7. We could guess the head of the Tree-Serpent stretching out for Eve represents the head of Father Light (Jupiter): ![]()
However, Adam, at left (= in the
past), seems to have
nothing to do with generating next
little 'fire'. We should remember:
... In the beginning there was nothing but the sea, and above soared the Old-Spider. One day the Old-Spider found a giant clam, took it up, and tried to find if this object had any opening, but could find none. She tapped on it, and as it sounded hollow, she decided it was empty. By repeating a charm, she opened the two shells and slipped inside. She could see nothing, because the sun and the moon did not then exist; and then, she could not stand up because there was not enough room in the shellfish. Constantly hunting about she at last found a snail. To endow it with power she placed it under her arm, lay down and slept for three days. Then she let it free, and still hunting about she found another snail bigger than the first one, and treated it in the same way. Then she said to the first snail: 'Can you open this room a little, so that we can sit down?' The snail said it could, and opened the shell a little. Old-Spider then took the snail, placed it in the west of the shell, and made it into the moon. Then there was a little light, which allowed Old-Spider to see a big worm. At her request he opened the shell a little wider, and from the body of the worm flowed a salted sweat which collected in the lower half-shell and became the sea. Then he raised the upper half-shell very high, and it became the sky. Rigi, the worm, exhausted by this great effort, then died. Old-Spider then made the sun from the second snail, and placed it beside the lower half-shell, which became the earth. Old-Spider created Sun from the 2nd 'snail' - she created Moon first. Rigi, the 'worm', was discovered when Moon gave a little light. This powerful creature was there from the beginning and he on request pushed the sky roof very high. Maybe he used the force of a growing tree. Only after this had been accomplished could Sun be made, close to earth (presumably at the horizon in the east) from where he could follow the ecliptic path higher and higher in spring. Sun should not die, he must continue to live and not sink into the sea: ... The hero then hid in a meat sack, jumped on the Trickster and killed him. The corpse was cut up and the pieces scattered. However, the Trickster came back to life. He went away and stopped to rest by a lake, and meditated on death: should death be final or not? On seeing that a stick, then a buffalo turd, and lastly a piece of pith remained afloat after he had thrown them into the lake, he opted for resurrection. However, when a pebble sank, he reversed his decision. It was better that people should die, he concluded, otherwise the earth would quickly become overpopulated. Since that time, people only live for a certain period and die for ever ... Is not the conclusion from this myth that Sun should not multiply like people, that he instead by some other method should return fresh as new in the morning? He ought to go by boat across the sea (cfr at Parehe):
Producing offspring can logically not be a task for Sun, instead this is the business of Serpent ('worm') and Moon. When the strong one dies at midsummer there will be room for offsping. There should be 3 'persons': Moon, the Serpent of growth, and the immortal Sun. Of major interest are the arms of Adam and Eve - they are drawn to look like legs and therefore we should understand them as legs. Then we can count to 8 legs, which is a sign of Moon. We have entered the domain of night, therefore there should not be any arms. Each of these 8 legs are divided by knees and the number of limbs is equal to 2 * 8 = 16, a sign for 16 * 29½ = 472 days. South of the equator is the cup part of the earth and most of it is sea, therefore it cannot be ruled by Sun. Instead Serpent and Moon rule as man and wife. According to this map of time (determined by Moon) there seems to be a system of quarters, reading from top left to right (instead of from top right and down). The 1st quarter has Adam's head and the 2nd has the head of Eve. Immediately below their heads there are cap respectively cup signs (instead of leaves). The 3rd and 4th quarters have legs without any hint of being also arms. I think the idea could be the same as in my glyph type nuku:
We should remember how the Rain God is first climbing the Tree and then he is down in the earth:
Raingod, Tree, and Monster (head down) seem to be inseparable according to this version, where it is obvious that the following underground station is at the beginning, because Raingod and Monster are looking back. Summary of nuku in my outline glyph dictionary: