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1. The henua calendar is ending in line a7, and we ought to try to see if we can accommodate it in our Moon structure:

59 49 69 59 midsummer (?) 59 69 49 59
108 128 128 108
236 = 8 * 29½ 236 = 8 * 29½
Moon Sun Sun Moon
472 = 2 * 128 + 2 * 108

Let us repeat. First there are 59 glyphs from tamaiti in Gb7-3:

Gb7-1 Gb7-2 (*10) Gb7-3 Gb7-4 Gb8-30 (472)

This lunar double-month can be said to represent the season when the first snail has been changed into the Moon and placed in the west:

... Old-Spider then took the snail, placed it in the west of the shell, and made it into the moon. Then there was a little light, which allowed Old-Spider to see a big worm. At her request he opened the shell a little wider, and from the body of the worm flowed a salted sweat which collected in the lower half-shell and became the sea. Then he raised the upper half-shell very high, and it became the sky. Rigi, the worm, exhausted by this great effort, then died. Old-Spider then made the sun from the second snail, and placed it beside the lower half-shell, which became the earth ...

Maybe Old-Spider is the same person as the old woman watching from the corner:

... He had not seen the old woman watching him from the corner - the one who never slept and who never moved because she was stone from the waist down ...

Gb6-26 (409)

Sun is not made immediately after Moon has been placed in the west. Instead there is a 'big worm' (Rigi) who will raise the upper half-shell in two stages, first just a little - which caused him to generate sweat which became the sea. In the second and last stage he then raised the upper half-shell very high and died from the effort. Only after that did Old-Spider make the Sun from the 2nd snail.

The 'sea' is, we can guess, the phase of the journey in the night before 'land' has been reached. This sea could possibly be there already from tamaiti in Gb7-3, but I prefer to put the start of sky lifting where the front side is beginning:

Gb8-30 (1) Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 Ga1-4 (5)
Ga2-13 Ga2-14 (45) Ga2-15 Ga2-16 Ga2-17 Ga2-18 (49)

59 + 49 = 108, a number which probably indicates a domain close to 'the corner of the old woman who is stone from waist down and never sleeps':




A / n

















Time slows down when we come close to the celestial pole, which explains why the old woman at the center (in the corner) never sleeps. Sleep is the opposite of being awake and they are complementary aspects of life, but a stone never moves and never changes (cfr the tale about Urashima in Arcturus).

But how should we understand the following 8 glyphs?

Ga2-19 (50) Ga2-20 Ga2-21 Ga2-22
Ga2-23 Ga2-24 Ga2-25 Ga2-26

If we reduce 128 with 8 the Sun season will be 2 * 120 = 240 days:

59 49 8 61 59 central point 59 61 8 49 59
108 120 120 108
4 * 29 4 * 30 4 * 30 4 * 29
8 * 29½ 8 * 29½
Moon Sun Sun Moon
472 = 240 + 16 + 216

240 + 260 = 500 and the ordinal number of Ga2-19 is 50. 24 and 26 can be regarded as the complementary aspects of life, corresponding to sleeping and being awake. Maybe south of the equator a period of 240 days is associated with the season when Sun is far in the north and life 'sleeps' (winter):