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The 8th and last of the toga hora glyphs was Ga2-24 at φ Gemini, which at the time of rongorongo rose heliacally 118 (= 4 * 29½) nights after 0h:

*APRIL 13 14 15 (*25) 16 17 (107)
Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29 Ga1-30 Ga2-1
6h (91.3)

ν Orionis (91.4), θ Columbae (91.5), π Columbae (91.6)

ξ Orionis (92.5) Al Han'ah-4 / Maru-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-7 (Front of the Mouth of the Twins)

 TEJAT PRIOR = η Gemini (93.4), γ Monocerotis (93.5), κ Aurigae (93.6), κ Columbae (93.8)

FURUD (Apes?) = ζ Canis Majoris (94.9) Well-22 (Tapir) / Arkū-sha-pu-u-mash-mashu-8 (Back of the Mouth of the Twins)

δ Columbae (95.2), TEJAT POSTERIOR = μ Gemini, MIRZAM (Announcer) = β Canis Majoris (95.4), CANOPUS = α Carinae (95.6), ε Monocerotis (95.7), ψ1 Aurigae (95.9)

June 20 (171 = 9 * 19) SOLSTICE 22 23 ST JOHN'S DAY
'May  24 (144 = 171 - 27) 25 26 27 28 (148 = 107 + 41)
*OCTOBER 13 14 15 (288) 16 17 (*210)
ZHŌNGSHĀN = ο Herculis (274.0), π Pavonis (274.6) ι Pavonis (275.1), POLIS = μ Sagittarii (275.9)

MENKAR (α Ceti)

η Sagittarii (276.9) Purva Ashadha-20
KAUS MEDIUS = δ Sagittarii, κ Lyrae (277.5), TUNG HAE (Heavenly Eastern Sea) = η Serpentis (277.7), SHAOU PIH (Minor Minister) = φ Draconis (277.8), KWEI SHE = χ Draconis (277.9) φ Oct. (278.1), KAUS AUSTRALIS = ε Sagittarii (278.3), ξ Pavonis (278.4), AL  ATHFAR (Talons of the Falling Eagle) = μ Lyrae (278.6)
December 20 (354) SOLSTICE 22 23 CHRISTMAS EVE
*APRIL 18 (108) 19 20 21 22 (*32) 23 24
Ga2-2 (32) Ga2-3 Ga2-4 Ga2-5 Ga2-6 Ga2-7 Ga2-8
no star listed (96) β Monocerotis, ν Gemini (97.0) no star listed (98) ν Puppis (99.2), ψ3 Aurigae (99.4), ψ2 Aurigae (99.5)

GEMMA (α Cor. Bor.)

ψ4 Aurigae (100.5), MEBSUTA (Outstretched) = ε Gemini (100.7) SIRIUS = α Canis Majoris (101.2), ψ5 Aurigae (101.4), ψ6 Aurigae (101.7) τ Puppis (102.2), ψ7 Aurigae (102.4)
June 25 (6 * 29½ = 177) 27 28 29 30 July 1
*OCTOBER 8 9 10 11 (*214) 12 13 14
KAUS BOREALIS = λ Sagittarii (279.3) ν Pavonis (280.4), κ Cor. Austr. (280.9) Abhijit-22

θ Cor. Austr. (281.0), VEGA = α Lyrae (281.8)

no star listed (282) ζ Pavonis (283.4), λ Cor. Austr. (283.6), DOUBLE DOUBLE = ε Lyrae (283.7), ζ Lyrae (283.8) South Dipper-8 (Unicorn)

Φ Sagittarii (284.0), μ Cor. Austr. (284.6), η Cor. Austr., θ Pavonis (284.8)

SHELIAK (Tortoise) = β Lyrae, ν Lyrae (285.1), ο Draconis (285.5). λ Pavonis (285.7)

ATLAS (27 Tauri)

December 25 26 (360) 27 28 29 30 31
9 *MAY 4 5 (125 = 5 * 5 * 5) 6 7 8 9 (*49 = 7 * 7)
Ga2-18 (48) Ga2-19 Ga2-20 Ga2-21 Ga2-22 Ga2-23
Ghost-23 (Goat)

ρ Gemini (112.1), Eskimo Nebula = NGC2392 Gemini (112.2)

ANTARES (α Scorpii)

Al Dhirā'-5 / Punarvasu-7 / Mash-mashu-Mahrū-10 (Western One of the Twins)

CASTOR (Beaver) = α Gemini (113.4)

