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1. Once again, possibly the G text covers the time measured in rectascension minutes from the rise of Sirius (Reitanga) to the rise of Toliman:

winter south of the equator
02h 10 Sirius 399 minutes Spica 72 minutes Toliman 01h 50
06h 43 13h 23 14h 36
7h 51 = 471 minutes
02h 11' = 131' 01h 51' = 111'
713' (= 23 * 31') = 11h 53'

I consulted Wikipedia to find out if my rectascension numbers were correct:

Sirius 06h 45m 08.9173s
Spica 13h 25m 11.5793s
Toliman 14h 39m 36.4951s

Of course there must be small differences depending on how exact the measurments are, and another factor is the change in position depending on the date - the precession will gradually increase the rectascention value for a given star. The very small movements of a 'fixed' star against the fixed background, on the other hand, is of less importance. Furthermore, anciently there was a tendency to ignore small differences when describing reality, at least if there was no explanation ready at hand.

One glyph in G could correspond to 1 minute of rectascension. Sirius should be immediately before the beginning of the 16 lines of glyphs. With 8 * 59 = 472 days as another possible measure for the G text I have earlier thought it was necessary to count Gb8-30 twice. However, another solution is to imagine the 'station' of Sirius to be on the threshold but not inside (not on the tablet).

Counting from Sirus to Toliman there are 472 minutes, which is exactly equal to 4 months given that we count each hour of rectascension as 59 minutes (472 / 59 * 12 / 24 = 4). But with 59 minutes for each hour it seems more reasonable to count the distance between Sirius and Toliman as 472 / 59 * 10 / 16 = 5 months, especially as Sun basically should have only 10 months. However, the distance counted in zodiacal figures could be longer than 5:

Only by regarding the bluemarked lady archer as the same sign as the preceding 'cow' (with Sirius drawn as a star) can we reach 5 at the last of the bluemarked figures (alias The Mad Dog, another canine figure).

If we count the blue lady as a separate sign, then the total number of months for Sun will be 6 / 5 * 10 = 12 (and 472 / 59 * 12 / 16 = 6 months will be the distance from Sirius to Toliman).

Neither Sirius nor Toliman are mentioned in the list of Tahitian star pillars:


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01


Ana-heu-heu-po, the pillar where debates were held

Alphard, α Hydrae

-08° 26'  09h 25


Ana-tahua-taata-metua-te-tupu-mavae, a pillar to stand by

Arcturus, α Bootis

19° 27'  14h 13


Ana-tahua-vahine-o-toa-te-manava, pillar for elocution

Procyon, α Canis Minoris

05° 21'  07h 37


Ana-varu, pillar to sit by

Betelgeuse, α Orionis

07° 24'  05h 52


Ana-iva, pillar of exit

Phaed, γ Ursae Majoris

53° 58'  11h 51


Ana-nia, pillar-to-fish-by

North Star, α Ursae Minoris

89° 02'  01h 49

We should notice, though, that beginning with Ana-roto there are 5 pillars which lie within the rectascension interval defined by Sirius and Toliman. 2 + 5 = 7, which in the week will set out Sun and Moon as the initial pair corresponding to Ana-mua and Ana-muri.

Ana-roto will then correspond to the day of Mars, which suits him well because spring is the season of central importance for the process of procreation. From One comes Two, and from Two comes Three. From Three everything else will then be generated.

According to my imagined pattern Ana-tipu will be the day of Mercury. He lacks the stability needed to be a pillar and therefore reinforcement has to be fetched from the region of the North Pole.