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3. From Sirrah at 0h 06m to Reda at 19h 44m there are 19h 38m:

... Rogo in Gb1-3 has no head, and a sign which presumably means 'water' is telling the same story - Sun has left. Maybe there is a star positioned at this place. If so, then we should be able to count its current right ascension as about (63 + 233) * 4 = 1184 = 19h 44m later than Sirrah's 0h 06m.

Nunki σ Sagittarii 19h 01m 289.4
Nodus II δ Draconis 19h 13m 292.4
Arkab Prior β¹ Sagittarii 19h 19m 294.0
Arkab Posterior β² Sagittarii 19h 20m 294.2
Alrami α Sagittarii 19h 20m 294.2
Deneb Okab δ Aquilae 19h 23m 295.0
Albiero β Cygni 19h 29m 296.5
Sham α Sagittae 19h 38m 298.8
Reda γ Aquilae 19h 44m 300.3
Altair α Aquilae 19h 48m 301.3
Alshain β Aquilae 19h 53m 302.6

In days the distance from Sirrah to Reda is (19 * 60 + 38) / 1440 * 365¼ = 298.8 (= 300.3 - 1.5). If we count glyphs the distance from Gb6-26 to Gb1-6 is 63 + 236 = 299:

62 228
Gb6-26 (*1) Gb8-30 (472) Gb8-30 Ga8-26 (230)
64 230
Gb1-1 (*295) Gb1-2 Gb1-3 (233)
Gb1-4 Gb1-5 (*299) Gb1-6

299 is 100 less than the synodical period of Jupiter - probably a significant fact. The right ascension of Reda and my way of counting puts it at Gb1-6.

But maybe we should count puo in Gb8-30 only once when mapping stars:

Gb1-1 Gb1-2 (**295) Gb1-3
Gb1-4 Gb1-5 Gb1-6 (**299)
62 228
Gb6-26 Gb8-30 (**471) Ga8-26 (**700)

This would result in a satisfying day number 299 for the last glyph on what we up to now have considered to be the front side. By continuing counting beyond 471 a nice 700 is reached at the end of side a.

Furthermore, Sham (α Sagittae) would hit its mark at Gb1-6:

Gb1-6 (236) Gb1-7 (*299)
Sham (?)

Remarkably the current right ascension of Reda, 19h 44m = 1184 minutes, gives rise not only to day number 300.3 counted from equinox but also to the numerical magic of 118 * 4 = 472, as if the whole cycle is completed after 300 days.

Tarazed (another name for Reda) was together with Altair and Alshain the 'Family of Aquila':

The Family of Aquila
Gb1-8 (**300) Gb1-9 Gb1-10 (240) Gb1-11
Sham α Sagittae 19h 38m 298.8
Reda γ Aquilae 19h 44m 300.3
Altair α Aquilae 19h 48m 301.3
Alshain β Aquilae 19h 53m 302.6