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1. From the beach of Hanga Te Pau we can expect the explorers to move on to higher ground because they primarily move in time. But ahead lies winter solstice, which complicates matters:

The canoe continued its exploration and in a sweep sailed on to Hanga Te Pau. hokoou.he rarama he oho te vaka he vari ki hanga.te pau p. 17
They went ashore and took he tomo ki uta.he too
the food with them. i te kai ki uta. p. 18
They pulled the canoe onto the beach and left it there. hee totoi i te vaka ki uta he hakarere.
Ira sat down with all the other (companions) he noho a ira anake.

A solstice is a place where the canoe of Sun will stop for a while. The flat beach close to the sea is like a woman who catches his attention and invites him to sit down (noho). Page 18 continues:

Ira sat down with all the other (companions) he noho a ira anake.
and spoke to Makoi: he ki a Ira.ka ki era kia Makoi.
'You shall mark the land for me and make it known (by its name)!' maau e tuki e haite te kainga.
After that, Ira spoke these words: he ki hokoou a Ira.ka ki era.
'This is the digging stick (? ko koko), Kuukuu. kokoko e Nguukuu e.
You shall work the land for me and plant the yam roots!' maau e keukeu e oka te uhi.

The youngest of the sons of Hua Tava is first spoken to by Ira, and his mission is therefore important. But also the eldest of the 5 sons is given an important task.

Sons of Hau Maka

Sons of Hua Tava
















Ira means 'he who looks around' and Rapa-renga can be translated as 'the yellow faced one'.


Ancient word, apparently meaning 'pretty, beautiful'. It seems to have been used also to mean 'girl' judging from the nicknames given young women: rega hopu-hopu. girl fond of bathing; rega maruaki, hungry girl; rega úraúra, crimson-faced girl.

Pau.: rega, ginger. Mgv.: rega, turmeric. Ta.: rea, id. Mq.: ena, id. Sa.: lega, id. Ma.: renga, pollen of bulrushes.


1. To shine; shiny, polished; he-rapa te moai miro, the wooden figurine is shiny, polished. 2. Emblem, badge of timo îka (person entrusted with putting a death spell on an assassin). Rapahago, name of a spirit (akuaku), anciently considered as benevolent; rapahago, a fish. Raparapa, to dazzle; dazzled: he-raparapa te mata. Marîa raparapa, calm, smooth shiny sea.

1. Pau.: rapa, a fool, madness. Ma.: rapa, a familiar spirit. 2. Pau.: rapa, blade of a paddle. Mgv.: raparapahoe, id. Ta.: rapa, id. Mq.: apa, id. Sa.: lapa, flat. Ma.: rapa, flat part of a shovel. 3. Pau.: rapae, a sand-pit. Ta.: rape, arapai, id. 4. Mgv.: rapahou, primipara. Ma.: rapoi, id. 5. Mgv.: raparapa, green. Ta.: rapa, id. 6. Mgv.: raparapa, flat. Ta.: rapa, a flat rock. Sa.: lapalapa, a flat coral. Ma.: raparapa, the flat part of the foot. 7. Ta.: raparapa, square. To.: labalaba, id. Ha.: lapalapa, square (of timber, of a bottle, of a cow yard).

The female foolish features of Mercury (The Mad Hatter) are easily detected. He is a son of Hau Maka, but a special one. He is not standing up (like the cliffs of the 3 islets in the sea), instead he lies there like a beach. Presumably the term moe describes it best:

Unforgotten are they, these three. kai viri kai viri.ko raua ana a totoru.
And therefore this is the (right) land lying there; peira tokoa te kainga e moe mai era

The glyph type moe shows a bird with hanging head, as if sleepy, and I have earlier had a hard time understanding why, because it is evidently used in the rongorongo texts at the beginning of a season rather than at its end. But now light is slowly dawning, it may refer to the beginning of 'ebb' when the 'flood' slowly abates and the mud flats become visible.



To sleep, to lie at full length, to dream, to brood, to place, to cohabit; moe atu, to leave off, to desist; moe atu ra, to adjourn, to postpone; moe hakahepo, to talk in the deep; moe aherepo, somnambulist, sleepwalker; moe hakataha, to sleep on the side; moe no, to oversleep, concubinage; moe tahae, to be a light sleeper; moe tahaga, a sleeper; moe vaeahatu, moe hakaroa, to sleep sprawling; rava moe, to sleep sound; ariga moe ki raro, to lie flat on the ground; tae moe, bachelor; hakamoe, to brood, to fold the wings; to reserve, to lay up; to struggle. P Pau.: moe, sleep. Mgv.: moe, sleep, to lie down, coitus, to shut the eyes. Mq.: moe, to sleep, to lie down; haámoe, to set down on the ground. Ta.: moe, to sleep, to lie down. Moea raruga, lying flat. Moeaivi, thin. Mq.: ivi, haáivi, id. Ta.: ivi, id. Moega, mat. Pau.: moehega, bed. Mgv.: moega, a sleeping mat. Mq.: moena, moeka, mat, floor cloth, bed. Ta.: moea, bed. Moemata, to sleep with the eyes open; mea moemata, phantom. Moemoea, a dream, vision; tikeahaga moemoea, apparition by night. T Mgv., Mq., Ta.: moemoea, dream.

Mgv. Moemoe, to steal, to purloin at a food distribution. Mq.: moemoe, to seize, to grasp. Ta.: 1.  Moemoe, ambush. Ha.: moemoe, id. 2. Moemoe, Phyllanthus simplex. To.: mohemohe, a tree. Mq.: Moehu, exiled, banished, prisoner of war. Ma.: morehu, a survivor.

A coward is yellow, and Raparenga is yellow-faced, not standing up for anything. It so happens that the onset of the Moon half of the year is beginning where Mercury is located.