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4. There is only one more of this open ('ghostly') henua variant among the 31 in the calendar, viz. in period 11:

period 11
Ga4-11 Ga4-12 Ga4-13 (97)
period 16
Ga5-1 Ga5-2 (113) Ga5-3

17 is one more than 16 and 11 is one less than 12, I reflected, having observed the odd signs in form of a 'foot' at henua in Ga4-15 on one hand and the straight back of kiore in Ga5-9 on the other:

12 11   16 17
Ga4-15 Ga4-13 Ga5-3 Ga5-9

The pattern is suggesting a reversal (a 'mirror') between period 11 and period 16, and my idea was reinforced by the same type of 'beak' in Ga4-13 and Ga5-3 (which presumably indicates a relationship). However, this type of beak is found also in period 15, but nowhere else among these 31:

Ga3-5 (1) Ga3-9 Ga3-16 Ga3-19 Ga3-21
Ga3-24 Ga4-4 Ga4-6 Ga4-8 Ga4-10 (10)
Ga4-13 (11) Ga4-15 Ga4-19 Ga4-22 Ga4-27 Ga5-3 (16)
Ga5-9 (17) Ga5-16 Ga5-21 Ga5-29 Ga6-4 Ga6-8
Ga6-11 Ga6-16 Ga6-18 Ga6-20 Ga6-23 Ga6-26
Ga6-29 Ga7-4 Ga7-10 (31)

I therefore assumed also Ga4-27 ought to be considered in this context, notice how its henua is oblique at the top end:

11 12   15 16 17
Ga4-13 Ga4-15 (99) Ga4-27 Ga5-3 Ga5-9 (120)

All such signs surely were intended to be observed and understood, but what can they possibly mean?

Maybe we should separate Ga3-5 and Ga3-9 from those which follow, because of the manner in which their maro strings are attatched to henua, and reduce the following period numbers by 2:

*9 *10   *13 *14 *15
Ga4-13 Ga4-15 Ga4-27 Ga5-3 Ga5-9 (120)

It would mean there will be only 29 proper periods, and the total number of maro feathers would be reduced by 11, from 156 to 145 (= half 290):

Ga3-16 (*1) Ga3-19 Ga3-21 Ga3-24 Ga4-4 Ga4-6 Ga4-8
Ga4-10 Ga4-13 (*9) Ga4-15 Ga4-19 Ga4-22 Ga4-27 Ga5-3 (*14)
Ga5-9 (*15) Ga5-16 Ga5-21 Ga5-29 Ga6-4 Ga6-8 Ga6-11
Ga6-16 Ga6-18 Ga6-20 Ga6-23 Ga6-26 Ga6-29 Ga7-4
Ga7-10 (*29)

From a lunar perspective the mouth which is closing in Ga7-10 can now be understood as a sign that the month is closing.

The 2nd week (Ga4-10 -- Ga5-3) is the only week with 6-feathered maro strings. If such feathers indicate 'fire' (light), then the week when Moon is growing quickly could be indicated by many feathers:

5 * 6 = 30
Ga4-10 Ga4-13 Ga4-15 Ga4-19 Ga4-22 (*12)
If we disregard the feathers in Ga4-13 and Ga5-3, then their number will be 24 + 4 = 28 (equal to the number of nights in a month when Moon is shining). 4 + 6 = 10
Ga4-27 Ga5-3 (*14)

In Ga4-22 there is a dot and it probably marks the end of the last period in a sequence (either counted as number 14 or as number 12). Also number 22 could be a sign of how a cycle is closing (alluding to 7 * 3.14) , and - we can assume - it ought to be a phase of waxing.

period 14
Ga4-20 (104) Ga4-21 Ga4-22