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4. The 3rd right ascension hour is beginning (according to my suggestions) with Gb7-28 and Alamak (and maybe also with the 3rd star on the path of Anu, A.NU.NI.TUM):

3rd hour
Gb7-28 (439) Gb7-29 Gb7-30 Gb7-31
Alamak (438.7)      
Gb8-1 Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5
Gb8-6 Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9
Gb8-10 (452) Gb8-11
Acamar (452.6)  

72 * 8 = 16 * 36 = 576 = 580 - 4 = 584 - 8. The numbers seem to indicate the end of a cycle, maybe the time when a 'year' had to be bound:

... When it was evident that the years lay ready to burst into life, everyone took hold of them, so that once more would start forth - once again - another (period of) fifty-two years. Then (the two cycles) might proceed to reach one hundred and four years. It was called 'One Age' when twice they had made the round, when twice the times of binding the years had come together. 

Behold what was done when the years were bound - when was reached the time when they were to draw the new fire, when now its count was accomplished. First they put out fires everywhere in the country round. And the statues, hewn in either wood or stone, kept in each man's home and regarded as gods, were all cast into the water. Also (were) these (cast away) - the pestles and the (three) hearth stones (upon which the cooking pots rested); and everywhere there was much sweeping - there was sweeping very clear. Rubbish was thrown out; none lay in any of the houses ...

The knot in Pisces is rising just previously:

Alrisha α Piscium 4.33 2º 31' N 01h 59m 30.2 438.2 437.8
Alamak γ Andromedae 2.10 42º 05' N 02h 01m 30.7 438.7 438¼

Maybe the form of the converging strings of Pisces, joined at Alrisha, is the same type of sign as the chains which converge at Andromeda - i.e. the 'knot' could be personified by Andromeda:

If so, then the ring at the end of the northern chain would correspond to the Northern Fish and the triangular sign at the end of the southern chain would correspond to the Southern Fish.

Time seems to be forcing the pair of fishes together, like when the canoes of Hotu Matua and the Queen converged at Anakena.