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2. A possible explanation for the not quite identical glyph types in Ga1-17 and Ga1-21 could be that they represent the 2 wives of Sun:

Ga1-17 Ga1-21

If this should happen to be true, then Mars and the cap sign could identify the new region as spring while the hanging maro could refer to the old region of autumn which just has ended, maybe also to be regarded as the time when Sun is visiting his Winter Maid.

3 * 180 = 584 does not fit Sun, and I used this arithmetical exercise only as an argument to show possibilities. Sun's number is rather 300 and each 'halfcircle' in maitaki could therefore stand for 100 days. In koti 'cap' + 'cup' could amount to 400 days, because it is not necessary to define the 'halfcircles' in maitaki and those in koti as cycles of equal length. Sun's Summer Maid could be the cap and his Winter Maid the cup.

Maunga Teatea respectively Taharoa should be compared with the glyphs:

Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20
Maunga Teatea (?) Mahatua (?)
Ga1-21 Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
Taharoa (?) Hanga Hoonu (?) Rangi Meamea (?)

Taharoa is the long (roa) descent of Sun (taha):

... The dream soul spoke the following: 'There it is - ho! - the place - ho! - for the king - ho! - to live (there in the future), for this is (indeed) Rangi Meamea.' The dream soul descended and came to Mahatua. She named the place 'Mahatua A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul continued to look around for a residence for the king. Having reached Taharoa she named the place 'Taharoa A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul moved along and reached Hanga Hoonu. She named the place 'Hanga Hoonu A Hau Maka O Hiva'.

The dream soul came to Rangi Meamea and looked around searchingly. The dream soul spoke: 'Here at last is level land where the king can live.' She named the place 'Rangi Meamea A Hau Maka O Hiva' ...

The level land of Rangi Meamea is where the future Sun King can live (be born again). Sun will descend as if from the 'waters' in the sky above in order to deliver a descendant:

... When Hotu's canoe had reached Taharoa, the vaginal fluid (of Hotu's pregnant wife) appeared. They sailed towards Hanga Hoonu, where the mucus (kovare seems to refer to the amniotic sac in this case) appeared. They sailed on and came to Rangi Meamea, where the amniotic fluid ran out and the conctractions began. They anchored the canoe in the front part of the bay, in Hanga Rau. The canoe of Ava Rei Pua also arrived and anchoraged. After Hotu's canoe had anchoraged, the child of Vakai and Hotu appeared. It was Tuu Maheke, son of Hotu, a boy ...

In Ga1-23 the voyage of Sun from high up down into the still dark 'chamber' of the new land (henua) can be imagined. Should we then not imagine Ga1-21 as his canoe, illustrated as a reversed marama, a waning moon crescent. Onboard could be Old Sun (Hotu Matua), his wife (Vakai) and his Son (Tuu Maheke).

Old Sun ought to have disappeared earlier, though, because that event is connected with Jupiter (number 16) and Old Sun's descent is described by the descending dream soul at Mahatua. Also, the triplet of 'sky balls' in Ga1-21 are at left (in the past).

And the geography of Easter Island suggests Sun's canoe should arrive at Hanga Takaure rather than at Hanga Hoonu. Tagata gagana (Saturn at Ga1-11) identifies the fully grown old ruler, I think:

Ga1-11 Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 Ga1-15 Ga1-16
Hanga Takaure (?) Poike (?) Pua Katiki (?)
Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20
Maunga Teatea (?) Mahatua (?)

In other words, Ga1-17 could indicate the canoe of Old Sun as having moved to its end (the hanging maro). 6 + 4 = 10 glyphs from Ga1-11 up to and including Ga1-20 are used, it seems, to describe the fate of 'the old calabash' and then follows the story of the new ruler.

To travel across the waters of night Sun needs a canoe and I guess a canoe symbolizes a female. Thus the canoe of the Old Sun (in Ga1-17) could represent one of his wives and the canoe of the New Sun (in Ga1-21) his other wife, the Winter Maid respectively the Summer Maid.