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3. Suppose we should count to Rehua from raaraa in Gb6-20:

65 183
Gb6-20 (*1) Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24 (407) 248
Ga7-14 (184) Ga7-15 Ga7-16 (*256) Ga7-17 Ga7-18 Ga7-19
Ga7-20 Ga7-21 Gb1-26 (256) Gb2-1

If this method of counting was meant to be perceived by the reader, then we ought to find a midpoint 256 / 2 = 128 glyphs from Gb6-20:

65 58
Gb6-20 (*1) Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24 (407) 123
256 / 2 = 128

I have redmarked 123 as an important number, for instance in:

59 62
Gb4-22 (343) Gb6-20 (403) Gb8-24 (*530)

It is also the difference between 531 (= 3 * 177) and 408. Furthermore, it emerged (cfr at Tagata Gagana) as the number of glyphs from the beginning of side b to the last day of 354, i.e. 123 + 45 = 168:

side b side a
168 73 11 218
Gb6-16 Ga1-11
side b side a
123 43 73 11 218
Gb4-33 (354) Gb5-1 Gb6-16 (399) Ga1-11

In the discussion about the 'Sun Yolk' (cfr at The Rain God) I presented 21 glyphs and among them is kara etahi in Aa2-33 with ordinal number 123:

Aa2-28 Aa2-29 Aa2-30 Aa2-31 Aa2-32 Aa2-33 Aa2-34
Aa2-35 Aa2-36 Aa2-37 Aa2-38 Aa2-39 Aa2-40 Aa2-41
Aa2-42 Aa2-43 Aa2-44 Aa2-45 Aa2-46 Aa2-47 Aa2-48

It is probably significant to arrive at the beginning of the henua calendar (where 'land' is rising again) and to Rei in Ga2-27 as number 128 counted from Gb6-20:

Ga2-27 (*1) Ga2-28 (59) Ga2-29 Ga3-1 (*4)
Ga3-2 (*5) Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5 (*8)
Ga3-6 (*9) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 (68) Ga3-9 (*12)

At Elbow Ornaments I suggested that the first 2 periods in the calendar, with 8 respectively 4 glyphs, could be a presentation of the front side (they have their rising maro strings attatched in another way than in the following periods). The last 3 glyphs in line a2 are presumably to be considered as the first of 8 for 'land' and I have coloured accordingly.

Halfway from raaraa in Gb6-20 the henua calendar is initiated by Rei in Ga2-27 (where 22 divided by 7 generates π). Let us update with paint the first quartet of periods in my old table:

1  1-13 day 1 = winter solstice
Ga2-27 (*1) Ga2-28 Ga2-29 Ga3-1
Ga3-2 Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5 (*8)
2  14-26
Ga3-6 Ga3-7 Ga3-8 Ga3-9 (*12)
3  27-39
Ga3-10 (*13) Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13
Ga3-14 Ga3-15 Ga3-16 (*19)
4 40-52
Ga3-17 Ga3-18 Ga3-19 (*22)

If Rei should come immediately after winter solstice, then the front side would lie ahead and 12 glyphs for Sun is reasonable. Then we can expect Moon to arrive, but she should have 8 glyphs, not 10. To reach 22 (symbolizing a complete circuit) there cannot be only 8. However, by inserting 2 glyphs for Mercury (who is 2 persons, both male and female) can we create order:

3 - 4  27-52 Mercury ?
Ga3-10 (*13) Ga3-11
Moon ?
Ga3-12 Ga3-13 Ga3-14 Ga3-15
Ga3-16 (*19) Ga3-17 Ga3-18 Ga3-19 (*22)

To make it work we have to combine 2 henua periods, which in a way is reassuring because the split personality of Mercury introduces number 2 so to say.

My play with structures and numbers must be supported by the images in the glyphs or else be dismissed. Here the key glyphs evidently are those I have suggested should belong to Mercury, because we recognize the head turned upside down and planted down in earth (poporo in Ga3-11) and the preceding hau tea has the eyes of Janus. It could be summer solstice.

Next we can count again and we are richly rewarded, because poporo is 'one more' than 140 days from raaraa and the distance 140 days (10 fortnights) has probably been calculated to be divided in half:

Gb6-20 (*1) Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24 (407)
Ga3-10 Ga3-11 (*141)

70 days from what could be winter solstice the tablet must be turned around to side a, and then another 10 weeks are needed in order to reach the midpoint determined by Mercury. But this idea implies we must count 4 * 70 = 280 in order to complete the whole circuit. Support is given by the equation 472 - 280 = 192.

Thus we ought to continue to glyph number 70 + 140 = 210 (counted from Gb8-30):

Ga7-30 (200) Ga7-31 Ga7-32 Ga7-33 Ga7-34
Ga8-1 (205) Ga8-2 Ga8-3 Ga8-4
Ga8-5 Ga8-6 (210) Ga8-7 Ga8-8 Ga8-9
Ga8-10 (214) Ga8-11 Ga8-12
Ga8-13 Ga8-14 Ga8-15

In Ga7-32 there are 7 + 6 = 13 feather signs - could they represent the 'tail feathers' of the year? Hardly, there should be only 2 of them. Maybe they instead are represented by glyph lines a8 and b1 because both have 26 glyphs and glyph number 256 counted from the beginning of the front side is the last in line b1:

a1 30 30 b1 26 26
a2 29 59 b2 35 61
a3 24 83 b3 30 91
a4 27 110 b4 33 124
a5 30 140 b5 29 153
a6 29 169 b6 28 181
a7 34 203 b7 31 212
a8 26 229 b8 30 242
sum 229 sum 242

If my guess is correct, then b1 should be line number 12 and the first line should be b6:

Gb6-1 (384) Gb6-2 Gb6-3 Gb6-4
Gb6-5 Gb6-6 Gb6-7
Gb6-8 Gb6-9 Gb6-10
Gb6-11 Gb6-12 Gb6-13
Gb6-14 Gb6-15 Gb6-16 (399)

384 = 13 * 29½ + ½ and line b6 contains several ure signs.