ANA-TAHUA-VAHINE-O-TOA-TE-MANAVA-7 (Pillar for elocution)

υ Gemini (114.0), MARKAB PUPPIS (Seat at Stern) = κ Puppis (114.7), ο Gemini (114.8), PROCYON = α Canis Minoris (114.9)

α MONOCEROTIS (115.4), σ Gemini (115.7) Mash-mashu-arkū-11 (Eastern One of the Twins)

κ Gemini (116.1), POLLUX = β Gemini (116.2), π Gemini (116.9)

AZMIDISKE (Little Shield) = ξ Puppis (117.4)
July 11 12 (193) 13 14 15 16
*NOVEMBER 3 4 5 (*229) 6 (310) 7 8
ν Aquilae (Ant.) (295.0), ALBIREO (Ab Ireo) = β Cygni (295.5) ALSAFI (Fire Tripod) = σ Draconis (296.0), μ Aquilae (296.3), ι Aquilae (Ant.) (296.8), κ Aquilae (Ant.) (296.9) ε Sagittae (297.1), σ Aquilae (Ant.) (297.4), SHAM (Arrow) = α Sagittae (297.8) β Sagittae (298.0), χ Aquilae (298.3), ψ Aquilae (298.8) υ Aquilae (299.1), TARAZED (Starstriking Falcon) = γ Aquilae (299.3), δ Sagittae (299.6), π Aquilae (299.9) Sravana-23

TYL = ε Draconis (300.0), ζ Sagittae (300.1), ALTAIR (Flying Eagle) = α Aquilae (300.3), ο Aquilae (300.5), BEZEK = η Aquilae (Ant.) (300.8)

January 10 11 12 13 (378) 14 15 (*300)
*MAY 10 11 12 13 (*53) 14 15
Ga2-24 Ga2-25 Ga2-26 Ga2-27 Ga2-28 Ga2-29 (59)
φ Gemini (118.4) DRUS = χ Carinae (119.9) ω Cancri (120.2) 8h (121.7)

χ Gemini (121.0), NAOS = ζ Puppis (121.3)

ρ Puppis (122.0), HEAP OF FUEL = μ Cancri (122.1), ζ Monocerotis (122.3),  ψ Cancri (122.6), REGOR = γ Velorum (122.7) TEGMINE (Covered Up) = ζ Cancri (123.3)
July 17 18 19 (200) 20 (*121) 21 22
*NOVEMBER 9 10 (314) 11 12 13 14
ι Sagittarii (301.2), TEREBELLUM = ω Sagittarii, ξ Aquilae (301.3), ALSHAIN (Falcon) = β Aquilae (301.6), φ Aquilae (301.8) ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ Sagittae (302.5), μ Pavonis (302.7) τ Aquilae (303.8) 20h (304.4)

η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis (304.4)

SHANG WEI (Higher Guard) = κ Cephei (305.2), θ Sagittae (305.4), TSEEN FOO (Heavenly Raft)  = θ Aquilae (Ant.) (305.6), ξ Capricorni (305.8) TSO KE (Left Flag) = ρ Aquilae (306.3)
January 16 17 18 (383) 19 20 21

... Its origin is uncertain but it may be that phi originated as the letter qoppa ... In traditional Greek numerals, phi has a value of 500 or 500000 ... Isaac Taylor, History of the Alphabet: Semitic Alphabets, Part 1, 2003: 'The old explanation, which has again been revived by Halévy, is that it denotes an 'ape,' the character Q being taken to represent an ape with its tail hanging down. It may also be referred to a Talmudic root which would signify an 'aperture' of some kind, as the 'eye of a needle,' ... Lenormant adopts the more usual explanation that the word means a 'knot' ...

Hevelius placed this tiny star at the left fist of Pollux. Counted from the little Rei at the end of line Ga1 this was *118 - *94 = 24 days later. From the little Rei at the end of line Ga1 to the 2nd Rei in Ga2-27 (probably alluding to 22 / 7 = π) there were 27 (= 3 * 3 * 3) nights.

The 8th toga hora could have been like a knot. If so, then something else should follow and perhaps it could be characterized by 22 / 7 = 3.14 = π (i.e. day zero of a new cycle).

The last Greek lettered star in Gemini was χ a bit up on the Club of Pollux and this was 121 (= 11 * 11) days counted from 0h. In the same day was Naos down in Argo Navis, and the Rei type of glyph was possibly used as an indication of a Reiga (Spirit Leaping Place).


