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5. Glyph number 266, which probably marks autumn equinox, is Gb2-10. We can imagine a sign 210 meaning 7 solar months (counted from manu kake in Ga3-1):

Gb2-9 (*329) Gb2-10 (266) Gb2-11 Gb2-12
Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270) Gb2-15 Gb2-16 (*336)

If number 210 is referred to by Gb2-10, then it could be 'midstation' of a cycle with 420 days. But counting by Sun there are 4 days remaining to the end of 9 months, 75 % of a cycle of 360 days.

Undulations at bottom followed by a raised up ure in Gb2-9 is contrasted in Gb2-13 by undulations at the top end followed by a slackened neck hanging straight down. Although Gb2-13 basically is a moe glyph there is also a suggestion of kara etahi:

moe Gb2-13 kara etahi

Closer examination reveals several other signs. Likewise are Gb2-14--16 complex glyphs.

Experience from the pair Tropus and Canopus should make us look for more than one star also where the great flow is beginning, and we should first of all consider Sadalmelek:

Sirrah α Andromedae 00h 06m (0 * 60 + 6) / 1440 * 365¼ = 1.5
'time zero'
Alrai γ Cephei 23h 37m (23 * 60 + 37) / 1440 * 365¼  = 359.4
Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 22h 55m 348.8
Fumalhūt β Piscis Austrini 22h 29m 342.2
Alnair α Gruis 22h 05m 336.1
Sadalmelek α Aquarii 22h 03m 335.6

However, it is so close in right ascension to Alnair as to intrude upon it:

Sadalmelek - α Aquarii   Al Nā'ir - α Gruis
Gb2-15 (*335) Gb2-16 Gb2-16 (*336) Gb2-17

Maybe after autumn equinox there should be pairs of stars (corresponding to the 2 faces of Moon)-

Sadalmelek means Al Sa'd al Malik, the Lucky One of the King, according to Allen.  Maybe he is lucky because he has survived a vero attack at autumn equinox. Line b2 is number 10 counted from a1:


To throw, to hurl (a lance, a spear). This word was also used with the particle kua preposed: koía kua vero i te matá, he is the one who threw the obsidian [weapon]. Verovero, to throw, to hurl repeatedly, quickly (iterative of vero). Vanaga.

1. Arrow, dart, harpoon, lance, spear, nail, to lacerate, to transpierce (veo). P Mgv.: vero, to dart, to throw a lance, the tail; verovero, ray, beam, tentacle. Mq.: veó, dart, lance, harpoon, tail, horn. Ta.: vero, dart, lance. 2. To turn over face down. 3. Ta.: verovero, to twinkle like the stars. Ha.: welowelo, the light of a firebrand thrown into the air. 4. Mq.: veo, tenth month of the lunar year. Ha.: welo, a month (about April). Churchill.

Sa.: velo, to cast a spear or dart, to spear. To.: velo, to dart. Fu.: velo, velosi, to lance. Uvea: velo, to cast; impulse, incitement. Niuē: velo, to throw a spear or dart. Ma.: wero, to stab, to pierce, to spear. Ta.: vero, to dart or throw a spear. Mg.: vero, to pierce, to lance. Mgv.: vero, to lance, to throw a spear. Mq.: veo, to lance, to throw a spear. Churchill 2.

What other prominent stars are rising here, close to autumn equinox? I decide to list in time order all prominent stars (in my elementary astronomy book) rising from 21h up to Fomalhaut:

Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 29º 53' S 22h 55m 348.8
Skat δ Aquarii 16º 05' S 22h 52m 348.0
Matar η Pegasi 29º 58' N 22h 41m 345.2
Homan ζ Pegasi 10º 34' N 22h 39m 344.7
Sadalachbia γ Aquarii 01º 38' N 22h 19m 339.6
Ancha ζ Aquarii 08º 02' S 22h 14m 338.4
Alnair α Gruis 47º 12' S 22h 05m 336.1
Sadalmelek α Aquarii 00º 34' S 22h 03m 335.6
Deneb Algiedi δ Capricorni 16º 21' S 21h 44m 330.8
Enif ε Pegasi 09º 39' N 21h 42m 330.2
Azelfafage π1 Cygni 50º 58' N 21h 40m 329.7
Nashira γ Capricorni 16º 53' S 21h 37m 329.0
Sadalsud β Aquarii 05º 48' S 21h 29m 326.9
Alfirk β Cephei 70º 20' N 21h 28m 326.7
Alderamin α Cephei 62º 22' N 21h 17m 323.9

I have redmarked Enif and Azelfafage because they are close to day number 266 + 64 = 330. There is no star in my list at day number 270 + 64 = 334.

Azelfafage is a star high up (50º 58' N) in Cygnus, the Swan. It could correspond to Eagle & Dead Man:

It looks as if someone has been mortally hit by a spear (vero) at autumn equinox followed by his living spirit rising upwards along the Milky Way.

Flamsteed pictured a bird seen from below (in a way upside because we can see its feet):

Azelfafage (π1) is behind the tail of the Swan, the upper of the pair of stars. The lower  (π2) Sama al Azrak (according to Wikipedia) is slightly more bright and has a somewhat higher right ascension. I have converted to day number 331.0 by using 329.7 as point of reference:

Azelfafage (π1) 21h 42m 05.66s 4m 41.95s 21h 40m  329.7
Sama al Azrak (π2) 21h 46m 47.61s 21h 45m  331.0