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4. It is necessary to begin to update and improve our short list of glyph types. I will start with tagata:

Growth proceeds from bottom up, like the text on a rongorongo tablet, and the 'head' will gradually rise higher and higher, like Sun in spring.

When 'the man' is fully grown he stops and turns to look straight at us. His movement 'ahead' has stopped, as for instance at summer solstice.

fully grown man


Man; human being in general; the plural is gagata. Vanaga.

Man, mankind; tagata ke, some one else; tagata no, nation. P Pau.: tagata, man. Mgv.: tagata, man or woman. Mq.: enata, enana, kenana, man. Ta.: taata, id. Tagataa, incarnate. Tagatahaga, human, humanity. Churchill.

I felt it necessary to add the comments at right, the signs must be connected to the frame of thought.

The head is different in the variant tagata gagana:

A death skull with holes instead of eyes probably indicates a season when Sun is absent. Beyond high summer the rain clouds will cover the sky, and later in autumn the vegetation will wither, turn into 'straw'.

The season with Sun absent has ended, because we can see the whole 'man' looking straight at us. His short 'arms' indicate how the sky dome is lying low, close to earth as in midwinter.

tagata gagana
dead man
end of 'the season of straw' (?)

Gagana is close to gagata (pluaral of tagata). Metoro said gagana only once while reading for Bishop Jaussen:

e gagana


Exhausted, strengthless, to faint. Vanaga.

To faint, to fall in a swoon, death struggle. Gagata, crowd, multitude, people, population. Mgv.: A bird. Mq.: kaka, id. Pau.: Gagahere, herbs, grass. Ta.: aaihere, herbs, bush. Ma.: ngahere, forest. Pau.: Gagaoa, confused noise. Ta.: aaoaoa, noise of a rising assembly. Churchill.

... the progeny of Tu increased: Rongo, Tane, Tangaroa, Rongomai, Kahukura, Tiki, Uru, Ngangana, Io, Iorangi, Waiorangi, Tahu, Moko, Maroro, Wakehau, Tiki, Toi, Rauru, Whatonga - these were the sons ... (Moriori myth of creation accoding to Legends of the South Seas.)

We must also take the opportunity to list all the tagata glyphs in line Ga1. The prototype of tagata gagana is Ga1-11:

Ga1-11 (12) Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 Ga1-15 (16)

By counting from Gb8-30 tagata ganana in Ga1-11 becomes a day of Sun and Ga1-15 a day of Jupiter. Likewise the 'wreck' of a man in Ga1-19 becomes a day of Jupiter:

Ga1-16 Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19
Ga1-20 Ga1-21 (22) Ga1-22 Ga1-23
Ga1-24 Ga1-25 (26) Ga1-26 Ga1-27
Ga1-28 Ga1-29 (30) Ga1-30

The figure without a head in Ga1-29 has a short arm at right and at left the same type of wavy arm which in Gb5-5 is at right:

Gb5-5 (359) Gb5-6 Gb5-7 Gb5-8
Gb5-9 Gb5-10 Gb5-11 Gb5-12 (366)

Maybe the wavy arms are meant to show 'water'. According to 'the old system' the ordinal number of Gb5-5 is 217:

sum 120 a7-11--34 24 144
a7-1--10 10 120 b2 (6) 35 179
a6 (4) 29 110 b4 (7) 33 212
a4 (3) 27 81 b5 (8) 29 241
a3 (2) 24 54 b6 (9) 28 269
a2 (1) 29 30 b7 (10) 31 300
(0) 1 1 sum 300
'215' 82
Ga1-29 (30) Ga1-30 Gb5-5 (359) Gb7-31 (442)
'216' = 12 * 18 84 = 12 * 7
300 = 12 * 25

Then we have Ga1-2 and the sign of upraised arms presumably refers to a solstice:

Gb8-30 Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 (4)

The left arm of this fully grown man is formed somewhat like the crescent of waxing moon whereas his right arm is swollen, maybe indicating the season of 'eating' in front. His right arm is looking a bit like the left 'arm' in Ga1-1. Presumably we should read Ga1-1 and Ga1-2 together and compare with Ba8-20:

Ga1-1 Ga1-2 (3)

The 'fish tail' at bottom right in Ba8-20 indicates a different season compared to that described by Ga1-1--2. A further discussion would lead us to my glyph type tara (which I once concluded Ga1-1 should be a variant of):

tara Ga1-1

The orientation of the 'mouth' is not forward as in a normal tara, but upwards, suggesting a standstill, similar to the Egyptian sign of upraised arms:


Variants which deviate from the described glyph types ought be described with at least some clue as to their possible meanings:

Ga1-1 Ga1-2 (3)
Ba8-20 (314)
Ga1-2 (3)
man with upraised arms
winter solstice (?)

The Egyptian sign of upraised arms seems to suggest a solstice:

'215' 82
Ga1-29 (30) Ga1-30 Gb5-5 (359) Gb7-31 (442)
'216' = 12 * 18 84 = 12 * 7
300 = 12 * 25
Ga1-29 (30)
the 'wreck' of a man
end of 'water' (?)

The 'wavy arm' sign I have named rima aueue:

rima aueue

Ah, alas. Aueue, oh. P Pau., Ta.: aue, alas. Mgv.: aue, auhe, alas. Mq.: aue, oh, alas; auhe, a sigh. Exclamation in general representing the most primordial type of speech, it seems that this may be reduced to recognizable elements. The e is throughout these languages a vocative or hailing sign, commonly postpositive in relation to the person hailed. In the examination of au we have shown that the primal first person singular designation is u. With the comparatively scanty material afforded by this vocabulary we may not attempt to define the use of a but we have no hesitation in noting that proof based on wider studies will show it to have, inter alia, a characteristic function as a word-maker. In a very high degree, then, a-u-e is represented by a common English interjection 'oh my!' in which oh = a, my = u, and e = !. Churchill.

What is this cry which our primitive islanders share with the animals? Look at its elements, all full-throated. First we have a, the sound of mouth open, fauces open, lungs full of air. As air expires the sound recedes in the mouth towards the palate and we find the u. Last comes the conscious finish of the utterance, the muscles begin to retract, the sound-making point is forced forward and the sound is e. If the man had but a few more cubic centimeters of lung capacity he could attain cow volumne for his cry, or interjection, since it amounts to the same thing. Churchill 2.


Uéué, to move about, to flutter; he-uéué te kahu i te tokerau, the clothes flutter in the wind; poki oho ta'e uéué, obedient child. Vanaga.

1. Alas. Mq.: ue, to groan. 2. To beg (ui). Ueue: 1. To shake (eueue); kirikiri ueue, stone for sling. PS Pau.: ueue, to shake the head. Mq.: kaueue, to shake. Ta.: ue, id. Sa.: lue, to shake, To.: ue'í, to shake, to move; luelue, to move, to roll as a vessel in a calm. Niuē: luelue, to quake, to shake. Uvea: uei, to shake; ueue, to move. Viti: ue, to move in a confused or tumultous manner. 2. To lace. Churchill.