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1. These are, once again, the 24 glyphs of line Ga3:

Ga3-1 (61) Ga3-2 Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5
Ga3-6 (66) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 Ga3-9
Ga3-10 (70) Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13 Ga3-14 Ga3-15 Ga3-16
Ga3-17 (77) Ga3-18 Ga3-19
Ga3-20 (80) Ga3-21
Ga3-22 (82) Ga3-23 Ga3-24

The roof of the Taranaki storehouse does not resemble that of an upside down wooden bowl. The practical minded would say this is just due to the climatic conditions on New Zealand where timbers were the obviously best material for building. Timbers are straight and thus the form of the roof also became straight rather than rounded.

I disagree. In the ancient cosmic world it was important that everything fit together harmoniously in all directions. The resemblance with the vero sign cannot be ignored:

vero Ga3-10 (70) ragi Ga3-20 (80)

Possibly my prototype of vero indicates a waterfilled sack at its bottom.

The absence of a crescent of light in Ga3-10 can be compared with its presence in Ga3-20. Venus is at the beginning and Moon is at the end of a development.

Ga3-20 has ordinal number 80 = twice 40:

Ga1-2 Ga1-11 Ga1-29
Ga2-1 Ga2-5 Ga2-7 Ga2-9 (40)
Ga3-10 Ga3-20 (80)

2 * 9 = 18 and 3 * 20 = 60 (= twice 3 * 10). The design of the legs clearly connect Ga3-10 with Ga3-20, while Ga3-7 is special. Instead, the high neck of Ga3-7 connects it with Ga2-9.

Henua period number 3 has a sky without any lights, but in henua period 5 the light has returned. It is also increasing (the eating gesture in front).

The high neck and short legs sign is beginning with Ga2-5 and ending with Ga3-7:

Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-6 Ga2-7 Ga2-8 Ga2-9 (40)
Ga2-10 Ga2-11 (42) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 (68)

Manu rere in Ga3-8 should mark a final (with the living spirit leaving in a flight upwards). The pau sign in Ga3-7 could indicate 'very little left'. Maybe the first 2 henua periods therefore represent the last part (the 'tail feathers') of the previous cycle.

The long 3rd henua period could then correspond to the dark winter solstice nights, and if we count also Ga3-9 among these their number will be 8:

Ga3-6 (66) Ga3-7 Ga3-8 (68) Ga3-9
Ga3-10 (70) Ga3-11 Ga3-12 Ga3-13 Ga3-14 Ga3-15 Ga3-16

Hau tea with eyes both at the back and in front probably indicates winter solstice.