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1. We have established a hypothesis, viz. that the text of G has documented where Ana-mua (Antares) and Ana-muri (Aldebaran) were positioned in the sky, with their day numbers counted from winter solstice and equal to the ordinal numbers of Ga6-5 respectively Gb4-9:

South of the equator
Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri 30 150
151 - 5 = day 146 335 - 5 = day 330
185 180
365 days
period 22
Ga6-5 (146) Ga6-6 Ga6-7 Ga6-8
Gb4-6 Gb4-7 Gb4-8 Gb4-9 (330) Gb4-10 Gb4-11
Gb4-12 Gb4-13 Gb4-14 Gb4-15 Gb4-16 Gb4-17

Ana-mua and Ana-muri are names borrowed from the first pair of the 10 Tahitian 'star pillars':


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01


Ana-heu-heu-po, the pillar where debates were held

Alphard, α Hydrae

-08° 26'  09h 25


Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae, a pillar to stand by

Arcturus, α Bootis

19° 27'  14h 13


Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava, pillar for elocution

Procyon, α Canis Minoris

05° 21'  07h 37


Ana-varu, pillar to sit by

Betelgeuse, α Orionis

07° 24'  05h 52


Ana-iva, pillar of exit

Phaed, γ Ursae Majoris

53° 58'  11h 51


Ana-nia, pillar-to-fish-by

North Star, α Ursae Minoris

89° 02'  01h 49

Earlier I guessed there could be a correspondence between the glyph lines on the G tablet and these star pillars. Now, though, the idea seems to be less relevant. Instead we have two options, either to go on and search in the text for Ana-roto (Spica) - at its proper place according to where we have put Ana-mua and Ana-muri - or we could look for a star in glyph line a5 with a rectascension slightly earlier than that of Ana-mua. The rectascension (right ascension) is the 'longitude' on the star globe and not dependent on the visibility of the star from Easter Island.

But maybe Spica is in line a5, because 13h 23m is not much earlier than the value 16h 26m for Antares. The difference is 183 minutes (16 * 60 + 26 = 986 and 13 * 60 + 23 = 803) and it can probably be converted to days by dividing by 4:

South of the equator
Ana-roto 45 Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri 30 104
146 - 183 / 4 = day 100 151 - 5 = day 146 335 - 5 = day 330
365 days

46 days is a distance between stars and such are 'crisis-resistant', not changed by precession, whereas on the other hand the day numbers are changing as time goes by. But day number 100 ought to have been such an attractive number as to possibly have 'frozen time' for a while, disregarding changes suggested by observation. We can therefore not take for granted my earlier suggestion of a date for the creation of the G text to about 360 (= 5 * 72) years before the present.

Day number 146 - 46 = 100 lies 13 days after spring equinox:

period 13
Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19
North of the equator South of the equator
spring equinox 80 autumn equinox 266
summer solstice 172 winter solstice 358 = 266 +172 - 80
autumn equinox 266 spring equinox 87 = 358 + (266 - 172) - 365
winter solstice 356 summer solstice 177 = 87 + (356 - 266) = 6 * 29½

Manu rere in Ga4-16 was earlier discussed at Elbow Ornaments, e.g.:

period 10 1 period 12 period 13
3 3
Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-10 Ga4-14 (98) Ga4-15 Ga4-16 (100)
4 3
Mercury Jupiter
Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-19 (50) Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-16 (100)

46 is certainly significant in the rongorongo texts, for instance is it used in Tahua:

752 59 520
Ab7-26 Aa8-26 Ab1-1
754 = 26 * 29 580 = 20 * 29
1334 = 46 * 29

If we should rearrange Ana-roto to a position at the end (which I guess is more in agreement with the general characteristics of Virgo) then also 230 (equal to the number of glyphs on the front side of the G text) will be evident:

South of the equator
Ana-roto 45 Ana-mua 183 Ana-muri 30 104
146 - 183 / 4 = day 100 151 - 5 = day 146 335 - 5 = day 330
365 days

But the end is a new beginning and we can keep Ana-roto where it is in the table. Virgo is the only female in our zodiac and in Babylonia she was Furrow and Frond.

Furrow (Eastern half of Virgo) The Furrow is obviously the origin of our modern Virgo with her familiar ear of barley. The constellation rises in the autumn when the fields have been prepared and are ready to be sown with the coming season's barley seed.

Frond (Coma Berenices & western part of Virgo) The Frond is represented in the heavens by the figure of the goddess Erua holding her sacred branch of the Date-palm. Her constellation rises in the autumn months as the dates are ripening on the fronds.

Maybe 71 * 5 = 355 = 12 * 29.5 + 1 is a number appropriate for this time of the year:

Ga7-11 Ga7-12 Ga7-13 Ga7-14
Ga7-15 (185) Ga7-16 Ga7-17 Ga7-18 Ga7-19
Ga7-20 Ga7-21 Ga7-22
355 - 185 = 170, and 170 + 230 = 400. In a 20 * 20 night long cycle the distance from Spica to Aldebaran will cover 230 nights, leaving the remaining 170 to be ruled by Moon alone:

"In Babylonian mythology, Sarpanit (alternately Zarpanit, Zarpandit, Zerpanitum, Zerbanitu, or Zirbanit) is a mother goddess and the consort of the chief god, Marduk. Their marriage was celebrated annually at New Year in Babylon. She was worshipped via the rising moon, and was often depicted as being pregnant. She is also known as Erua ... " (Wikipedia)

The Babylonian new year began, according to Wikipedia, with the first new moon after vernal equinox. Erua sounds very much like Polynesian erua:


1. Two; second; other (precedes the noun); te rua paiga, the other side. 2. Hole, grave; holes in the rocks or between the rocks of the coastal lagoons; he keri i te rua, to dig a hole. 3. To vomit. Vanaga.

1. Two. P Mgv., Ta.: rua, id. Mq.: úa. 2. Nausea, seasickness, to vomit, disgust; hakarua, to vomit, to spew. PS Mgv.: aruai, ruai, to vomit. Mq.: úa, id. Ta.: ruai, id. Pau.: ruaki, id. Sa.: lua'i, to spit out of the mouth; lulua, to vomit. To.: lua to vomit. Fu.: lulua, luaki, id. Niuē: lua, id. Viti: lua, id.; loloa, seasick. 3. Cave, hollow, ditch, pit, hole, beaten path, grave; rua papaka, a ditch. P Pau.: rua, a hole. Mgv.: rua, a hole in the ground, ditch, trench. Mq.: úa, dish, hole, cavern. Ta.: rua, hole, opening, ditch. Churchill.

Ta.: ruahine, an old woman. Ma.: ruahine, id. Ta.: ruaroa, tropic of Capricorn. Mq.: uaoa, a constellation, the eleventh month. The sense in Tahiti is probably that of some constellation which may be used to determine the position. Ta.: ruau, an old man, an old woman. Ha.: luau, a parent. Churchill.

The night of the new moon is the 29th night when she is invisible, when Sun is behind her.

"Though the fern was reckoned a 'tree' by the Irish poets, the 'plundered fern' is probably a reference to fern-seed which makes invisible ..." (The White Goddess)

For Sun the corresponding season ought to be his 4th dark quarter or maybe winter solstice, I think, beyond which his state of 'invisibility' he will be reborn.

10 glyphs beyond Ga4-16 there is another example of the Ana-mua type of glyph:

period 13
Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19
period 14
Ga4-20 (104) Ga4-21 Ga4-22
period 15
Ga4-23 Ga4-24 Ga4-25 Ga4-26 (110) Ga4-27
period 22
Ga6-5 (146) Ga6-6 Ga6-7 Ga6-8

Also this figure is a Sun-day.

... The ten or twelve days when the Sun appeared to linger at the winter solstice were a period of deep concern to primitive man, who trembled lest the luminary hesitate too long or fail to return to give life and warmth to earth and mankind. Hence the reference to the 'long pit' [marua-roa - a term used by the Maori for both solstices (and for the seasons of the solstices)].

Rua or lua is the cavern on the horizon from which the Sun rises or the corresponding pit on the western horizon through which he descends to the Underworld, and the 'long pit' was the one in which he remained for several successive days rising at the same point and setting at the same point while apparently making up his mind to retrace the path toward the equinoxes. In the short winter days when food was scarce and the earth unproductive and one looked forward with longing to the welcome warmth of spring it was impossible not to feel apprehension until the lengthening of the hours of daylight became perceptible, bringing assurance of the renewal of life ...

10 could have been the number of days for winter solstice before 2 'tail feathers' were added. Another measure could have been 1 / 10 of 360 (for the full cycle of the sky roof). Remarkably 10 + 36 = 46 days will leave 314 (100π) days for the rest of the cycle - beginning with Ana-mua and ending with Ana-roto:

9 35 313
Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-26 (110) Ga6-5 (146)
10 36 314

The Ana-mua type of glyph somewhat resembles the Rogo type of glyph and I decide to classify it as such:

109 35 262 63
Ga4-26 (110) Ga6-5 (146) Gb6-26 (409)

But Virgo is not a constellation easily connected with winter solstice. In the Babylonian zodiac she is halfway from Arrow to winter solstice:

The long 'furrow' in the earth into which Sun descended and became 'invisible' was therefore presumably once autumn equinox. When a long time ago Gemini stood at vernal equinox (north of the equator) Virgo would have defined summer solstice, i.e. south of the equator she would have been at winter solstice.

A location of Ana-roto to Ga4-16 could have been intended to indicate the onset of winter solstice in order to put Ana-mua at the beginning of the new year and at Ga6-5.