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Up to now I have perceived the position of heliacal Polaris at the end of side a of the C tablet as simply due to a wish from the creator of the text to extrapolate back to the time of the Romans, when the Sun and the stars had been put in their proper places by Julius Caesar.

However, we have en passent noted the fact that the distance from 0h down to heliacal Sheratan, 27 right ascension nights, was a measurement which also could be applied to the distance from Bharani (*41) down to Aldebaran (*68). This could have been an additional weight for locating Polaris at the end of side a - thereby alluding to where Bharani was in relation to Aldebaran, i.e. with the time of rongorongo as a place for birth comparable to Bharani. The end of side a would then be the natural place of birth for side b.

The northern spring equinox occurred, astronomically speaking, most often in March 20, not in March 21. Counting from March 20 (79) to heliacal Polaris in April 16 (106) the distance was 27 days, and 27 = 3 * 3 * 3.

1 Ashvini β and γ Arietis Horse's head 27 = 16 + 11
wife of the Ashvins Sheratan and Mesarthim April 17 (107)
2 Bharani 35, 39, and 41 Arietis Yoni, the female organ of reproduction 41 = 27 + 14
the bearer  Musca Borealis May 1 (121)
3 Krittikā M 45 Tauri Knife or spear 55 = 41 + 14
the nurses of Kārttikeya The Pleiades May 15 (135)
4 Rohini α Tauri Cart or chariot, temple, banyan tree 68 = 55 + 13
the red one Aldebaran May 28 (148)

Competing, so to say, was the fact that Polaris rose with the Sun in day 26 counted from March 21 (0h), which could be combined with day 260 from 0h for its midnight culmination:

Heliacal rising Midnight culmination
April 16 (*26) December 6 (*260)
2 * 13 = 26 2(0) * 13 = 26(0)

Side a on the C tablet did not begin at Polaris but close to Acrux. Possibly this structural detail was based on the fact that Easter Island was far down in the south with Acrux in plain view but not so Polaris. All movements should therefore go from the south upwards (and not downwards as north of the equator). The texts on the rongorongo tablets also went from bottom up.

... Gravitation makes all things fall downwards - how then was it possible for them to return, to move upwards again? Imix, the first Mayan day sign, means Sea-dragon (or wine) and like a water lily he was undulating upwards from the very bottom, from the very beginning. Part of the answer was obvious: if the southern hemispheric bowl (semi-gourd) was filled with water, then the buyoancy of water would make them float upwards. Water was a great force which south of the equator acted against gravity. Or we could say that north of the equator things went downwards and south of the equator they floated up - in both cases as if magically drawn towards the equator ...

The beginning of side a on the tablet would accordingly correspond to springtime on Easter Island, leaving side b for the downwards movement from Polaris as described by the Hawaiian astronomers.

However, heliacal Polaris was not only at the end of side a but also at the end of its first glyph line (and there appropriately at glyph 26):

September 20 (*183) 21 (264 = 364 - 100) Equinox 23 (266) 24 (*187)
°September 16 17 18 19 20 (*183)
'August 24 (236) 25 (*314 / 2) 26 27 28 (*160)
ALCHITA = α Corvi, MA WEI (Tail of the Horse) = δ Centauri (183.1), MINKAR (Nose) = ε Corvi (183.7), ρ Centauri (183.9) PÁLIDA (Pale) = δ Crucis (184.6), MEGREZ (Root of the Tail) = δ Ursae Majoris (184.9) Hasta-13 / Chariot-28 (Worm)

GIENAH (Wing) = γ Corvi (185.1), ε Muscae (185.2), ζ Crucis (185.4), ZANIAH (Corner) = η Virginis (185.9)

CHANG SHA (Long Sand-bank) = ζ Corvi (186.3) INTROMETIDA = ε Crucis (187.4), ACRUX = α Crucis (187.5)
no glyph
Ca1-1 Ca1-2 Ca1-3 Ca1-4
koia ki te hoea ki te henua te rima te hau tea
Al Fargh al Thāni (Rear Spout)-25

0h (365.25)

CAPH = β Cassiopeiae, SIRRAH = α Andromedae (0.5), ε Phoenicis, γ³ Oct. (0.8)
Uttara Bhādrapadā-27 / Wall-14 (Porcupine)

ο Oct. (1.3), ALGENIB PEGASI = γ Pegasi (1.8)

