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1. The end of the river Eridanus is at Achernar (from Al Āhir al Nahr) 'but the title was first given to the star now lettered θ, the farthest in the Stream known by Arabian astronomers':

Caph β Cassiopeiae 2.28 58º 52' N 00h 06m 1.5 409.5 409.5
Sirrah α Andromedae 2.07 28º 49' N 00h 06m 1.5 409.5 409.5
Algenib γ Pegasi 2.83 14º 54' N 00h 11m 2.8 410.8 410.7
Schedir α Cassiopeiae 2.24 56º 16' N 00h 38m 9.6 417.6 417.5
Deneb Kaitos β Ceti 2.04 18º 16' S 00h 41m 10.4 418.4 418.2
Achird η Cassiopeiae 3.46 57º 33' N 00h 46m 11.7 419.7 419.5
Cih γ Cassiopeiae 2.15 60º 26' N 00h 53m 13.4 421.4 421.2
Mirach β Andromedae 2.07 35º 21' N 01h 07m 17.0 425.0 424.7
Ksora δ Cassiopeia 2.66 59º 59' N 01h 23m 21.1 429.1 428.7
Achernar α Eridani 0.45 57º 29' S 01h 36m 24.3 432.3 432
Polaris α Ursa Minoris 1.97 89º 02' N 01h 49m 27.6 435.6 435.2
Baten Kaitos ζ Ceti 3.74 10º 35' S 01h 49m 27.6 435.6 435.5
Metallah α Trianguli 3.42 29º 20' N 01h 50m 27.9 435.9 435.5
Segin ε Cassiopeia 3.35 63º 25' N 01h 51m 28.2 436.2 435.7
Mesarthim γ Arietis 3.88 19º 03' N 01h 51m 28.2 436.2 435.7
Sheratan β Arietis 2.64 20º 34' N 01h 52m 28.4 436.4 436
Alrisha α Piscium 4.33 2º 31' N 01h 59m 30.2 438.2 437.8
Acamar θ Eridani 2.88 40º 30' S 02h 56m 44.6 452.6 452

I have here redmarked not only Achernar and Acamar but also Sheratan because these stars are at present in positions with no fractions, given a year with 360 days. It means we more easily can put them in parallel with the glyphs in G:

2nd hour
Gb7-12 Gb7-13 Gb7-14 (425) Gb7-15 Gb7-16 Gb7-17
    Mirach (425.0)      
Gb7-18 Gb7-19 Gb7-20 Gb7-21 (432)
Ksora (429.1)     Achernar (432.3)
Gb7-22 Gb7-23 Gb7-24 Gb7-25 (436) Gb7-26 Gb7-27
     Polaris (435.6), Baten Kaitos (435.6), Metallah (435.9), Segin (436.2), Mesarthim (436.2), Sheratan (436.4) Alrisha (438.2)
3rd hour
Gb7-28 Gb7-29 Gb7-30 Gb7-31
Gb8-1 Gb8-2 Gb8-3 Gb8-4 Gb8-5
Gb8-6 Gb8-7 Gb8-8 Gb8-9
Gb8-10 (452) Gb8-11
Acamar (452.6)  

If we instead should count with a cycle with 365.25 days, then only Mirach (so far) will get a number without fractions. I think Mirach ought to be an exception to the rule 360 days for a cycle - it should be located by using the measure 365.25 days rather than 360 days. Hau tea in Gb7-14 has 'Janus eyes', a sign which I believe indicates the end of a year. Thus its position ought to be based on the complete cycle. As evidence I can use the following page from my glyph dictionary, which lists all basic hau tea glyphs in the Tahua text:

Neither mixed glyphs nor compounds are shown. There are 8 + 4 = 12 glyphs on side a and 15 glyphs on side b, altogether 27 glyphs of this kind. Those with double 'suns' are marked with red.

Aa2-74 Aa3-15 Aa3-32 Aa4-18 Aa4-43 Aa4-46 Aa4-54 Aa4-70
164 190 207 269 294 297 305 321
Aa5-5 Aa5-63 Aa7-79 Aa8-51
338 396 579 636
Ab1-3 Ab1-33 Ab1-53 Ab2-52 Ab3-46 Ab3-53 Ab4-25 Ab4-49
673 703 723 804 883 890 939 963
Ab4-79 Ab5-8 Ab6-29 Ab6-71 Ab7-64 Ab8-48 Ab8-53
993 1002 1103 1145 1230 1298 1303
579 = 20 * 29 - 1

4 * 49 = 196 = 7 * 28, and 963 - 579 = 384 = 16 * 24.

The result of the investigation above lacks one glyph, because there ought to be 16 hau tea on side b (the number for the moon corresponding to 12 for the sun), which would raise the total from 27 to the more acceptable 28.

The missing hau tea is probably Ab1-2:

672 = 4 * 168 = 24 * 28

I should add that the multiplications at Aa7-79 and Ab4-49 ought to be done in the following manner (which I had not discovered when I wrote the above):

77 * 9 = 693 respectively 44 * 9 = 396 (= 693 reversed).

693 - 396 = 33 * 9 = 297.

297 = 300 - 3, 396 = 400 - 4, and 693 = 700 - 7. In other words: 297 = 3 * 99, 396 = 4 * 99, and 693 = 7 * 99.

Perhaps these numbers refer to Venus (cfr in chapter 8):

... The Mayas feared Venus. I guess she dominated time too much for comfort. It is extraordinary how her behaviour evidently is ruling events.

'After five complete cycles totaling 2,920 days, the movement of Venus fill eight idealized years of 365 days each and come within hours of spanning 99 lunations' (Popol Vuh)

8 * 365 = 5 * 584 = 2920 days, and 99 * 29.5 = 2920½.

Thus 5 Venus cycles are joined to 8 Earth years in a way similar to how 7 'Sun flames' are joined to 6 'Moon flames'.

And 99 Moon cycles are also joined to 5 Venus cycles (and to 8 Earth years):

5 Venus cycles

8 years

99 lunar months

2920 nights

Maybe the number 2920 nights are played on by the fact that 579 (at Aa7-79) is one less than 20 * 29 (2920 reversed).