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Once again. Life must be followed by death and death by a new life, such was the cycle of rebirth. It could best be described in pictures:

6 were the stars in the Pleiades, we can see, and between Taurus and Gemini was the Milky Way for transporting the myriads of souls on their way back from the sky to rebirth at their proper places down on earth - a path which was not oriented vertically as the Maize Tree but running from northeast to the southwest.

Canis Minor with Procyon was below Gemini and also up on 'dry land'. But the constellation of the King (Kakkab Sar) - which was at the foundation of the Tree - was growing on the west bank of the river, its cemetary (dormitory) side, and we have to reverse the Mayan description in order to see right ascension running from left to right:

... The three hearth stones on the turtle of rebirth formed a replica down below of the Kakkab Sar triangle of the King higher up, which was defined by Betelgeuze (α), Heka (λ), and Bellatrix (γ)  ...

Between Betelgeuze and the Copulating Peccaries (Gemini) were 3 stars like stepping stones leading upwards across the River and they were at the head of the Monoceros Horse - with a 4th stone up on land at the right foot of Pollux (ξ Gemini, Alzirr, the Button):

There were 3 stars (stones) in Tau-toru, the Belt of Orion, and there were 3 stepping stones for crossing the Milky Way:

Ga1-17 Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20 Ga1-21
ψ Orionis (81.1), NIHAL (Thirst-slaking Camels) = β Leporis (81.7) TAU-TORU ο Aurigae (85.8), γ Leporis (85.9)

YANG MUN (α Lupi)

MINTAKA (Belt) = δ Orionis, υ Orionis (82.4), χ Aurigae (82.5), ε Columbae (82.6) Al Hak'ah-3 / Mrigashīrsha-5 / Turtle-20 (Monkey) / Mas-tab-ba-tur-tur (Little Twins)

ARNEB (Hare) = α Leporis, Crab Nebula = M1 Tauri (83.0, φ¹ Orionis (83.1), HEKA (White Spot) = λ Orionis, Orion Nebula = M42 (83.2), φ² Orionis (83.6), ALNILAM (String of Pearls) = ε Orionis (83.7)

Three Stars-21 (Gibbon) / Shur-narkabti-sha-shūtū-6 (Star in the Bull towards the south) / ANA-IVA-9 (Pillar of exit)

HEAVENLY GATE = ζ Tauri, ν Columbae (84.0), ω Orionis (84.2),  ALNITAK (Girdle) = ζ Orionis, PHAKT (Phaet) = α Columbae (84.7)

June 10 11 12 13 (*84) 14 (165)
LESATH (Sting) = ν Scorpii, δ Arae (264.7), CHOO = α Arae (264.9) Al Shaula-17

 ALWAID (Mother Camels) = β Draconis, MAASYM (Wrist) = λ Herculis (265.1), SHAULA (Sting) = λ Scorpii (265.3), KUMA = ν Draconis (265.6), σ Arae (265.9)

HAMAL (α Arietis)

RAS ALHAGUE = α Ophiuchi (266.1), SARGAS = θ Scorpii  (266.3), μ Ophiuchi, π Arae (266.5), NAN HAE (Southern Sea) = ξ Serpentis (266.6),  ι Herculis (266.7) λ Arae (267.1), GIRTAB (Seizer) = κ Scorpii, ο Serpentis (267.6), AL DHĪLI (The Wolf) = ω Draconis (266.7), DSIBAN (Wolf Pair) = ψ Draconis (267.9) KELB ALRAI (Dog of the Shepherd) = β Ophiuchi, μ Arae (268.1), KEW HO (Nine Rivers) = μ Herculis (268.6), η Pavonis (268.7), APOLLYON = ι Scorpii (268.9)
December 7 (*200) 11 12 13 14 (348 = 165 + 183)
Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25 Ga1-26
 μ Columbae, SAIPH (Sword) = κ Orionis (86.5), τ Aurigae, ζ Leporis (86.6) υ Aurigae (87.1), ν Aurigae (87.2), WEZN (Weight) = β Columbae, δ Leporis (87.7), TZE (Son) = λ Columbae (87.9) Ardra-6 / ANA-VARU-8 (Pillar to sit by)

