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5. If we consider period 10 to be the last part of Sun's path, then we can imagine that it is his 'living spirit' (manu rere) who returns 7 glyphs later:

Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-10
Ga4-11 (95) Ga4-12 Ga4-13
Ga4-14 (98) Ga4-15
Ga4-16 (100) Ga4-17 Ga4-18 Ga4-19

Rei in Ga4-17 seems to be the first glyph in the next sequence of events, and in Ga4-19 (a Sunday) kiore is back in shape again. 41 * 9 = 369 is more than 365¼. Last time we saw him at a Sunday was 24 glyphs earlier:

Ga3-17 Ga3-18 Ga3-19 (79)

If we consider Old Sun's disappearance down into the Underworld to take place in day number 295 (10 lunar synodic months), then 7 glyphs later perhaps should be understood as 70 days later:

period 10 1 period 12 period 13
3 3
Ga4-9 (93) Ga4-10 Ga4-14 (98) Ga4-15 Ga4-16 (100)

295 + 70 = 365.

The creator of a new 'fire' (Saturn) has nuku ('earth', autumn) at left and vaero ('tail feather') at right:

nuku Ga4-18 vaero

Possibly vaero here could indicate the last part of autumn. Although there were 2 sisters named nuku:

"... Ruanuku, Motu ariki, Te Ao marama, Tu mare, Ranganuku, Matariki, Wari, and Ro Tauira the pattern-maid - these were the females. These were Rangitokona's descendants born of heaven and the earth ..." (Moriori myth of creation accoding to Legends of the South Seas.)