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4. The quartet of curved figures presumably indicate where the sky roof is being raised up to let in the light from Moon, which happens earlier than when the sky roof is raised up to let in Sun:

beginning of new Moon 'year' (?)
Gb6-21 (404) Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24
beginning of new Sun 'year' (?)
Gb8-30 (1) Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 Ga1-4 (5)

The order with Moon being the first 'snail' and Sun being the second we know from the Nauru creation myth (cfr at The Rain God):

... In the beginning there was nothing but the sea, and above soared the Old-Spider. One day the Old-Spider found a giant clam, took it up, and tried to find if this object had any opening, but could find none. She tapped on it, and as it sounded hollow, she decided it was empty. 

By repeating a charm, she opened the two shells and slipped inside. She could see nothing, because the sun and the moon did not then exist; and then, she could not stand up because there was not enough room in the shellfish. Constantly hunting about she at last found a snail. To endow it with power she placed it under her arm, lay down and slept for three days. Then she let it free, and still hunting about she found another snail bigger than the first one, and treated it in the same way. Then she said to the first snail: 'Can you open this room a little, so that we can sit down?' The snail said it could, and opened the shell a little. 

Old-Spider then took the snail, placed it in the west of the shell, and made it into the moon. Then there was a little light, which allowed Old-Spider to see a big worm. At her request he opened the shell a little wider, and from the body of the worm flowed a salted sweat which collected in the lower half-shell and became the sea. Then he raised the upper half-shell very high, and it became the sky. Rigi, the worm, exhausted by this great effort, then died. Old-Spider then made the sun from the second snail, and placed it beside the lower half-shell, which became the earth ...

The distance from the 'Bacabs' of the new 'Moon year' to the beginning of the new Sun year is 65 (= 5 * 13) days and another 115 (= 5 * 23) days are then needed to reach Ga5-5 (where a new cycle can begin because the natural maximum number when counting the nights of Moon should be 20 * 20 = 400):

215 65 115
Gb6-20 (403) Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24 180 Ga5-5 (116)
216 184

216 = 5 * 43 + 1 (a new one is born at Gb6-20). This new one could be Rogo, a female god because of the Y position in the formula X + Y = Z (here evidently twins):

61 115
Gb6-25 Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 Ga5-5 (116)
X Y Z 177 = 6 * 29½

Rogo has no legs and she is presumably the old woman watching from the corner, she who never sleeps and never moves because she is stone from the waist down:

... In the morning of the world, there was nothing but water. The Loon was calling, and the old man who at that time bore the Raven's name, Nangkilstlas, asked her why. 'The gods are homeless', the Loon replied. 'I'll see to it', said the old man, without moving from the fire in his house on the floor of the sea. Then as the old man continued to lie by his fire, the Raven flew over the sea. The clouds broke. He flew upward, drove his beak into the sky and scrambled over the rim to the upper world. There he discovered a town, and in one of the houses a woman had just given birth.

The Raven stole the skin and form of the newborn child. Then he began to cry for solid food, but he was offered only mother's milk. That night, he passed through the town stealing an eye from each inhabitant. Back in his foster parents' house, he roasted the eyes in the coals and ate them, laughing. Then he returned to his cradle, full and warm. He had not seen the old woman watching him from the corner - the one who never slept and who never moved because she was stone from the waist down ...

If the Moon year should be measured as 400 glyphs, then it ought to begin in the dark with Ga7-18 and end with Ga5-4 (where 5 * 4 = 20):

Ga7-18 (*1) Ga7-19 Ga7-20 Ga7-21 Ga7-22 (192)
Gb6-20 (*216) Gb6-21 (*1) Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24
65 111
Ga5-1 (112) Ga5-2 Ga5-3 Ga5-4 (*184)
177 = 6 * 29½ 3

The open henua in Ga5-3 can possibly be explained as related to the end of this Moon year, and tagata in Ga5-4 could indicate it too.