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2. The stern of the ship is seen in Argo but its prow is hidden:

... Robur Carolinum, Charles' Oak, the Quercia of Italy and the Karlseiche of Germany, was formally published by Halley in 1679 in commemoration of the Royal Oak of his patron, Charles II, in which the king had lain hidden for twenty-four hours after his defeat by Cromwell in the battle of Worcester, on the 3rd of September 1651 ...

24h is a full cycle. When the king reappears he will be as fresh as new.

The face at the rudder is in front which shows Argo is a place of turning around. The hind quarters of Centaurus and Canis Major are oppositely oriented.

"... The Ship appears to have no bow ... Aratos wrote: Sternforward Argō by the Great Dog's tail // Is drawn; for hers is not a usual course, // But backward turned she comes, as vessels do // When sailors have transposed the crooked stern // On entering harbour; all the ship reverse, // And gliding backward on the beach it grounds. // Sternforward thus is Jason's Argō drawn ..." (Allen, Star Names. Their Lore and Meaning.)

This point of turning around should be around 10h:

Sirius, α Canis Majoris

-16° 39'  06h 43

Toliman, α Centauri

- 60° 38'  14h 36

14h 36 of Toliman is late in summer (north of the equator), not far earlier than 16h 26 of Antares:


Ana-mua, entrance pillar

Antares, α Scorpii

-26° 19'  16h 26


Ana-muri, rear pillar (at the foot of which was the place for tattooing)

Aldebaran, α Tauri

16° 25'  04h 33


Ana-roto, middle pillar

Spica, α Virginis

-10° 54'  13h 23


Ana-tipu, upper-side-pillar (where the guards stood)

Dubhe, α Ursae Majoris

62° 01'  11h 01

Sirius is likewise arriving not much later than 04h 33 of Aldebaran.

North of the equator this point of turning around will be in summer and south of the equator the same point will be in winter:

winter south of the equator
Aldebaran Sirius 7h 53 Toliman Antares
04h 33 06h 43 14h 36 16h 26
02h 10 01h 50
11h 53

Reading the rectascension numbers as if they were signs we can see that both Toliman and Antares indicate the end of cycles.

02h 10' + 7h 53' + 01h 50' = 11h 53' and thus, according to this 'map', summer south of the equator will be a little longer than winter (12h 7' < 11h 53').

In the round Dendera zodiac we ought to find the stern of Argo half a cycle around from Sagittarius:

But we can see a whole ship to the left of the perching bird at summer solstice. It would have been unnatural to depict only a stern. The horn of the cow on board is drawn in the form of a 2nd boat sign and it carries a 5-pointed star ('fire').

The boat carrying a cow carrying a star is down at the bottom among the bluemarked signs:

The male Sagittarius has both the archer's bow and the bow of the ship. The stern of the ship is connected to a female archer. This double sign ought to indicates Moon. Above is a lion onboard another type of ship, lacking a stern, and this indicates Sun. The end of Sun (the stern of his ship) is depicted as if missing - Sun has only one limb (the one in front, drawn as a serpent). We should notice how the right front leg of Aries (the ram) is placed inside the horn of the backward looking Taurus falling down.

If we count with 16 figures (4 blackmarked and 12 blue) then there are 7 signs from Sagittarius to the female archer. Moving in the other direction there are 9:

1 + 6 = 7 2 + 7 = 9

But maybe we should consider the female archer and her ship as a single figure:

1 + 6 = 7 2 + 6 = 8

South of the equator Scorpio is the sign which announces where the front side of the year is beginning, and counting clockwise there are 3 blackmarked and 4 blue signs before the life of summer comes to a standstill (at the perching bird):

front side back side
3 + 4 = 7 7 + 1 = 8

Above Scorpio, closer to the north pole, lies a constellation which has a type of boat which resembles that of the female archer:

Inside is someone sitting down and in front he has a great circle with what evidently is the infant Sun sucking his finger. This Sun circle is balancing on Libra and below is an old lion looking back. The composition is complex and surely has much more to tell us.