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2. When the neck of haú looks as if it was broken (poro) in Ga8-16 it could mean the Sun bird is dead:

Ga8-9 (*277) Ga8-10 Ga8-11 Ga8-12 (*280)
Ga8-13 Ga8-14 Ga8-15 Ga8-16 (220)

5 short feather signs are followed by 5 greater ones, as if to describe how there are 5 months with little 'arrows' followed by 5 months with powerful ones. If we count from a1, then the first 5 months could end with line a5 (Virgo, represented by Spica, alias Ana-roto):

a1 a2 a3 spring equinox (?)
Ana-muri Gemini Cancer
a4 a5 a6 a7
Leo Ana-roto Libra Rehua

The first (and greatest) of the 5 powerfully drawn feather signs could correspond to line a6, with the following slightly less powerfully drawn feather corresponding to line a7 (and probably to Rehua). From there the path goes downwards in 3 more steps:

a8 b1 (9) b2 (10)
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius

In our list of stars the 'feather' in line a6 could be Arcturus in day 216 (which is a very special number, we know, 12 days beyond Spica):

Ga6-9 (150) Ga6-10 Ga6-11 (*216)

The pillar 'to stand by' (Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae) is a name which agrees with a great feather standing tall. Tupu suggests it is spring (not fall):


1. Shoot, sprout, bud; to sprout, to bud. 2. Pregnant: vî'e tupu (o te poki); to be conceived (of fetus in its mother's womb): he-tupu te poki i roto i te kopú o toona matu'a. Vanaga.

To grow, to sprout, to germinate, to come forth, to conceive, pregnant, germ; mea tupu, plant; tupu ke avai, of rapid growth; tupu horahorau, precocious; hakatupu, to produce, to stimulate growth, to excite. P Pau.: fakatupu, to raise up, to create. Mgv.: tupu, to grow, to conceive, to be pregnant. Mq.: tupu, to grow, to sprout, to conceive. Ta.: tupu, to grow, to sprout. Churchill.

Mgv.: Tupu, the best or worst, used of men or of bad qualities. Sa.: tupu, king. Ma.: tupu, social position, dignity. Churchill.


1. To bend down, to drop to the ground; to fall on a certain date. 2. To stop doing something, to drop; ina ekó topa taau aga, do not stop, keep doing your work. 3. To remain, to be left over, to be unfinished; he topa te kai, the food is not finished, there is some left. 4. To come to one's memory; i te aamu he topa te vânaga tûai, in the legends old words come to memory. 5. To remember, to reflect (with mana'u as subject); e-topa rivariva tokorua mana'u ki te me'e nei, let the two of you think carefully about this thing. Vanaga.

1. Wine; topa tahaga, id. 2. To fall in drops, to descend, to go down, to abdicate; topa iho, to fall; hakatopa, to knock down, to cause to fall; hakatopa ki raro, to knock down, to subjugate. 3. Childbirth, abortion; topa te poki, to lie in. 4. A feast, to feast. 5. To arrive, to result; topa rae, newcome; topa iho, to come unexpectedly; topa ke, to deviate; topa no mai, topa hakanaa, topa tahaga, mau topa pu, unexpected; topa okotahi, solitary; hakatotopa, to excite, to foment. 6. Bad, low, cheap, failure; igoa topa, nickname; ariga topa, sinister, sly, ill-tempered, to hang the head; hakatopa, to disparage; hakatotopa, irresolute. 7. (Of upward movement) topa ki raro, to scale, to surpass; hakatopa ki te ao, to confer a dignity; hakatopa ki te kahu, to spread a sail; hakatotopa, to make a genealogy. Churchill.

The male Arcturus is evidently contrasted with the female Procyon (Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava), the pillar 'for elocution', which arrived 100 days earlier, before spring equinox:

present autumn equinox present winter solstice present spring equinox
Sirrah 1 - Sirius 102 13 Spica (3) 204 24
Polaris (10) 28 27 Procyon (7) 116 14 Arcturus (6) 216 12
Alcyone 57 29 Alphard (5) 143 27 Toliman 222 6
Aldebaran (2) 69 12 Dubhe (4) 168 25 Antares (1) 250 28
Rigel 79 10 Phaed (9) 180 12
Alnilam 85 6
Betelgeuze (8) 89 4

With Sun ruling summer and Moon ruling winter it is easy to see why Arcturus is a 'tagata' in contrast to Procyon who is a 'vahine' (woman):

Ga2-17 Ga2-18 Ga2-19 (50) Ga2-20 Ga2-21 (*116) Ga2-22
Ga2-23 Ga2-24 Ga2-25 Ga2-26

The pair of female manu rere birds (Ga2-18--19) will be succeeded by a single male manu rere (in Ga2-22) - this we can see from the hook on his beak (a certain sign).

Maybe 2-22 alluds to Toliman, which could be in henua period 25 (a square of Saturn):

Ga6-17 (*222) Ga6-18

Arcturus must on the other hand also be contrasted with Ana-varu, the pillar 'to sit by' (Betelgeuze). This star arrives much earlier, close to winter solstice:

Ga1-20 Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 (*89) Ga1-25 (26)

The low neck in moe (Ga1-20) is probably a sign of Sun standing low ('sitting down'):

Ga1-20 (21) Ga2-3 Ga6-6 Gb3-12

And atariki in day number 89 is probably a sign of complete darkness, cfr at Vaha Kai. The preceding glyph (rima hati) probably illustrates the day when the old Sun king is hiding himself in order to survive (cfr at The Arm of Sun):

234 258
Gb8-30 (1) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 Ga1-23
236 = 8 * 29½ 260 = 13 * 20

The 8th Tahitian star pillar was apparently regarded to coincide with winter solstice and maybe we therefore should imagine the complete Sun cycle as measuring 8 * 45º = 360º. On the other hand, 8 * 46 = 368.

260 is not divisible by 8 and we therefore could need to increase it to 264, but we should rather continue to tagata toki in Ga2-1:

Gb1-7 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 (*89) Ga1-25 (26) Ga1-26 Ga1-27
264 = 8 * 33
Ga1-28 Ga1-29 Ga1-30 Ga2-1 (32)

236 + 268 = 504 = 72 weeks or 36 fortnights.