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5. Torrents of water come from Aquarius - the picture below does not show King Cepheus, which I may have insinuated earlier, instead it is Aquarius himself:

It is an astrological image illustrating the sign of Aquarius. Wikipedia: "I scanned this image from a reproduction of a (Normand?) medieval book of astrology (15th century). Unknown author."

He does not seem to be very happy and his body is showing signs of starvation. In the background, behind a pair of trees, stars are shining in the night. It is a shadowy place and it seems to be winter. When Aquarius empties his urn it could be a symbolical gesture to show how he is in harmony with Mother Nature, who is the main source of the flow.

This river of Mother Nature has its left bank painted a reddish brown and there is bridge in the same colour across to the grass on which Aquarius trods. I think he ought to be happy because he seems to have come across the bridge to the safe new ground corresponding to a new year. Maybe the explanation is the hard times at the onset of the Little Ice Age:

Our modern constellation Aquarius ends at the end of the right ascension cycle, immediately before spring equinox:

Sadalmelek is the name of its main star α Aquarii and it is located very close to 22h.

Sirrah α Andromedae 00h 06m (0 * 60 + 6) / 1440 * 365¼ = 1.5
'time zero'
Alrai γ Cephei 23h 37m (23 * 60 + 37) / 1440 * 365¼  = 359.4
Fomalhaut α Piscis Austrini 22h 55m 348.8
Fumalhūt β Piscis Austrini 22h 29m 342.2
Alnair α Gruis 22h 05m 336.1
Sadalmelek α Aquarii 22h 03m 335.6

Allen explains the name as derived from the Arabic Al Sa'd al Malik, the Lucky One of the King.

Maybe 'the lucky one' is lucky because he has managed to cross over the 'river' which separates one year from the next - 22 hours is equal to 10 hours beyond noon and 10 could have been regarded as the number of months in a year. This position must once have been at winter solstice, but then by cause of the precession been moved to a position 2 months before spring equinox.

Tomorrow will be February 29 (the year 2012 is a leap year) and February is the month which is 'cut short'. Tomorrow ought to be the last night in the last month of the year.

The 'Lucky One of the King' is a peculiar name - should it not be the King himself who is lucky? Or was there an interrex (an idea not far from that of a changeling) at the critical time, a 'King' who was shot by the arrow of Sagittarius. Nominally he was 'King', while the real king hid himself in a tree to avoid the danger. Thus the real king would become the lucky one (like a descendant to himself, 'of the King').