χ¹ Orionis, ξ Aurigae (88.1), BETELGEUZE = α Orionis (88.3), ξ Columbae (88.5), σ Columbae (88.7)


η Leporis (89.0), PRAJA-PĀTI (Lord of Created Beings) = δ Aurigae, MENKALINAN (Shoulder) = β Aurigae, MAHASHIM (Wrist) = θ Aurigae, and γ Columbae (89.3), π Aurigae (89.4), η Columbae (89.7) μ Orionis (90.3), χ² Orionis (90.5)
June 15 16 17 (168) 18 19
MULIPHEN (Oaths) = γ Ophiuchi (269.0), BASANISMUS = G Scorpii (269.5), PHERKARD (Dipper) = δ Ursae Minoris (269.9) PTOLEMY CLUSTER = M7 Scorpii (270.5), GRUMIUM (Lower Jaw) = ξ Draconis (270.9) RUKBALGETHI GENUBI (Bending Claw) = θ Herculis (271.1), ξ Herculis (271.5), ETAMIN (Head) = γ Draconis, ν Herculis (271.7), ν Ophiuchi (271.8) CAT'S EYE = NGC6543 Draconis (272.2), ζ Serpentis (272.4), τ Ophiuchi (272.9) Winnowing Basket-7 (Leopard)

18h (273.4)

NASH (Point) = γ Sagittarii (273.7), θ Arae (273.8)
December 15 16 (350) 17 18 19 (*273)
Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29
6h (91.3)

ν Orionis (91.4), θ Columbae (91.5), π Columbae (91.6)

ξ Orionis (92.5) Al Han'ah-4 / Maru-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-7 (Front of the Mouth of the Twins)

 TEJAT PRIOR = η Gemini (93.4), γ Monocerotis (93.5), κ Aurigae (93.6), κ Columbae (93.8)

June 20 SOLSTICE 22 (*93)
ZHŌNGSHĀN = ο Herculis (274.0), π Pavonis (274.6) ι Pavonis (275.1), POLIS = μ Sagittarii (275.9)

MENKAR (α Ceti)

η Sagittarii (276.9)
December 20 SOLSTICE 22
Egyptian djed Phoenician sāmekh Greek xi Ξ (ξ) 

... In rongorongo times the last Greek lettered star in Orion (ξ) rose with the Sun in June 21. The letter seems to have originated from the Phoenician letter samekh (tent peg, supporting prop), which in turn may have been derived from the ancient Egytian djed column ...

When the Sun reached June 21 it was in the day where the Mayas had placed one of the faces of Venus, immediately before their Copulating Peccaries. And the solstice was where Orion had his right fist, at the back bone of the male peccary.

... And then the bone spoke; it was there in the fork of the tree: Why do you want a mere bone, a round thing in the branches of a tree? said the head of One Hunaphu when it spoke to the maiden. You don't want it, she was told. I do want it, said the maiden. Very well. Stretch out your right hand here, so I can see it, said the bone. Yes, said the maiden. She stretched out her right hand, up there in front of the bone. And then the bone spit out its saliva, which landed squarely in the hand of the maiden.

And then she looked in her hand, she inspected it right away, but the bone's saliva wasn't in her hand. It is just a sign I have given you, my saliva, my spittle. This, my head, has nothing on it - just bone, nothing of meat. It's just the same with the head of a great lord: it's just the flesh that makes his face look good. And when he dies, people get frightened by his bones. After that, his son is like his saliva, his spittle, in his being, whether it be the son of a lord or the son of a craftsman, an orator. The father does not disappear, but goes on being fulfilled. Neither dimmed nor destroyed is the face of a lord, a warrior, craftsman, an orator. Rather, he will leave his daughters and sons. So it is that I have done likewise through you. Now go up there on the face of the earth; you will not die. Keep the word. So be it, said the head of One and Seven Hunaphu - they were of one mind when they did it ...