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1. We have from studying the first 4 star pillars of Tahiti began to assemble a map of the sky roof. The first pair of pillars are located at opposite ends of the sky, like the ornaments at the prow and stern of a canoe (rei-mua respectively rei-muri):

Ana-mua 726m Ana-muri 712m
Antares Aldebaran
16h 26m 04h 33m
986m (= 16 * 60 + 26) 1713m (= 28 * 60 + 33)
24 * 60 = 1440m

To translate distances in rectascension minutes into days we can multiply by 365¼ / (24 * 60) = 0.2536, e.g. is 726m * 0.2536 = 184 days. And from Aldebaran to Antares  there are 0.2536 * (986 - 273) = 0.2536 * 713 = 181 days, which happens to be equal to the length from summer solstice to winter solstice south of the equator:

South of the equator
358 - 177 = 181 days 365 - 358 + 177 = 184 days
autumn spring
Aldebaran Antares Antares Aldebaran
North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

Furthermore, by what appears to be another remarkable coincidence there are 2 * 364 rectascension minutes from Ana-mua up to and including Ana-muri:

Ana-mua 726m Ana-muri 712m
986m 1713m
728m (= 2 * 364 = 26 * 28)
24 * 60 = 1440m

Possibly this once determined why Antares and Aldebaran were chosen to be the first pair of star coordinates.

If the cycle had been defined to be e.g. 12 or 36 hours instead of 24 hours, then the symmetries would still remain:

12 * 60 = 720 364 26 * 14
24 * 60 = 1440 728 = 2 * 364 26 * 28
36 * 60 = 2160 1092 = 3 * 364 26 * 42

Therefore we cannot use 2 * 364 = 26 * 28 as an argument to prove that the Polynesians used 24h for the full sky cycle. But the number for the cycle must be chosen with care, because not any arbitrary subdivision would give equally nice results. For instance is neither 10 nor 16 good numbers for the full cycle if the distance from Ana-mua up to and including Ana-muri is to be used in the framework:

10 * 60 = 600 728 / 1440 * 600 = 303⅓
16 * 60 = 960 728 / 1440 * 960 = 485⅓

Still, there are several attractive alternatives to 24h, e.g.:

3 * 60 = 180 728 / 1440 * 180 = 91 91 = 13 * 7
9 * 60 = 540 728 / 1440 * 540 = 273 273 = 13 * 21
6 * 60 = 360 728 / 1440 * 360 = 182 182 =13 * 14

Not to mention such alternatives which use another division of the 'hour' than into 60 equally long 'minutes':

24 * 15 = 360 728 / 1440 * 360 = 182 13 * 14
36 * 15 = 540 728 / 1440 * 540 = 273 13 * 21
96 * 15 = 1440 728 = 2 * 364 13 * 56