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2. Reviewing what I just have written I realize there are improvements to be made:

Gb8-30 (1) Ga1-1 Ga1-2
Ga1-3 Ga1-4 Ga1-5 Ga1-6 (7)
Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 (10)
Ga1-10 Ga1-11 (12)
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 (15)

If ariki in Ga1-13 (Mars) is meant to be inside (not visible), then also Jupiter in Ga1-8 ought to  be arranged between a pair of similar glyphs. He is the one who will be 'sacrificed', and ihe tau is followed by a great fish on a string (probably representing a kind of causal relationship). Both the preceding Mercury and the following Venus have 2 faces ('eyes'), one to the left and one to the right of Sun (the 'head').

The 'tail months' are number 11 and 12, and number 11 illustrates a lesser rising fish (together with a lesser 'half-shell'), i.e. it could be Moon who rules for a while when Sun has left and she is generated from (put in front of) the lesser 'half-shell'.

Ihe tau at left in Ga1-8 could be intended to illustrate 'the broken canoe' (like half a limb) of Spring Sun 'awash in the surf':

... The hull of the canoe was regarded as the backbone of their chief. In laments for dead chiefs, the deceased are often compared to broken canoes awash in the surf ...

The form was used on Easter Island (as well as in Peru) for a kind of conical reed 'canoe' (pora):

(Picture from Thor Heyerdahl's Påskön, en gåta som fått svar.)


1. Buoy made of totora reeds formerly used to swim to Motu nui. 2. Large basket for keeping things: he-to'o i te pora kai kiroto ki te ana, he took a basket of food to the cave. Vanaga.

Poraa (po 2 - raa 2) day. Churchill.

Pau.: Kaporapori, a mat. Mgv.: pora, mat, scaffolding of a raft. Mq.: poá, coconut leaves. Sa.: pola, plaited coconut leaves. Ma.: porapora, a mat. Churchill.

This explanation of the text is better because it does not destroy the link between the chain of glyphs on one hand and the chain of planets on the other, and there are 7 days in a week:

Ga1-3 Ga1-4 Ga1-5 Ga1-6 (7)
Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 (10)

Moon has ariki in Ga1-5 and the appearance of another ariki (without any 'eye') in Ga1-13 can then be explained by referring to the idea than the Old Moon Queen (Vakai) dies (metaphorically 'goes inside') at One Tea:

Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 (10)
8 Hua Reva (?) 9 Akahanga (?) 10 Hatinga Te Kohe (?)
Ga1-10 Ga1-11 (12)
11 Roto Iri Are (?)
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 (15)
12 Tama (?) 13 One Tea (?) 14 Hanga Takaure (?)

A sort of 'chikin' sign can be imagined at right in Ga1-13, and Moon dies in the east where 'land' is rising.

I have cheated, it seems, by arranging Saturn in Ga1-10 to generate first a little Moon fish and then 'the 2nd snail' (Sun) in tagata gagana. But if Moon rules beyond 10 Hatinga Te Kohe, then she ought to have 2 glyphs instead of 1 because she has 2 faces. In the death skull there are 2 holes.

So after rearranging a little bit more my currently best solution to the tangled puzzles is:

Around Rano Kau:

Old Land

1 Te Pu Mahore 2 Te Poko Uri


New Land

3 Te Manavai
Gb8-30 Ga1-1 Ga1-2

Along the southern coast -  1st part (waxing):

4 Te Kioe Uri 5 Te Piringa Aniva 6 Te Pei 7 Te Pou
Ga1-2 (4) Ga1-4 Ga1-5 Ga1-6 (7)
Along the southern coast - 2nd part (waning):

8 Hua Reva

9 Akahanga

10 Hatinga Te Kohe
Ga1-7 Ga1-8 (9) Ga1-9 (10)
8 Hua Reva (?) 9 Akahanga (?) 10 Hatinga Te Kohe (?)
Outside the southeastern corner (regeneration):
Ga1-10 Ga1-11 (12)
11 Roto Iri Are (?) 11 Roto Iri Are (?)

Birth of Moon (west)

Birth of Sun (east)

Old Land

Te Pu Mahore

Te Poko Uri

Tama (*) One Tea (†)


New land

Te Manavai

Te Kioe Uri

Hanga Takaure Poike
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 (15)
12 Tama (?) 13 One Tea (?) 14 Hanga Takaure (?)

Counting in 7-day weeks Te Pu Mahore and Te Poko Uri will be at the end of the preceding month, given that Oromanga is the birthplace of the new king:


Te Pu Mahore


Te Poko Uri


Te Manavai


Hatinga Te Kohe


Maunga Teatea


Te Kioe Uri


Roto Iri Are




Te Piringa Aniva


Tama (*)




Te Pei


One Tea (†)


Hanga Hoonu


Te Pou


Hanga Takaure


Rangi Meamea


Hua Reva




Peke Tau O Hiti


Akahanga (†)


Pua Katiki


Maunga Hau Epa




Hanga Moria One


Papa O Pea


Ahu Akapu

birthplace of the new king

residence of the current king

residence for the future king

residence for the abdicated king

28 Te Pito O Te Kainga

Venus (Aphrodite) was born from the foam bubbles generated when the waves of the sea broke on the beach. She represents the beginning.

Presumably Te Pu Mahore and Te Poko Uri are represented as dangling 'eyes' at left in Ga1-2 and also as small holes (pu hou) in the side of the entrance paega:
