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3. If we count right ascension day numbers from Sirrah (Gb6-26) we must reduce the numbers by 64 in order to find the corresponding glyphs. And 378 - 64 = 314, the number of π. At 314 a cycle should finish and the appropriate planet ought to be Saturn, but it is not:

Gb3-20 Gb3-21 Gb3-22 Gb3-23 (314) Gb3-24

If we should count a completed zodical round as 364 days, then 364 + 1 - 64 = day number 301 ought to be a position for Saturn - for he has to create 'one more' such round:

Gb3-7 Gb3-8 Gb3-9 (300) Gb3-10 Gb3-11

However, Gb3-11 (a Saturday) seems to say we instead should count 365 + 1 - 64 = 302.

Another alternative, presumably more correct, is to count the cycle of Saturn as 379 days (Wikipedia has 378.09 days), because then we could connect glyph number 237 (= 3 * 79) with Saturn, perhaps marking the beginning of his rule:

Gb1-5 Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237) Gb1-8 Gb1-9 Gb1-10

Half 472 = 236 and according to Gb1-7 'Mars' is going down. His head is evidently reused in Gb1-9, and we can compare with the similar 'cap head' inside, presumably swallowed by the rising fish in Gb7-26 (200 glyphs later):

Gb7-25 (436) Gb7-26 (*30) Gb7-27 Gb7-28
Gb7-29 Gb7-30 Gb7-31
Alrisha α Piscium 2º 31' N 01h 59m 30.2

Gb5-25 is at a Saturday and it forms a cube of 5. From Saturn to Jupiter (at a Thursday) there would then be 20 days:

Gb5-25 (379) Gb6-16 (399)

The kava glyph type is probably connected with lighting a new fire, as we have seen earlier:

kava Aa8-30 Eb7-16 Gb5-25

We need more precise synodical periods and we ought to include also Mercury and Venus:

  synodical period orbital period
Mars 779.96 1.88 years
Mercury 115.88 0.24 years
Jupiter 398.88 11.86 years
Venus 583.92 0.62 years
Saturn 378.09 29.46 years