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2. What stars are rising with the Sun in day number 94?

Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29 (*94) Ga1-30

First we translate from day number to right ascension: The equation 94 / 365¼ = x / 1440 results in x = 370.6 which means ca 06h 11m. This region in the sky is located where Gemini and Canis Major are beginning:

We could say that the first stars of our current Gemini constellation are rising heliacally around day number 95 and the first stars of Canis Major about one day later.

Betelgeuze rose a few days earlier, and after investigating what prominent stars my elementary astronomy book has enumerated in this right ascension region I have created the following list:

Betelgeuze α Orionis 05h 52m 89.3
Menkalinan β Aurigae 05h 56m 90.3
Tejat Prior η Gemini 06h 12m 94.4
Furud ζ Canis Majoris 06h 18m 95.9
Tejat Posterior μ Gemini 06h 20m 96.4
Mirzam β Canis Majoris 06h 20m 96.4
Canopus α Carina 06h 21m 96.6
Mebsuta ε Gemini 06h 41m 101.7
Sirius α Canis Majoris 06h 43m 102.2

Tejat Prior and Tejat Posterior are, its seems, like twins. Likewise are Mebsuta and Mekbuda (see star map above), that we can guess from their positions in the sky and from their similarly sounding names. Thus Castor and Pollux were probably not the only twin stars in Gemini.


"Tejat Prior is from Al Tahāyī, an anatomical term of the Arabs by which it was known in early days; a name also applied to stars in the head of Orion."

The shape of Orion (I know from my own observations) can be imagined as a great man walking along, but curiously he has no head. In myth, I recall, Orion was said to be blind.

I guess there could be a causal relationship from the lost head of Orion to Tejat Prior. Hercules was blinded, and so were Samson, the Jaguar, and Polyphemus:

... At mid-summer, at the end of a half-year reign, Hercules is made drunk with mead and led into the middle of a circle of twelve stones arranged around an oak, in front of which stands an altar-stone; the oak has been lopped until it is T-shaped. He is bound to it with willow thongs in the 'five-fold bond' which joins wrists, neck, and ankles together, beaten by his comrades till he faints, then flayed, blinded, castrated, impaled with a mistletoe stake, and finally hacked into joints on the altar-stone ...

... The sacred oak-king was killed at midsummer and translated to the Corona Borealis, presided over by the White Goddess, which was then just dipping over the Northern horizon. But from the song ascribed by Apollonius Rhodius to Orpheus, we know that the Queen of the Circling Universe, Eurynome, alias Cardea, was identical with Rhea of Crete; thus Rhea lived at the axle of the mill, whirling around without motion, as well as on the Galaxy. This suggests that in a later mythological tradition the sacred king went to serve her at the Mill, not in the Castle, for Samson after his blinding and enervation turned a mill in Delilah's prison-house ...

... The jaguar learned from the grasshopper that the toad and the rabbit had stolen its fire while it was out hunting, and that they had taken it across the river. While the jaguar was weeping at this, an anteater came along, and the jaguar suggested that they should have an excretory competition. The anteater, however, appropriated the excrement containing raw meat and made the jaguar believe that its own excretions consisted entirely of ants. In order to even things out, the jaguar invited the anteater to a juggling contest, using their eyes removed from the sockets: the anteater's eyes fell back into place, but the jaguar's remained hanging at the top of a tree, and so it became blind ...

... Two were eaten that night for dinner, two the next morning for breakfast, and two the following night. (Six gone.) But the companions meanwhile had prepared a prodigous stake with which to bore out the Cyclops' single eye; and when clever Odysseus, declaring his own name to be Noman, approached and offered the giant a skin of wine, Polyphemus, having drunk his fill, 'lay back', as we read, 'with his great neck bent round, and sleep that conquers all men overcame him.' Wine and fragments of the men's flesh he had just eaten issued forth from his mouth, and he vomited heavy with drink.

'Then', declared Odysseus, I thrust in that stake under the deep ashes, until it should grow hot, and I spake to my companions comfortable words, lest any should hang back from me in fear. But when that bar of olive wood was just about to catch fire in the flame, green though it was, and began to glow terribly, even then I came nigh, and drew it from the coals, and my fellows gathered about me, and some god breathed great courage into us. For their part they seized the bar of olive wood, that was sharpened at the point, and thrust it into his eye, while I from my place aloft turned it about, as when a man bores a ship's beam with a drill while his fellows below spin it with a strap, which they hold at either end, and the auger runs round continually.

Even so did we seize the fiery-pointed brand and whirled it round in his eye, and the blood flowed about the heated bar. And the breath of the flame singed his eyelids and brows all about, as the ball of the eye burnt away, and the roots thereof crackled in the flame. And as when a smith dips an ax or adze in chill water with a great hissing, when he would temper it - for hereby anon comes the strength of iron - even so did his eye hiss round the stake of olive. And he raised a great and terrible cry, that the rock rang around, and we fled away in fear, while he plucked forth from his eye the brand bedabbled in much blood ...

In the same way as there has been more than one Southern Fish we can anticipate there was more than one twin star constellation (indeed in the Babylonian zodiac there are both the Great Twins and the Little Twins). The lost 'head' (or 'eye', mata) of the giant Orion can also have been positioned in different places. But I believe the most appropriate star should be Sirius, the most brilliant of them all.

... The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. 'Off with his head!' she said without even looking around ...