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6. The henua calendar in G has 31 periods, and the last of them could be in a time beyond the reach of Sun:

Achernar α Eridani 57º 29' S 01h 36m 24.3 432.3

215.3 days

Vrischika π Scorpii 26º 07' S 15h 56m 239.6 175.6
Dschubba δ Scorpii 22º 29' S 15h 57m 242.7 178.7
Acrab β Scorpii 19º 40' S 16h 03m 244.3 180.3
Lesath ν Scorpii 19º 20' S 16h 09m 245.8 181.8


Antares α Scorpii 26º 19' S 16h 26m 250.1 186.1
beginning of Scorpion (?)
31st period:
Ga7-5 (*239) Ga7-6 Ga7-7 (177) Ga7-8 Ga7-9 Ga7-10 (180)
Ga7-11 (*245) Ga7-12 Ga7-13 Ga7-14 (184) Ga7-15
Ga7-16 (*250) Ga7-17

The name Vrischika made me guess on an origin in India. By searching in Wikipedia I could indeed find the name to be a probable corruption of Vrishchika, the name of the 8th solar month in the Hindu calendar:

According to this system, with 6 double-months, Vrishchika indicates the Scorpion.


"Early India knew it [Scorpius] as Āli, Viçrika, or Vrouchicam, - in Tamil, Vrishaman; but later on Varāha Mihira said Kaurpya, and Al Birūni, Kaurba, both from the Greek Scorpios. On the Cingalese zodiac it was Ussika."

"Taurus was the Cingalese Urusaba, the early Hindu Vrisha, Vrishan, or Vrouchabam, - in the Tamil tongue, Rishabam; but subsequently Varāha Mihira gave it as Taouri, his rendering of Taurus, and Al Birūni, in his India, as Tāmbiru."

The connection between Taurus in spring and Scorpius in autumn probably accounts for the similarity in names between Vrishabha and Vrishchika. Presumably it also accounts for the similarity between the figures in Ga1-4 and in Ga7-16:

Ga1-4 Ga7-16