χ Pegasi (2.1), θ Andromedae (2.7) σ Andromedae (3.0), ι Ceti (3.3), ζ Tucanae (3.5), ρ Andromedae, π Tucanae (3.7) no star listed (4)
March 21 (0h) 22 (81) 23 24 Julian equinox (84)
°March 17 18 19 20 21 (80, 0h)
'February 22 (53) Terminalia 24 25 26 (*343 = 7 * 7 * 7)
September 25 (*188) 26 27 (270) 28
'August 29 (*161) 30 (242) 31 'September 1
γ Com. Berenicis (188.0), σ Centauri (188.1), ALGORAB = δ Corvi (188.5), GACRUX = γ Crucis (188.7) γ Muscae (189.0), AVIS SATYRA = η Corvi (189.3), ASTERION = β Canum Ven. (189.5), KRAZ = β Corvi, κ Draconis (189.7) α Muscae (190.2), τ Centauri (190.5), χ Virginis (190.7)

ALDERAMIN (α Cephei)

Al Áwwā'-11

Sombrero Galaxy M104 Virginis (191.1), ρ Virginis (191.4), PORRIMA = γ Virginis, γ Centauri (191.5)

Ca1-5 Ca1-6 Ca1-7 Ca1-8
haga i te mea ke ki te henua - tagata honui te ika te honu
ANKAA = α Phoenicis, κ Phoenicis (5.0)

ALPHARD (α Hydrae)

λ Phoenicis (6.3), β Tucanae (6.4) Andromeda Galaxy (M31), π Andromedae (7.7) ε Andromedae (8.2), DELTA = δ Andromedae (8.4), SCHEDIR (Breast) = α Cassiopeiae (8.6), ζ Andromedae, μ Phoenicis (8.9)
March 26 27 28 29 (88)
'February 27 (58) 28 'March 1 (*346) 2
ι Crucis (192.2), β Muscae (192.5), MIMOSA = β Crucis (192.9) no star listed (193) κ Crucis (194.4), ψ Virginis (194.5), μ Crucis, λ Crucis (194.6), ALIOTH (Fat Tail) = ε Ursae Majoris, ι Oct. (194.8) MINELAUVA = δ Virginis (195.1), COR CAROLI = α Canum Ven. (195.3) δ Muscae (196.5) , VINDEMIATRIX (Grape Gatherer) = ε Virginis (196.8) 13h (197.8)

ξ¹ Centauri (197.1), ξ² Centauri (197.9)

APAMI-ATSA (Child of Waters) = θ Virginis, ψ Hydrae (198.5), DIADEM = α Com. Ber. (198.9)
Ca1-9 Ca1-10 Ca1-11 Ca1-12 Ca1-13 Ca1-14 Ca1-15
te manu te henua te Rei kua hakagana te henua honu te henua
ξ Phoenicis (9.0), ρ Tucanae (9.1), DENEB KAITOS = β Ceti, η Phoenicis (9.4), AL NITHĀM (String of Pearls) = φ¹ Ceti (9.6) ACHIRD (Woman with Luminous Rays) = η Cassiopeiae (10.7) Legs-15 (Wolf)

ν Andromedae (11.0), φ² Ceti (11.1), ρ Phoenicis (11.2), η ANDROMEDAE (11.4)

CIH (Whip) = γ Cassiopeiae, λ Tucanae (12.4), φ³ Ceti (12.6), μ Andromedae (12.8) φ4 Ceti (13.2) no star listed (14) 1h (15.2)

β Phoenicis (15.1), υ Phoenicis, ι Tucanae (15.6), η Ceti, ζ Phoenicis (15.7)

AL DAFĪRAH (Tuft) = β Com. Ber. (199.4) σ Virginis (200.4) γ Hydrae (201.0), ι Centauri (201.4) Al Simāk-12 / Chitra-14 / Horn-1 (Crocodile) / Sa-Sha-Shirū-20 (Virgin's Girdle) / ANA-ROTO-3 (Middle pillar)

MIZAR (Girdle) = ζ Ursae Majoris (202.4), SPICA = α Virginis, ALCOR = 80 Ursae Majoris (202.7)

SADALMELIK (α Aquarii)

71 VIRGINIS (203.6)
Ca1-16 Ca1-17 Ca1-18 Ca1-19 Ca1-20
koia ka hua koia ki te henua kiore kikiu - te henua te maitaki - te kihikihi hakaraoa - te henua
Al Batn Al Hūt-26 / Revati-28 / 1-iku