1. To tread, to trample on: rei kiraro ki te va'e. 2. (Used figuratively) away with you! ka-rei kiraro koe, e mageo ê, go away, you disgusting man. 3. To shed tears: he rei i te mata vai. 4. Crescent-shaped breast ornament, necklace; reimiro, wooden, crescent-shaped breast ornament; rei matapuku, necklace made of coral or of mother-of-pearl; rei pipipipi, necklace made of shells; rei pureva, necklace made of stones. 5. Clavicle. Îka reirei, vanquished enemy, who is kicked (rei). Vanaga. T. 1. Neck. 2. Figure-head. Rei mua = Figure-head in the bow. Rei muri = Figure-head in the stern. Henry.

Mother of pearl; rei kauaha, fin. Mgv.: rei, whale's tooth. Mq.: éi, id. This is probably associable with the general Polynesian rei, which means the tooth of the cachalot, an object held in such esteem that in Viti one tooth (tambua) was the ransom of a man's life, the ransom of a soul on the spirit path that led through the perils of Na Kauvandra to the last abode in Mbulotu. The word is undoubtedly descriptive, generic as to some character which Polynesian perception sees shared by whale ivory and nacre. Rei kauaha is not this rei; in the Maori whakarei designates the carved work at bow and stern of the canoe and Tahiti has the same use but without particularizing the carving: assuming a sense descriptive of something which projects in a relatively thin and flat form from the main body, and this describes these canoe ornaments, it will be seen that it might be applied to the fins of fishes, which in these waters are frequently ornamental in hue and shape. The latter sense is confined to the Tongafiti migration. Reirei, to trample down, to knead, to pound. Pau.: Rei-hopehopega, nape. Churchill.

Ga1-30 Ga2-27

Mg. Reiga, Spirit leaping-place. At Mangaia the spirits of those who ignobly died 'on a pillow' wandered about disconsolately over the rocks near the margin of the sea until the day appointed by their leader comes (once a year). Many months might elapse ere the projected departures of the ghost took place. This weary interval was spent in dances and revisiting their former homes, where the living dwell affectionately remembered by the dead. At night fall they would wander amongst the trees and plantations nearest to these dwellings, sometimes venturing to peep inside. As a rule these ghosts were well disposed towards their own living relatives; but often became vindictive if a pet child was ill-treated by a stepmother or other relatives etc. Eventually the spirits would depart from known reinga, spirit leaping-places. Such leaping-places also existed on other islands. Even after this departure some spirit intrusions from the underworld were possible. Oral Traditions.

... there are many little heaps of stones here and there on the bank along the Sea Coast, two or three of the uppermost stones of these piles are generally white, perhaps always so when the pile is compleat: it can hardly be doubted but these piles of stones have some meaning tho' we do not know it ... (Beaglehole II).

Beaglehole furthermore states that these piles of stones are temporary burial places.

... They put the injured Kuukuu on a stretcher and carried him inland. They prepared a soft bed for him in the cave and let him rest there. They stayed there, rested, and lamented the severely injured Kuukuu. Kuukuu said, 'Promise me, my friends, that you will not abandon me!' They all replied, 'We could never abandon you!' They stayed there twenty-seven days in Oromanga. Everytime Kuukuu asked, 'Where are you, friends?' they immediately replied in one voice, 'Here we are!'

They all sat down and thought. They had an idea and Ira spoke, 'Hey, you! Bring the round stones (from the shore) and pile them into six heaps of stones!' One of the youths said to Ira, 'Why do we want heaps of stone?' Ira replied, 'So that we can all ask the stones to do something.' They took (the material) for the stone heaps (pipi horeko) and piled up six heaps of stone at the outer edge of the cave.

Then they all said to the stone heaps, 'Whenever he calls, whenever he calls for us, let your voices rush (to him) instead of the six (of us) (i.e., the six stone heaps are supposed to be substitutes for the youths). They all drew back to profit (from the deception) (? ki honui) and listened. A short while later, Kuukuu called. As soon as he had asked, 'Where are you?' the voices of the stone heaps replied, 'Here we are!' All (the youths) said, 'Hey, you! That was well done!' ... (Manuscript E according to Barthel 2)

In the Egyptian X the downward path from α Orionis (Betelgeuze) ended at Naos, which according to Hevelius was at the front corner of the 2nd shield of Argo Navis, beyond which came a rope leading upwards towards Alphard (α Hydrae) at the top of its mast: