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2. Lunar months are ½ day shorter than solar months. There are 4 days from Gb2-10 to Gb2-14. Thus there must have been a 'conjunction' 8 months earlier:

Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
196 = 14 * 14
Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29 (30) Ga1-30 Ga2-1 (32)
36 = 6 * 6
Gb2-11 Gb2-12 Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270)

These 8 months are presumably stretching from Hora iti to Vaitu nui, from Canopus to The Lucky One of the King (Sadalmelek):

He Anakena (a1) Hora iti (a2)

Hora nui (a3)

Tagaroa uri (a4) Ko Ruti (a5) Ko Koró (a6)
Tua haro (a7) Tehetu'upú (a8) Tarahao (b1)
Vaitu nui (b2) Vaitu potu (b3) He Maro (b4)
Ga1-30 Ga2-1 (*96) Ga2-2 Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270)
Canopus - α Carina 236
Ga1-29 (*94) Ga1-30 Gb2-15 Gb2-16 (*336)
'Eridu' (Tropus - η Geminorum) Sadalmelek - α Aquarii

The 'flow of water' ends at 'Eridu', but 8 months later Aquarius will initiate next rainy season. 365 - 242 = 123. This number has been mentioned earlier - cfr e.g. at The Tail Feathers.