MIRACH (Girdle) = β Andromedae, KEUN MAN MUN (Camp's South Gate) = φ Andromedae (16.0), ANUNITUM = τ Piscium (16.5), REVATI (Abundant) = ζ Piscium (16.9)

REGULUS (α Leonis)

ν Phoenicis (17.4), κ Tucanae (17.6) no star listed (18) ADHIL (Garment's Trail) = ξ Andromedae (19.3), θ Ceti (19.7) KSORA (Knee) = δ Cassiopeiae (20.1), ω Andromedae (20.6), γ Phoenicis (20.8)
no star listed (204) HEZE = ζ Virginis (205.0), Southern Pinwheel Galaxy = M83 Hydrae (205.7) ε Centauri (206.3), κ Oct. (206.4) no star listed (207) τ Bootis (208.2), BENETNASH (Leader of the Daughters of the Bier) = η Ursae Majoris (208.5), ν Centauri (208.7), μ Centauri, υ Bootis (208.8) no star listed (209)
Ca1-21 Ca1-22 Ca1-23 Ca1-24 Ca1-25 Ca1-26
tagata huki manu rere - - kiore ki te huaga kua moe ki te tai.
δ Phoenicis (21.5) υ Andromedae (22.9) ACHERNAR (End of the River) = α Eridani (23.3), χ Andromedae (23.6), τ Andromedae (23.9) ALSEIPH (Scimitar) = φ Persei (24.5), τ Ceti (24.7) no star listed (25) ANA-NIA-10 (Pillar-to-fish-by)

χ Ceti (26.1), POLARIS = α Ursae Minoris, BATEN KAITOS (Belly of the Fish) = ζ Ceti (26.6), METALLAH = α Trianguli (26.9)

The distance from Polaris at Ca1-26 to Polaris at the end of side a will be 392 - 26 = 366, which can be explained by the fact that the year is too long to be put in parallel with only 365 glyphs.

*Ca14-24 > 336 *Ca14-25 > 350 *Ca14-26 > 364 *Ca14-27 > 378 *Ca14-28 > 392 *Ca14-29 (392)
te henua te honu kau manu kake rua te henua te honu te rima
δ Phoenicis (21.5) υ Andromedae (22.9) ACHERNAR (End of the River) = α Eridani (23.3), χ Andromedae (23.6), τ Andromedae (23.9) ALSEIPH (Scimitar) = φ Persei (24.5), τ Ceti (24.7) no star listed (25) ANA-NIA-10 (Pillar-to-fish-by)

χ Ceti (26.1), POLARIS = α Ursae Minoris, BATEN KAITOS (Belly of the Fish) = ζ Ceti (26.6), METALLAH = α Trianguli (26.9)

April 11 12 13 14 (104 15 (*26 + *366 = *392)
'March 15 16 17 18 (77) 19 20 (*365 = *392 - 27)

The empty hand probably meant 'nothing remains' and at the beginning of the year (at the end of line Ca1) the head without a body probably implied the opposite - 'nothing as yet counted' (but plenty ahead).

... The practice of turning down the fingers, contrary to our practice, deserves notice, as perhaps explaining why sometimes savages are reported to be unable to count above four. The European holds up one finger, which he counts, the native counts those that are down and says 'four'. Two fingers held up, the native counting those that are down, calls 'three'; and so on until the white man, holding up five fingers, gives the native none turned down to count. The native is nunplussed, and the enquirer reports that savages can not count above four ...

... Up to the present time, fertility spells for fowls have played an important role. Especially effective were the so-called 'chicken skulls' (puoko moa) - that is, the skulls of dead chiefs, often marked by incisions, that were considered a source of mana. Their task is explained as follows: 'The skulls of the chiefs are for the chicken, so that thousands may be born' (te puoko ariki mo te moa, mo topa o te piere) ... As long as the source of mana is kept in the house, the hens are impregnated (he rei te moa i te uha), they lay eggs (he ne'ine'i te uha i te mamari), and the chicks are hatched (he topa te maanga). After a period of time, the beneficial skull has to be removed, because otherwise the hens become exhausted from laying eggs ...

The 10th and last star pillar in the Tahitian list was Ana-nia (Polaris, the Pillar Above) and a line drawn betweeen Polaris and Baten Kaitos (ζ Ceti, the Belly of the Fish) defined the last day before Sheratan (β Arietis), a star which in Roman times would have risen together with Mesarthim (γ) as a Sign for where 'Land' would once again rise up from the 'Sea'. Thus Polaris was the Pillar-to-Fish-by - the place to 'fish up' the new land.