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3. We had better do it right and use more precise measures, and then we will find that there are slightly more than 1000 minutes to the Peacock:

Peacock α Pavonis 20h 25m 38.85s 1225.65m 1000.85m
Celaeno 16 Tauri 03h 44m 48.20s 224.80m

1000.85 / 1440 * 360 = 250 days, which perhaps was meant to be an allusion to the position of Antares who was said to announce the arrival of the Polynesian summer:

Ga7-16 (*250)

There are 242 glyphs on side b and α Pavonis could indicate the beginning of the back side of the text:

Gb1-4 Gb1-5 Gb1-6 (*300)
Gb1-7 Gb1-8 Gb1-9 Gb1-10 Gb1-11
Gb1-12 (242) Gb1-13 Gb1-14
Gb1-15 Gb1-16 Gb1-17 Gb1-18 Gb1-19
Gb1-20 (*314) Gb1-21 Gb1-22
Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25 Gb1-26 (*320) Gb2-1

On the other hand, glyph number 236 (Gb1-6) seems to be the last of the front side, because we can in Gb1-7 see what happens to Mars. Gb1-6 is glyph number 295 if we count from tamaiti in Gb7-3:

174 57 235
Gb1-7 (*301) Gb7-1 Gb7-2 (*477) Gb7-3 Gb7-4 Gb1-6 (*300)
177 = 6 * 29½ 295 = 10 * 29½

242 + 59 = 301 = 300 + 1:

Gb1-7 Gb1-8 Gb1-9 Gb1-10 Gb1-11
Gb1-12 (**1) Gb1-13 Gb1-14
α Pavonis    
Gb1-15 Gb1-16 Gb1-17 Gb1-18 Gb1-19 (**8)
Gb1-20 Gb1-21 Gb1-22
Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25 (**14)
Gb1-26 Gb2-1 (**16)