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4. We can now try to connect Ana-muri and Ana-mua to our recent results:

Alrai γ Cephei 23h 37m 359.4
Kerb τ Pegasi 23h 18m 354.6
Markab α Pegasi 23h 02m 350.5
Scheat β Pegasi 23h 01m 350.3
Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 22h 55m 348.8
Fumalhūt β Piscis Austrini 22h 29m 342.2
Alnair α Gruis 22h 05m 336.1
86 days
Antares α Scorpii 16h 26m 250.1
Aldebaran α Tauri 04h 33m 69.2
Aldebaran 179 Antares 84 Al Nā'ir
Ga1-4 (5) Ga1-5 Ga7-16 (186) Ga7-17 Gb2-16 (272) Gb2-17
182 86
68 'Fum al Hūt' 4 Fomalhaut 9 Al Rāi'
Gb4-21 (342) Gb4-22 Gb4-27 Gb4-28 Gb5-5 (359) Gb5-6

182 + 86 + 86 = 354 (= 12 * 29½). Clearly we must adjust glyph number 186 for Ga7-16 in order to reach the expected day number 250 corresponding to the right ascension of Antares, and 250 - 186 = 64, i.e. we have to begin counting from Sirrah. She ('the woman in chains') has right ascension 00h 06m, which translates into day number 1.5 after autumn equinox south of the equator:

Sirrah - α Andromedae 62
Gb6-26 (*1) Gb6-27

There is a raaraa ('Sun absent') sign in the center of Gb6-27, and the right part looks like a variant of the right part in Gb2-1:

Gb1-26 (256) Gb2-1

The idea mayb be to illustrate how a new Sun is rising in front. Though the complex sign at right in Gb6-27 certainly gives expression of more. At the top there is a tao sign, a more symmetric such than in Gb4-28 and Gb2-23:

69 60 62 278
Gb4-28 (349) Gb6-27 (410) Gb2-23 (279)
130 342

42 * 8 (in Gb4-28) = 336 could refer to glyph number 336, viz. Gb2-16, and also - I suggest - to the 'flame' (Al Nā'ir) of the ancient Southern Fish which is rising 12 days earlier than the modern Southern Fish (Fomalhaut).

'The woman in chains' (Sirrah) seems to loose control over the calendar somewhere between Antares and Alnair. Maybe it happens after 10 lunar months:

Ga8-26 (230) Gb1-1 (*295) Gb1-2 Gb1-3

On the other hand, I have tried to add 64 to 272 (at Gb2-16) which gives a reasonable result.