there is only 1 day's difference between the RA distance and the culmination distance counted from Aldebaran:
Aldebaran 'May 28 (148) 226 'January 10 (375) 137
  84 +1 85 -1
Regulus 'August 21 (233) 227 'April 6 (461) 136
  95 0 95 0
Antares 'November 25 (329) 227 'July 11 (557) 136

Anyhow, Regulus (the 'little king') has evidently been given special attention in the texts. In G the surrounding glyphs indicate the central position of glyph 90:

Ga4-5 Ga4-6 (90) Ga4-7
υ² Hydrae (151.8), Al Jabhah (152.4) Regulus (152.7), λ Hydrae (153.2)  
'10h (152.2) 'August 21 (233) '22

In K it could be at the beginning of a group of 5 'binoms':

Regulus (152.7), λ Hydrae (153.2)
Ka5-8 Ka5-9 (87) 'August 21 (233)
ο¹ Centauri (173.8), ξ Hydrae (174.3)
Kb1-15 Kb1-16 (108) 'September 11 (254)
η Crateris (179.9)
Kb2-1 Kb2-2 (*180) 'September 17 (260)
Alchita, Ma Wei (183.1)
Kb2-4 *Kb2-6 '12h (182.6)
δ Muscae (196.5), Vindemiatrix (196.8), ξ¹ Centauri (197.1)
Kb3-1 (130) Kb3-2 'October 4 (277)

I have added 66 to the glyph numbers in order to reach the right ascension days, e.g. 87 + 66 = *153 for Regulus (while only 63 are added in the G text).