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1. From the beginning of Volume III of this work I have 'changed gears'. I no longer feel it necessary to explain what it is all about, it should have been made clear by now. Also my methods have been exhibited, and whatever the critical minded may say I find them useful.

In overview the complex in front of us can be described thus:

my interpretations

signs from all over the world

myths from all over the world

the Polynesian language

Manuscript E according to The Eighth Island

Metoro's readings of A, B, C, and E

the texts








My interpretations of the basic texts ought to have support from all 5 layers in between. And I could have added a further layer for 'languages all over the world', because I think there is evidence enough to 'prove' that many of the key words have travelled far and wide. Neither have I added layers for astronomy, numbers, zoology, etc. It is complicated enough anyhow.

My present goal is 2-fold, to 'read' the G text from the beginning to its end and at the same time to lay a foundation for An Outline Dictionary of Rongorongo Signs. Probably Volume III will not be enough for this double purpose.