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5. Snakes are undulating, they are like water flowing on a flat plain. If Algol stands at the end of the flat surface of 'water', then we ought to find the final of another such plain 182 days later - the Field (where 'land' is rising) has its opposite in the Abyss (where 'land' is sinking). 455 + 182 - 472 = 165:

Gb8-11 (453) Gb8-12 Gb8-13
Menkar (453.7)   Algol (454.9)  
Ga5-17 (*192) Ga5-18 (129) Ga5-19 Ga5-20 Ga5-21
Arich (192.5)        
Ga6-24 (*229) Ga6-25 (166) Ga6-26

Perhaps, therefore, Ga6-24 marks the end of the level 'land'. It is the 28th henua period. What star could be there?

Menkar α Ceti 2.54 03º 54' N 03h 00m 45.7 453.7 453
Algol β Persei 2.09 40º 46' N 03h 05m 46.9 454.9 454¼
Algenib α Persei 1.79 49º 41' N 03h 21m 51.0 459.0 458¼
Alcyone η Tauri 2.85 23º 57' N 03h 45m 57.1 465.1 464¼
?         229    

229 / 364 * 1440 = 905.93m = 15h 6m, and 229 / 365¼ * 1440 = 902.83m = 15h 3m. There is only one suitable star:

Zuben Hakrabi ν Librae 15h 04m

Zuben Hakrabi means the Scorpion's Claw and Libra was once the claws of Scorpio, a suitable place for the end of 'land'. Here summer Sun should be 'speared', I guess (i.e. north of the equator):

"During the Roman Republic and early empire eras, 60 scorpio per legion was the standard, or one for every centuria. The scorpio ... was a weapon of marksmanship capable of cutting down any foe within a distance of 100 meters." (Wikipedia)