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5. Early I was convinced there must be a calendar for the year somewhere in the rongorongo texts. It was established 'fact' that there was a calendar for the month incised on the Mamari tablet and I had myself found what definitely was a calendar for the week in Hb9-17--58 (with parallel in P).

The henua calendar in G (with parallel in K) was the obvious candidate for what could be a description of the year. I spent much effort trying to coordinate the glyphs of the 31 periods with the days of the year. There was only one solution which seemed to fit, viz. to let each period stand for 13 days:

13 and 31 are 'reflecting' each other and 13 * 31 = 403:

Gb6-17 Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20 (403)

620 (in 6-20) = 20 * 31. As far as I can remember it these number beauties and the possibility to connect 13 and 31 with glyph number 403 went unnoticed by me, but as time goes on signs - at least some of them probably carefully embedded in the texts - become more and more easy to find. 6 * 20 = 120 = ⅓ * 360. If each little 'ball' represents 20 days, then there should be 60 days at left and 60 in front (of what probably is 'midnight'), let's take a quick look:

Gb4-18 (*403) Gb4-19 Gb4-20 Gb4-21 Gb4-22 (343) Gb6-20 (403)
Gb8-21 (463) Gb8-22 Gb8-23 Gb8-24 (*530)

In Tapa Mea I presented the 5 first glyph spaces in the burnt area of H and we can now better perceive how the creator of the H text has correlated the 20th glyph in line 6 with number 295 (= 10 * 29½):

... ... ...
Ha6-16 Ha6-17 Ha6-18 Ha6-19 *Ha6-20 (295) *Ha6-21 *Ha6-22
... ...
*Ha6-23 *Ha6-24 *Ha6-25 *Ha6-26 *Ha6-27 *Ha6-28 *Ha6-29

My solution for 13 glyphs in each henua period was attractive because it reminded me of the Mayan tzolkin (with 13 * 20 = 260 days), and later I also became aware of 13 * 28 = 364 (cfr in Kuukuu):






260 = 5 * 52


364 = 4 * 91 = 7 * 52

Below I have updated my calendar table slightly but kept its main structure. For practical reasons I have divided the periods into quartets:

1  1-13 day 1 = winter solstice
Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1
Ga3-2 Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5
2  14-26
Ga3-6 Ga3-7 Ga3-8 Ga3-9
3  27-39
Ga3-10 Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13
Ga3-14 Ga3-15 Ga3-16
4 40-52
Ga3-17 Ga3-18 Ga3-19 (*143)

I have added day numbers for glyphs which I since then have correlated with star pillars, e.g. *143 for Ana-heu-heu-po - which happens to coincide with where day 52 in my interpretation is located and which is glyph number 10 counted from Ga3-10.

5 53-65
Ga3-20 Ga3-21
6 66-78
Ga3-22 Ga3-23 Ga3-24
7 79-91
Ga4-1 Ga4-2 Ga4-3 Ga4-4
8 92-104 95 spring equinox 
Ga4-5 Ga4-6
 9 105-117
Ga4-7 Ga4-8
10 118-130
Ga4-9 Ga4-10
11 131-143
Ga4-11 Ga4-12 Ga4-13
12 144-156
Ga4-14 Ga4-15
13 157-169
Ga4-16 Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19
14 170-182
Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (*105) Ga4-22
15 183-195  185 summer solstice 
Ga4-23 Ga4-24 Ga4-25 Ga4-26 Ga4-27
16 196-208
Ga5-1 Ga5-2 Ga5-3
17 209-221
Ga5-4 Ga5-5 (*180)
Ga5-6 Ga5-7 Ga5-8 Ga5-9
18 222-234
Ga5-10 Ga5-11 Ga5-12
Ga5-13 Ga5-14 Ga5-15 Ga5-16
19 235-247
Ga5-17 Ga5-18 Ga5-19 Ga5-20 Ga5-21
20 248-260
Ga5-22 Ga5-23 Ga5-24 Ga5-25
Ga5-26 Ga5-27 Ga5-28 Ga5-29
21 261-273
Ga5-30 (*141) Ga6-1 Ga6-2 Ga6-3 Ga6-4
22 274-286  274 autumn equinox 
Ga6-5 Ga6-6 Ga6-7 Ga6-8
23 287-299  
Ga6-9 Ga6-10 Ga6-11 (*216)
24 300-312
Ga6-12 Ga6-13 Ga6-14 Ga6-15 Ga6-16
25 313-325
Ga6-17 (*222) Ga6-18
26 326-338
Ga6-19 Ga6-20
27 339-351
Ga6-21 Ga6-22 Ga6-23
28 352-364
Ga6-24 Ga6-25 Ga6-26
29 365-377 366 winter solstice
Ga6-27 Ga6-28 Ga6-29
30 378-390
Ga7-1 Ga7-2 Ga7-3 Ga7-4
31 391-403
Ga7-5 Ga7-6 Ga7-7 Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10

I have kept my ideas about where the cardinal points (redmarked above) should be located (and not bothered to update with better guesses based on where these days ought to be according to counting from winter solstice).

The purpose of presenting the table above is 2-fold - we need it in what follows and I think it will be useful as a reference later on.