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6. Although Sirrah at present is at autumn equinox she has not been there since the beginning of time. But she has 'always' been 68 days before Aldebaran. Maybe the text of G is not basically a calendar but a description of the sky roof. Maybe it is just a coincidence that Sirrah can be perceived as standing at a cardinal point. With such a perspective we can eliminate the troublesome question of precession and where exactly solstices and equinoxes were positioned when the G text was created.

In the Dendera round zodiac Sun is drawn as a little Harpocrates connected to Libra:

If Sun is sucking his finger - unquestionably a sign of a little person -  it could in this zodiac mean he is being born in autumn, at Libra. The 2nd of the scales is touching, it seems, the similarly formed conical fool's hat of the Toliman 'Mad Dog', and north of the equator the Lion of summer is in the past, he has turned his head.

Had the picture been created south of the equator we would indeed have expected to find a Sun child at Libra. But Dendera lies north of the equator and therefore the circle drawn around Harpocrates could represent the full moon, which would be at the first point of Libra when Sun was at the first point of Aries.

In the Babylonian zodiac Old Man is at the opposite (spring) corner of the sky (above the 7 stars of the Pleiades):

It looks as if both these zodiacs sometimes appear to illustrate an order opposite to common sense, e.g. that Sun should be born early in spring and be found as an old man late in the year. Possibly the antipodal method explains why an 'upside down' arrangement could be natural, and possibly the text of G was composed in a similar vein. The antipodal method can generate a map of the sky roof composed from observing Moon in the night against her background of prominent stars rather than from tracking Sun against the ecliptical constellations.

The woman in chains, I have tried to demonstrate, presumably is the last part of the old year, in Andromeda where Sirrah is the main star. Next comes the square field of Pegasus, the first part of 'land' rising again from the 'sea' of winter (north of the equator). The constellation Horse surely must correspond to the winged horse Pegasus.

Field still is submerged by waves it seems, but horses need land. Rainbow implies Sun is returning. At the other end of the sky roof Abyss is drawn similar to Field, but with 3 * 3 = 9 wave crests instead of 3 * 12 = 12. Field and Abyss evidently mark the beginning respectively the end of the half-year when Sun stands high above, and Arrow (Sirius) has from this perspective a central position as a bird perching on a pole.

Libra (Scales) is caught in the claws of Scorpion and its basic meaning of balance and easy movement is therefore transformed into its opposite (a sign of negation like when the face of a beast is turned backwards). In a way the situation of Libra resembles that of the woman in chains (Libra must be a female sign because there are 2 scales both formed as cups).

But Andromeda is located in the following quadrangle. The explanation, I guess, is that Libra is a Sun constellation, while Andromeda is a Moon constellation. In autumn Sun 'dies', which mean he will first slow down his vital movements and then stop completely. His living spirit (manu rere) will from there fly upwards and follow the path of the galaxy. Libra lies on the ecliptic path of Sun, but Andromeda lies ca 30º above the ecliptic.

The perching bird (Arrow) could illustrate how Sun in his birdform has returned to earth, alighted at Orion. He no longer flies high above. Earlier in the year Eagle & Dead Man could visualize the beginning of the Sun bird's flight path above the ecliptic.

... Llew Llaw changes his name with the seasons ... in mid-Winter he is the Eagle of Nant y Llew...

My earlier idea, that the pole (Te Pou) referred to the pole around which the stars are whirling, cannot be right, because at the early time when the constellations got their names Sirius would have been at equinox. At the beginning, when the Milky Way crossed the ecliptic at the equinoxes, Arrow ought to have illustrated how the Sun bird was brought down from the Milky way to 'earth' by an arrow shot at him. At some point Sun must have been within range.