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6. Suppose the following structure is basic for the calendar in G:

14 176 278
Gb8-16 Ga7-7 (177) Gb8-14 (456) Gb8-15
192 = 8 * 24 280 = 8 * 35
472 = 8 * 59

The front side of the calendar could then begin with Gb8-16, half a month earlier than we up to now have assumed. And then there is not a single 106 (= 2 * 53) night long dark period at the end of side b, there are 2:

90 15
Gb5-12 (366) Gb8-15 (457)
Hanga Te Pau (?) 91

A quarter (13 weeks) is here followed by a period with 15 nights, but maybe the last 3 of them are no longer completely black:

290 176
Gb8-26 (468) Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 Gb8-30 (472) Ga7-7 (177)
292 180

Like when we are playing with the cube of Rubrik we can twist and turn with promising results steadily arriving, but the perfect solution remains elusive.

It is necessary for us, I think, to integrate in the discussion the pair of birds in Ga3-18:

Ga3-17 Ga3-18 (78) Ga3-19

If we add 3 to number 78 it becomes the ominous 81 (= 9 * 9), and furthermore it is a day of Saturn. Possibly the hole in the center between the birds illustrates the elevated sky roof apex of midsummer high above a similarly formed earth hill. 31 * 8 = 248:

Gb1-13 Gb1-14 (244) Gb1-15 Gb1-16 Gb1-17 Gb1-18 (248) Gb1-19

Half the year comes before midsummer and half after, we could say, but on Easter Island the truth was rather that the front side was twice as long as the back side, and that therefore the 6 kiore+henua periods in line Ga3 should be grouped accordingly into 4 + 2, with the back side of the year beginning with Ga3-20 where indeed we can see the night sky (ragi) growing (kai):

Ga3-20 (80) Ga3-21
Ga3-22 (82) Ga3-23 Ga3-24

What looks like a black arrow head is pointing straight down in Gb1-19 (a Sunday), where 11 * 9 = 99 and 249 + 99 = 348:

Gb4-20 Gb4-21 Gb4-22 Gb4-23
Gb4-24 Gb4-25 Gb4-26 Gb4-27 (348)

If Gb1-18 should be regarded as the last day of the front side, then there will be 472 - 248 = 224 days or 16 fortnights left of the cycle. And 248 + half 248 = 372:

Gb5-10 Gb5-11 Gb5-12 (366)
Gb5-13 Gb5-14 Gb5-15 Gb5-16 Gb5-17 Gb5-18 (372)
Gb5-19 Gb5-20 Gb5-21 Gb5-22 Gb5-23 Gb5-24 (378)

51 * 8 = 408 (etc):

Gb6-25 (408) Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28
Gb7-1 (412) Gb7-2 Gb7-3 Gb7-4

The number of 'feathers' in front of the 6 kiore+henua glyphs in line Ga3 are (6 + 5 + 5 + 5) + (5 + 5) = 21 + 10 = 31. Maybe the last 10 of them indicate how Sun no longer is present. 21 could allude to 3 (Mars) * 7 ('land'). The first period is special, because there is 'one more' than 5 feathers in front:

Ga3-1 (61) Ga3-2 Ga3-3 Ga3-4 Ga3-5

Presumably it means a new 'fire' ('land', cfr in Ga3-2) is born with line Ga3. It would be in harmony with the mirror situation in line b3 where evidently the season of moko is born:

Gb3-12 Gb3-13 (304) Gb3-14 Gb3-15 Gb3-16
Gb3-17 Gb3-18 (309) Gb3-19 Gb3-20 Gb3-21 Gb3-22 Gb3-23 (314)

304 - 62 = 242, which we should remember, happens to be the number of glyphs on side b:

side a side b
61 168 72 168
Ga3-2 (62) Gb3-12 Gb3-13 (304)
230 242

The back side is 12 days longer than the front side, and these 12 days are located before moe in Gb3-12. I guess they are at the very beginning of side b:

Gb1-1 Gb1-2 Gb1-3
Gb1-4 Gb1-5 Gb1-6 (236)
Gb1-7 Gb1-8 Gb1-9
Gb1-10 Gb1-11 Gb1-12 (242)