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5. In view of the potentially usefulness of the tao periods we should continue by looking in front and at the back of also this pair:

228 228
Ga7-14 (184) Gb7-2 (413) Gb7-3 Ga7-1 (171)
230 230

Ga7-2 looks like a straight arm ending in a fist with thumb exposed and it is a day of Jupiter. Gb6-18 is painted black, and possibly it is meant to represent the first of 8 dark nights before Rogo will reappear:

228 228
Gb7-3 Ga7-1 (171) Ga7-2 Gb6-18 (401)
230 230
Gb6-17 Gb6-18 (401) Gb6-19 Gb6-20
Gb6-25 (408) Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 Gb7-1 (412)

The structure does not seem to give any clear sign of Gb6-19 being a 'tau' glyph. But it is possible to discern 4 pairs, with a quartet inserted in its center:

Gb6-17 Gb6-18 (401)
Gb6-19 Gb6-20 Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24
Gb6-25 (408) Gb6-26
Gb6-27 Gb6-28

Taken together with the following Gb6-20 we can imagine a kind of 'birth' taking place, viz. a period which is 184 + 72 = 256 days long:

24 45 215 69 115
Ga5-5 (116) Ga6-1 (141) Ga7-17 (187) Gb6-20 (403)
72 216 (= 3 * 72) 184

The empty hands raised high in Ga7-17 can be contrasted with the reversed situation in Gb6-20. Instead of arms drawn like bands there are 'arms' drawn like strings. Instead of arms raised high visualizing 'empty' there are 'arms' hanging down with 'fruits'.

Moving backwards in time (from Ga7-14 which in some way should be connected with the similarly designed Ga5-5) we should go to glyph number 184 + 472 - 230 = 426:

228 228
Gb7-15 (426) Ga7-13 (183) Ga7-14 (184) Gb7-2 (413)
230 230
Gb7-12 Gb7-13 Gb7-14 (425)
Gb7-15 (426) Gb7-16 Gb7-17

Ga7-13 is showing a mata both the back and in front, suggesting a position of stand-still ('death). In Gb7-15 there is a single feather sign inside the fish, which should mean the opposite of a feather sign outside, i.e. intstead of disappearing behind the mountain in the west there should be an appearance in the east.

If there is a kind of regenerative process involving Gb7-15, then the result should be tao in Gb7-17, with the 'father' in Gb7-15 and the 'mother' in Gb7-16 (cfr the preceding triplet which ends with a stand-still. 'death').

Apparently it is here possible to extend the basic triplet:

228 228
Ga7-14 (184) Gb7-2 (413) Gb7-3 Ga7-1 (171)
230 230
Ga7-2 Gb6-18 (401)

But only, it seems, by paying the price of involving more glyphs per 'cardinal point' (2 at Gb6-19--20 respectively 3 at Gb7-15--17).