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1. Once again, these are the 17 glyphs at the beginning of the G text, and as an exercise I have below added possible kuhane station 'equivalents', based on my vivid imagination and earlier discussions, e.g. from regarding the possible parallels between Ga1-3--4, -6 on one hand and Eb7-26--27, -29 on the other:

Gb8-30 Ga1-1 Ga1-2 Ga1-3 Ga1-4
Te Pei (?) Te Pou (?) Hua Reva (?) Akahanga (?) Hatinga Te Kohe (?)
Ga1-5 Ga1-6
Roto Iri Are (?)
Ga1-7 Ga1-8 Ga1-9 Ga1-10
Tama (?) One Tea (?)
Ga1-11 Ga1-12 Ga1-13 Ga1-14 Ga1-15 Ga1-16
Hanga Takaure (?) Poike (?) Pua Katiki (?)

Beyond Hatinga Te Kohe there could be 2 glyphs per kuhane station (because it is Moon who rules). By breaking (hatiga) the ruler's staff (kohe) there suddenly are 2 'sticks', enough to make a new fire. Our latest updated version of the kuhane stations has Venus (the other female 'planet') at Hatinga Te Kohe and like Moon she has 2 faces:


Te Pu Mahore


Hatinga Te Kohe


Maunga Teatea


Te Poko Uri


Roto Iri Are




Te Manavai


Tama (*)




Te Kioe Uri


One Tea (†)


Hanga Hoonu


Te Piringa Aniva


Hanga Takaure


Rangi Meamea


Te Pei




Peke Tau O Hiti


Te Pou


Pua Katiki


Maunga Hau Epa


Hua Reva



Akahanga (†)




Hanga Moria One


Papa O Pea


Ahu Akapu

birthplace of the new king

residence of the current king

residence for the future king

residence for the abdicated king

28 Te Pito O Te Kainga

Continuing on we can see that the last 14 glyphs in line Ga1 are just enough to cover the remaining kuhane stations in order to reach Oromanga, where the next Sun king will be born:

Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20 Ga1-21 Ga1-22
Maunga Teatea (?) Mahatua (?) Taharoa (?)
Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26 Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29 Ga1-30 (31)
Hanga Hoonu (?) Rangi Meamea (?) Peke Tau O Hiti (?) Maunga Hau Epa (?)

With 31 glyphs before Ga2 it is impossible to have 2 glyphs per station all through line Ga1, and 31 - 5 = 26 is a nice number which becomes 13 pairs. 31 = 5 + 2 * 13. Our curiosity forces us to look for the kuhane stations before Te Pei at the end of line Gb8:

Gb8-21 Gb8-22 Gb8-23 Gb8-24 (466) Gb8-25
Gb8-26 Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 Gb8-30

Te Pu Mahore (?)

Te Poko Uri (?)

Te Manavai (?)

Te Kioe Uri (?)

Te Piringa Aniva (?)

In Gb8-24 a strange figure (with short wings like those of the 'insect in amber', Ga1-16) is looking back, which must mean day number 466 (= 366 + 100) is a day of finality:





The result of multiplying 11 * 6 = 66 (in Ga1-16) could be a hint that we should search for glyph number 66 beyond 400.

From Maunga Teatea the kuhane of Hau Maka looked ahead to Rangi Meamea:

... Everywhere the dream soul looked around for a residence for the king. The dream soul went to Maunga Teatea and gave him the name 'Maunga Teatea A Hau Maka O Hiva'. The dream soul of Hau Maka looked around. From Maunga Teatea she looked to Rangi Meamea (i.e., Ovahe).

The kuhane identified Maunga Teatea with a male person, and the name fits well with Saturn, because teatea should be the opposite of tea. Black, the absence of light, the 'colour' of Saturn, is the opposite of white.

On Makoi's list the number for Maunga Teatea is 25 (a Saturn number), and on page 39 of Manuscript E the last item (though overcrossed) is 31:

14 hatu ngoio a taotao ika.
15 ara koreu a pari maehaeha.
16 hanga kuokuo a vave renga.
17 Opata roa a mana aia.
18 vai tara kai u(a) a ngao roaroa a ngao tokotokoa.
19 hia uka a hakairiiri a hakaturuturu.
20 hanga ohiro a pakipaki renga.
21 ko roto kahi a touo renga.
22 ko papa kahi a roro.
23 ko puna a tuki a hauhau renga
24 ko ehu ko mahatua a piki rangi a hakakihikihi mahina
25 ko maunga teatea a pua katiki.
26 ko te hakarava a hakanohonoho.
27 ko hanga nui a te papa tata ika.
28 ko tongariki a henga eha tunu kioe
  ka haka punenenene henua mo opoopo o tau kioe
29 ko te rano a raraku.
30 ko oparingi a a uuri
31 ko motu kumu koka a kaoa

This fact should make us consider 'overcrossing' the last 4 glyphs in line Ga1:

Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29 Ga1-30 (31)
Peke Tau O Hiti (?) Maunga Hau Epa (?)

And then there will be only 10 glyphs (5 stations) remaining beyond the cardinal point of Pua Katiki:

Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20 Ga1-21 Ga1-22
Maunga Teatea (?) Mahatua (?) Taharoa (?)
Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
Hanga Hoonu (?) Rangi Meamea (?)

Furthermore, we should also consider other structures discovered earlier, e.g.:

14 Hatu Ngoio 17 Opata Roa


Hanga Nui
15 Ara Koreu 18 Vai Tara


16 Hanga Kuokuo (20) 19 Hia Uka


Te Rano A Raraku
  20 Hanga Ohiro


21 Roto Kahi 31 Motu Kumu (36)
22 Papa Kahi  
23 Puna A Tuki
24 Ehu
25 Maunga Teatea
26 Te Hakarava (31)
38) 130 Te Hereke (17) 40) 350 Te Pipi Horeko (41)
39) 260 Te Hakarava (31) 41) 500 Hanga Te Pau (60)


Te Rano A Raraku (35) 560 Te Vai Rutu Manu (71)

We have now (tentatively) reduced 31 glyphs in line Ga1 to 5 + 6 + 5 = 16 'stations', which we can imagine as a sign of the 16th station Hanga Takaure, the end of 'winter'.