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1. According to Makemson (The Morning Star Rises) our constellation Perseus was named Faa-iti in Tahiti and the islands close by:

"48. Faa-iti, Little Valley, is the constellation Perseus in the Society Islands. Its Tuamotuan equivalent Faka-iti is a star in Orion, probably Epsilon."

"53. Faka-iti, Little Valley; a Tuamotuan star described as the first bright star west of Oupo, which is the first bright star west of Sirius. If 'bright' is interpreted as between second and third magnitude, then Oupo is Beta Canis Majoris and Faka-iti is Alpha Leporis."

We cannot expect the Polynesians to perceive Perseus, the greek hero, in their sky. But where is their valley?

Menkar α Ceti 2.54 03º 54' N 03h 00m 45.7 453.7 453
Algol β Persei 2.09 40º 46' N 03h 05m 46.9 454.9 454¼
Misam κ Persei 3.79 44º 40' N 03h 06m 47.2 455.2 454½
Algenib α Persei 1.79 49º 41' N 03h 21m 51.0 459.0 458¼
Atiks ο Persei 3.84 32º 08' N 03h 41m 56.1 464.1 463¼
Celaeno 16 Tauri 5.45 24º 08' N 03h 42m 56.3 464.3 463½
Electra 17 Tauri 3.72 23º 57' N
Taygeta 19 Tauri 4.30 24º 19' N
Maia 20 Tauri 3.87 24º 13' N 03h 43m 56.6 464.6 463¾
Asterope 21 Tauri 5.76 24º 24' N
Merope 23 Tauri 4.14 23º 48' N
Alcyone η Tauri 2.85 23º 57' N 03h 45m 57.1 465.1 464¼


27 Tauri

3.62 23º 54' N 03h 46m 57.3 465.3 464½


28 Tauri

5.05 23º 59' N
Menkhib ζ Persei 2.84 31º 44' N 03h 51m 58.6 466.6 465¾
Gb8-18 (460) Gb8-19 Gb8-20 Gb8-21 Gb8-22 Gb8-23 Gb8-24 (466)
Gb8-25 Gb8-26 (468) Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 Gb8-30

I guess it could refer to a valley which at its bottom has the 'little eyes' (Matariki). And haka-iti should literally mean 'make small ones', I think. Such a little valley would begin with ο (Atiks) and end with ζ (Menkhib).