4. There are 100 glyphs more from number 12 * 29½ = 354 to Algol and also 100 glyphs more from number 364 (= 4 * 91) to Rana:
Then the Pleiades evidently arrive as a sign of the new year and the 'boat' (Zaurak) is launched with Sun somewhere onboard (I guess), in day number 368 + 100: ... Miro-oone, model boat made of earth in which the 'boat festivals' used to be celebrated ... on the first day of the year the natives dress in navy uniforms and performs exercises which imitate the maneuvers of ships' crews ... A new year comes in the 'sea' part of the sky. The G text apparently has inserted the 'sea voyage' at the end of side b, and its length could be 100 days, followed by 4 extra ones. 104 = 8 * 13. The position of the stars in the night sky seem to define when a new year should arrive. In his The Eighth Island Barthel has counted the sea journey of the explorers to be 35 days, beginning with the departure from Hiva on the 25th (a Saturday surely) of April (Vaitu Nui) and ending at Hanga Te Pau on the 1st of June (Maro). But the length of the sea journey should not be understood literally, it has a symbolic length depending on circumstances. The arrival of Hotu Matua is, according to Barthel, not at winter solstice but in the middle of October (Tangaroa Uri), about a month after spring equinox:
Day number 358 should be winter solstice and 99 days later could be at Zibal (Gb8-16). Spring equinox should arrive in day number 458 + 87 = 545 = 472 + 73: