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4. Hakaturou in Gb1-18 has a single curve, but beyond Gb6-20 there is a quartet of curves - such is the first impression:

Gb6-20 Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24 (407)
Gb6-25 Gb6-26 (409) Gb6-27 Gb6-28

However, the tail of Gb6-24 makes it too into a singular, with the preceding haú ke forming a triplet of a slightly different kind.

I guess the perspective here is that Sun has been making an Underground sea voyage and is now approaching the new 'land' - beyond midnight (24) a new day will begin.

... On the twenty-fifth day of the first month (Vaitu Nui), Ira and Makoi set sail; on the first day of June ('Maro'), the bow of Ira's canoe appeared on the distant horizon, came closer and closer on its course, and sailed along, and finally (one) could see the (new home) land. The canoe reached the islets (off the coast), and Ira saw that there were three such islets. Ira said, 'Hey you, crew of young men, the vision of Hau Maka, our father, which he revealed to me, has come true. There are 'the handsome sons of Te Taanga, who are standing in the water', for this is the name that the dream soul of Hau Maka gave them. Unforgotten (? kai viri kai viri) are they, these three. And therefore this is the (right) land lying there; this is Te Pito O Te Kainga, which also received its name from the dream soul.'

The canoe continued its exploration and in a sweep sailed on to Hanga Te Pau.

hokoou.he rarama he oho te vaka he vari ki hanga.te pau

They went ashore and took the food with them.

he tomo ki uta.he too i te kai ki uta.

They pulled the canoe onto the beach and left it there.

hee totoi i te vaka ki uta he hakarere.


1. Menstruation, period (also: tiko). 2. To tack, to veer (nautical); ku-vari-mai-á te miro, the boat arrives, have veered [around Rano Kau]. Vanaga.

About, circumference, to turn in a circle; hakavari, pliant, to bend, square; varivari, about, to go around; vavari, a garland; varikapau, circumference, to surround, a compass, to admire; hiriga varikapau, to go in a ring; pa varikapau, to close in; varitakataka (vari-taka 3) to surround. Churchill.

Pau.: Vari, marsh, mire, dirt. Ta.: vari, dirt, mud. Rar.: vari, mud. Churchill.

Mgv.: Vari, paste well diluted. Mq.: vaivai, to dilute, to thin. Ha.: waliwali, soft, pasty. Churchill.


1. To wind, to coil, to roll up; he viri i te hau, to wind, coil a string (to fasten something). 2. To fall from a height, rolling over, to hurl down, to fling down. Viriviri, round, spherical (said of small objects). Viviri te henua, to feel dizzy (also: mimiro te henua). Vanaga.

To turn in a circle, to clew up, to groom, to twist, to dive from a height, to roll (kaviri). Hakaviri, crank, to groom, to turn a wheel, to revolve, to screw, to beat down; kahu hakaviri, shroud. Viriga, rolling, danger. Viriviri, ball, round, oval, bridge, roll, summit, shroud, to twist, to wheel round, to wallow. Hakaviriviri, to roll, to round; rima hakaviriviri, stroke of the flat, fisticuff. P Pau.: viriviri, to brail, to clew up; koviriviri, twisting. Mgv.: viri, to roll, to turn, to twist; viviri, to fall to the ground again and again in a fight. Mq.: vii, to slide, to roll, to fall and roll. Ta.: viri, to roll up, to clew up. Viritopa, danger. Mgv.: Viripogi, eyes heavy with sleep. Mq.: viipoki, swooning, vertigo. Churchill.

Viti: vili, to pick up fallen fruit or leaves ... In Viti virimbai has the meaning of putting up a fence (mbai fence); viri does not appear independently in this use, but it is undoubtedly homogenetic with Samoan vili, which has a basic meaning of going around; virikoro then signifies the ring-fence-that-goes-about, sc. the moon. In the Maori, aokoro is the cloud-fence ... Churchill 2.

The sea journey of Sun evidently covers the last quarter of the year (Vaitu nui, Vaitu potu, He Maro). In the Egyptian picture the water is stretching up to midnight, and then the ship continues on land - cfr i te vaka ki uta he hakarere ('moved the canoe onto land'):

Curves are necessary to make cycles and 'land' arrives at midnight (or winter solstice):

Gb6-17 (400) Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20 Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23
Gb6-24 (407) Gb6-25 Gb6-26 (409)

The creature in Gb6-24 has a head which looks like that of an old - the eye is far from the beak - cock crying out at early dawn. The rebirth of Sun probably occurs with Rogo in G6-26, the 10th glyph beyond number 399.

Gb6-24 could correspond to Oromanga, but also to Te Pu Mahore (or Te Manavai if we disregard the 'remnants from the Old Land'):

65 84 149 12
Gb6-24 (407) Ga4-1 (85) Gb1-5 (235) Gb1-18 (*720) Gb1-19


Te Pu Mahore


Hatinga Te Kohe


Maunga Teatea


Te Poko Uri


Roto Iri Are




Te Manavai


Tama (*)




Te Kioe Uri


One Tea (†)


Hanga Hoonu


Te Piringa Aniva


Hanga Takaure


Rangi Meamea


Te Pei




Peke Tau O Hiti


Te Pou


Pua Katiki


Maunga Hau Epa


Hua Reva



Akahanga (†)




Hanga Moria One


Papa O Pea


Ahu Akapu

birthplace of the new king

residence of the current king

residence for the future king

residence for the abdicated king

28 Te Pito O Te Kainga

Oromanga possibly corresponds to the first quarter of the year. 24 + 25 = 49 = 7 * 7 (a square of land for the Sun king).

26 + 27 = 53 is a number not earlier understood:

... For some reason 53 appears in several places, e.g. 472 - 4 * 53 = 260, 366 = 2 * 53 + 260, and 5 * 53 = 265 ...

But now we can guess number 53 represents the season when Sun is absent, as suggested above for the pair of stations named Papa O Pea and Ahu Akapu. For instance is 472 - 53 = 419 (4 days after raaraa). And 419 + 26 = 445 has a 'fruit' in front with 5 + 5 feathers, not impossible to associate with a residence for a future king. Also, 8 * 3 = 24 and a Friday:

Gb7-5 Gb7-6 (416) Gb7-7 Gb7-8 Gb7-9 (419)
Gb7-31 Gb8-1 Gb8-2 Gb8-3 (445) Gb8-4 Gb8-5

In Gb8-2 there is no growing maro string. Instead the Old Land (henua) lies lifeless (open outline).

At hakaturou in Gb1-18 number *720 can be imagined to be the result of 3 * 240, i.e. as a combination of 3 for Spring Sun and 8 * 30 for Spring Sun. We can compare with 6-24 which from this view is expressing twice as much.

472 = 314 + 314 / 2 + 1:

65 84 149 12
Gb6-24 (407) Ga4-1 Gb1-5 (235) Gb1-18 (*720) Gb1-19 (249)
Gb6-20 (403) Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23
157 = 314 / 2