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4. At Kiore was investigated the consequences if we should count beyond glyph number 472 in order to reach 2π respectively to 2 * 266. The number of glyphs in the G text is 16 * 29½ - 1 and autumn equinox ought to be at day number 266:

314 471 472 = 1½ * 314 + 1
266 399 400 = 1½ * 266 + 1

I think it is necessary to here repeat some of what was written at that time, because the arguments lead up to Gb8-10:

... If π needs to be taken twice in order to complete a circle, then also twice 266 ought be used to complete a cycle. With Jupiter being finished at ¾ of the cycle of 2 * 266 days it corresponds to a lifetime of 9 months (of 12). Day number 400 corresponds to the first day of the 10th month and of the last quarter.

Ga6-12 (153) Ga6-13 Ga6-14 Ga6-15 (**628) Ga6-16

... Niu in Ga2-29 (where there 2-29 could allude to 229, the number of glyphs on side a) is glyph number 2 * 266 = 532. Presumably it means the back side of the cycle of Sun ends here:

Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 (60)

Ga3-1 (**533) Ga3-2


Ga3-4 (*128) Ga3-5

Spring equinox south of the equator comes at day number 358 + (266 - 172) = 452 (= 365 + 87), or 80 days earlier than day 532:

North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

Day number 452 is located at Gb8-10 (where 8 * 10 = 80):

Gb7-31 Gb8-1 Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5
Gb8-6 Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9
Gb8-10 (452) Gb8-11 Gb8-12 Gb8-13
Gb8-14 Gb8-15 Gb8-16
Gb8-10 (452) Ga2-29 (60)
8 * 10 = 80 80

I have tried to count from day number 266 and it gives meaningful results:

Gb2-10 (*0) Gb8-1 (*177) Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 (*180)
Gb8-5 Gb8-6 Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9 (*185)
Gb8-10 (*186) Gb8-11 Gb8-12 Gb8-13
Gb8-14 Gb8-15 Gb8-16 (*192)

The beginning of line b8 comes 6 lunar synodic months (177 nights) beyond autumn equinox (Gb2-10). At Gb8-16 the ordinal number becomes 192 (as at full moon in the Mamari moon calendar and also the length of the K text) ...

It is all very complicated, but possibly the cycle of Venus was coordinated with the cycle of 2π by way of increasing 584 with 44 days (the ordinal number of Ga2-13):

314 471 472 = 1½ * 314 + 1 628 = 2 * 314 = 584 + 44
266 399 400 = 1½ * 266 + 1 532 = 2 * 266 = 452 + 80
20 43 181 225
Ga2-13 (44) Ga8-22 (226) Gb8-10 (452)
64 182 226

Phases of Venus


observed periods

periods in the Mayan 'map'

periods in the G text (?)

evening star








morning star







