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2. There are lots of signs everywhere in the G text and they can easily lead us astray as if we were in a labyrinth. Moreover, we can see signs which the creator of the text maybe not have planted there.

But glyph number 177 could hardly have been embellished with 16 feathers only to make us realize the text is structured to accomodate 16 lunar months:

Ga7-5 Ga7-6 Ga7-7 (177) Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10 (180)
Ga7-11 Ga7-12 Ga7-13 Ga7-14 Ga7-15 (185) Ga7-16 Ga7-17

180 is half 360 and the last glyph in the last henua period should therefore make us recognize tamaiti in Ga7-11 (a Saturday) as a sign of the first day (the 'child') of the 2nd half of 360. The mouth of the preceding kiore is closing, the season of growth is coming to a close.

Empty hands (nothing remaining) are lifted high in Ga7-17, where 71 * 7 = 497 could point at Ga7-20 (3 glyphs later) as a sign for how the 'fire' (5) will come to an end:

Ga7-18 Ga7-19 Ga7-20 (*500) Ga7-21 Ga7-22 (192)

But evidently a new fire has just been alighted (at bottom in Ga7-19). The preceding Saturday has no 'mata' in front, the absence of which probably indicates the darkness preceding the birth of a new fire.

Ga7-18 is a unique glyph with only one other similar such to compare it with, viz. Ga4-20 (cfr at Rau Hei):

242 sun
Gb4-9 (330) Ga4-17 (101)
Gb4-12 (332) Ga4-20 (104)

In Ga4-20 we can imagine the bottom triplet (Moon?) generating a 'mata' at the same time as the top 'head' (Sun?). Possibly it means Spica is a star at which the time measurements according to Sun and Moon should be coordinated - there should be a 'conjunction' between their calendars:

Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (*5) Ga4-22
Ana-roto (?)
Ga7-18 Ga7-19 (*89) Ga7-20

After 84 days (12 weeks) another such day of correlation seems to occur, when the next half of the year is beginning.

At manu kake it is tempting to count 4 * 21, instead of 42 * 1 which is rather meaningless. Maybe my rule of thumb does not apply when the last digit is 1.

266 (autumn equinox) - 189 = *166 - *89 = 77 could allude to Ga7-7, 89 days earlier than autumn equinox.

Ga7-19 is preceded by a dark night, probably designed to make us understand the connection with Ana-roto.

Instead of counting 71 * 9 = 639 = 3 * 213 we should rather count 7 * 19 = 133, because 7 and 19 are relevant numbers - 7 (Saturn) for the measure of 'land' and 19 (Sun) as an allusion to the 19th interregnum 'month' with 5 days (beyond 360). There are 2 'years' in a year and at midsummer the first of them should end in a way similar to when the 2nd of them is ending.

And 266 / 2 = 133, i.e. 14 * 19 = 266. Glyph number 133 is Ga4-22 (with a dot in front and with 42 * 2 = 84):

Ga4-20 Ga4-21 (*5) Ga4-22 (133)
Ana-roto (?)
Gb2-9 Gb2-10 (266) Gb2-11 Gb2-12 (*168)

Here I have coloured according to the day numbers counted from Rei in Ga4-17. For instance is *166 - *5 = 161 = 7 * 23 and therefore Gb2-10 must also be a Sun-day.