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12. Let us now see how the cycle could have continued beyond Ana-roto (Spica):

12 Arcturus 32 Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri
day 73 day 106 day 290
45 (= 5 * 9) 185 (= 5 * 37)

Ana-mua, the star announcing summer, comes half a quarter beyond Ana-roto, and to Ana-muri there are 230 days (equal to the number of glyphs on the front side of the G text).

Beyond Ana-muri, the stern of the summer canoe, follows the end of the year, when land is sinking into sea again:

30 (= 5 * 6) 4 Sirius 13 Procyon 26
day 325 day 339
45 (= 5 * 9)
75 (= 360 / 4)

230 + 75 = 295 (or 10 lunar months), and 60 + 230 + 75 = 365. But Sirius is still standing before Procyon, and Arrow (Te Pou) before Serpent and Raven.

And Antares should be regarded as standing earlier then Aldebaran, even if this is far from obvious because of their antipodal positions. South of the equator Ana-mua rises in spring and therefore must be earlier than Ana-muri. North of the equator it must be the opposite. The star which rises early in the year comes first. Therefore Procyon comes before Sirius even if Sirius stands before Procyon in the order which Sun visits them.

In the text of G there are 472 days, not 365, and 230 of them are on what I suggest is the front side. If the back side of the year should begin at glyph number 231 (Gb1-1), then there are 30 days beyond Ana-muri which could corresponds to line b1. However this line has only 26 glyphs and we evidently have to continue to count also the first 4 glyphs in line b2:

Gb1-20 (250) Gb1-21 Gb1-22 Gb1-23 Gb1-24 Gb1-25 Gb1-26 (256)
Gb2-1 Gb2-2 Gb2-3 Gb2-4 (260) Gb2-5
Te Pou (?)

Te Pou (Sirius) means the 'pole', and when standing at winter solstice this name is appropriate.The idea of a wooden post could have influenced the design of henua in Gb2-5 - which has a straight bottom instead of the normal curve (as e.g. in Gb2-3).

With 260 days as 10 times 26 and connected with Sun, the end of this important cycle should be at a Saturn-day. Number 261 is one more than 13 * 20 = 260, and 9 * 29 = 261. Cfr at The Arm Of Sun where I have pointed out how atariki (the king of shadows, ata-riki) in Ga1-24 (here recounted to *25) is number 261 beyond glyph number 472 / 2 - but this day 260 is a Friday, as if to say that Saturn's rule is over, or that Sun is being regenearted by Venus instead of being stamped out:

256 = 8 * 32
Gb1-7 (237) Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 (*25)
261 = 9 * 29

Furthermore, counted from vaha mea in Ga1-4 there are 261 glyphs to number 266 - as in the day of autumn equinox (cfr at Mago) - and (we should remember) 266 + 99 = 365:

39 220
Ga1-4 (*5) Ga2-14 (45) Gb2-10 (266)
261 = 9 * 29
Gb2-6 Gb2-7 Gb2-8 Gb2-9 Gb2-10 (266)
Te Pou (?)
Gb2-11 Gb2-12 Gb2-13 Gb2-14 (270)

If we count with 9 lunar months to autumn equinox the result will be 266½, i.e. Te Pou could be also here. If we then wish to go on and continue to count to the end of the Sun year at day 365, we can count 99 from Gb2-11 (which looks like a kind of tree inside which Sun has hidden). The exact position of Te Pou depends on which cycle we are following.