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4. Suppose the figure inside the oval of Ga1-16 really was intended to represent the infant Tagaroa:

Tagaroa inside Rumia (?)

He was a kind of fish god:

... Hamiora Pio once spoke as follows to the writer: 'Friend! Let me tell of the offspring of Tangaroa-akiukiu, whose two daughters were Hine-raumati (the Summer Maid - personified form of summer) and Hine-takurua (the Winter Maid - personification of winter), both of whom where taken to wife by the sun ...

Now, these women had different homes. Hine-takurua lived with her elder Tangaroa (a sea being - origin and personified form of fish). Her labours were connected with Tangaroa - that is, with fish. Hine-raumati dwelt on land, where she cultivated food products, and attended to the taking of game and forest products, all such things connected with Tane ...

And we know he created land with all its life:

... Eons passed and Ta'aroa grew to be a lad conscious of his own vigor and potentialities. Impatience grew upon him until he could bear his isolation no longer. He broke forth from his shell with energy, resolved to create beings like himself who would banish his loneliness forever.

Ta'aroa's first act was to construct a firm foundation for the earth, using the strong second shell for stratum rock. The shell Rumia became his dwelling place, the overarching dome of the sky. It was a confined sky enclosing the world just forming, and in its deep and abiding night the lad attained manhood. There were no Sun, Moon, or stars and only one other living creature, the Great Octopus.

The sun was held down close above the slowly evolving earth by the Great Octopus, Tumu-rai-fenua, Foundation of Heaven and Earth, who lived in the primeval waters on which the earth floated. One of his arms was to the north, one to the south, one to the east and another to the west. With these vast arms he held the sky, the shell Rumia, close down against the earth ...

His acts of creation took place within the confines of a low sky dome, it was winter. According to my experience the tail of the figure inside the oval egg in Ga1-16 has a sign which shows 'not uplifted sky dome'. In e.g. Eb6-3 (where Metoro said tara, as in manu tara) the right part of the 'tail' is slightly uplifted in comparison to the left part, and this sign means (I believe) that the sky dome is beginning to open up in front:

Eb5-35 Eb6-1 Eb6-2 Eb6-3
Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 Ga1-15 Ga1-16

Such is not the case in Ga1-16, where the right part of the tail is definitely not uplifted.

Ga1-16 is glyph number 17 in the text, a day of Jupiter, whose name means 'Father Light'. His function seems to be similar to that of Tagaroa, a god representative of the stage before the sky dome once again is pushed up like a great eyelid.

If we equate Jupiter with Tagaroa, then his life span possibly should be regarded as 13 * 29½ = 383½ days:

Ga1-15 Ga1-16 Gb6-14 Gb6-15 Gb6-16 (399)
383 ½ ½
383½ = 13 * 29.5

Gb6-16 has short 'wings' and there are short 'wings' also in the 'person' in Ga1-16. Short wings presumbaly indicates a low sky dome.

We can count 61 * 6 (in Gb6-16) - 11 * 6 (in Ga1-16) = 300 as another measure of his life span, yet 399 must be his correct number of days. The alternative numbers (383½, 366, 300, etc) are evidently only signs of a location at the end of a cycle.