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6. By chance (what else?) the day before yesterday the Crown Princess of Sweden delivered a little 'new one', her firstborn child, and the name of the baby was given as Estelle (French for 'star').

I connected the event with Gb2-16 because this glyph could correspond to a day of 'birth' ('one more') in the G calendar:

Gb2-16 (*42)

Gb2-16 is glyph number 26 + 16 = 42 counted from the beginning of side b, and the salute for the newborn princess Estelle was given with 42 cannon shots:

"21-gun salutes mark special royal occasions throughout Sweden, referred to as a Kunglig Salut (Royal Salute). The number of rounds fired in a salute depends on the place and occasion. The basic salute is 21 rounds. However, when a birth takes place within the Royal House of Sweden, and the child is the firstborn to either the reigning Monarch or to the heir to the throne a salute of 21 plus an extra 21 rounds are added, in all other births 21 rounds are fired." (Wikipedia)

21 * 6 (= 126) can therefore be interpreted as an even greater event, 3 times greater than the birth of a royal heir.

The 42-gun salute can be contrasted with that once used at Parehe:

... Several hundred Rapanui - probably members of the Koro 'o 'Orongo tribe of the eastern 'Otu 'Iti - observed the ceremony not far from Poike's parasitic cones Parehe, Teatea, and Vai 'a Heva, on the tops of which the Spaniards had planted three crosses. Following three boisterous 'Viva el Rey!' for each cross, the land party let off three salvos of musketry, whereupon the two Spanish vessels San Lorenzo and Santa Rosalia responded with 21 cannon salutes ...

Sweden has lately changed the old rule stipulating that the firstborn son of the king shall inherit the throne. Nowadays the emancipation of the women has reached to the highest place. The firstborn baby was a girl but that does not matter, she will inherit the crown anyhow.

However, a curious custom from old was still kept intact. 4 of the highest officials (including the prime minister) went to see the new girl. Their task was to ascertain that she was not a changeling, and afterwards they reassuringly proclaimed no swap had been made - it was truly a descendant of the Crown Princess (and no ogre).

"A changeling is a creature found in Western European folklore and folk religion. It is typically described as being the offspring of a fairy, troll, elf or other legendary creature that has been secretly left in the place of a human child. Sometimes the term is also used to refer to the child who was taken. The apparent changeling could also be a stock or fetch, an enchanted piece of wood that would soon appear to grow sick and die ..." (Wikipedia)