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But should not Rigel and Capella have been at Cb1-6?

APRIL 4 (*14 = *318 + 61)
"FEBRUARY 2 (398)
Cb1-6 (398)
 ĸ Leporis (78.0), RIGEL (Foot) = β Orionis (78.1), Flaming Star = IC405 (78.2), CAPELLA = α Aurigae (78.4), ο Columbae, τ Orionis (78.8)

THUBAN (α Draconis)

June 7 (*78)
°June 3 (*74)
'May 11 (*23)
"April 27 (*37 = *14 + 23)
March 21 22 (81) 23 74
September 20 21 equinox (265)
no glyph
Ca1-1 Ca1-2
koia ki te hoea
Al Fargh al Thāni-25

0h (365.25)

Caph, SIRRAH (0.5), ε Phoenicis (0.8)
Uttara Bhādrapadā-27 / Wall-14


χ Pegasi (2.1), θ Andromedae (2.7)
Alchita, Ma Wei (183.1), Minkar (183.7), ρ Centauri (183.9) Pálida (184.6), Megrez (184.9) Hasta-13 / Chariot-28

GIENAH (185.1), ε Muscae (185.2), ζ Crucis (185.4), Zaniah (185.9)

June 6 (157) 7 8 362
December 6 (340) 7 8
Ca4-1 (77) Ca4-2 Ca4-3
kua tupu te rakau kua tupu - te kihikihi te hau tea
μ Leporis (77.6)  ĸ Leporis (78.0), Rigel (78.1), Capella (78.4), ο Columbae (78.8)


λ Leporis (79.6)


Nodus I (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), Ras Algethi (260.8)  Sarin (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)


ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9)
June 5 6 (157)
December 5 6 (340)
Cb3-1 (50) Cb3-2 (443)
E vae ra - ka oho - ki te henua - kua huki ku kikiu - te henua
5h (76.1)

ε Leporis (76.0), Cursa (76.4), λ Eridani (76.7)

μ Leporis (77.6)

Sabik (259.7), η SCORPII (259.9)

Nodus I (260.0), π Herculis (260.7), Ras Algethi (260.8)
June 7 8 9 10 (161)
December 7 8 (342) 9 10
Cb3-3 Cb3-4 (445) Cb3-5 (54) Cb3-6
ko te henua - te rima e kava i haga rave ika ki kikiu - te henua
 ĸ Leporis (78.0), Rigel (78.1), Capella (78.4), ο Columbae (78.8)


λ Leporis (79.6)


Bellatrix, Saif al Jabbar (80.7), Elnath (80.9) Nihal (81.7)
Sarin (261.0), ο Ophiuchi (261.4)


ξ Ophiuchi (262.2), θ Ophiuchi, ν Serpentis, ζ, ι Apodis (262.4), ι Arae (262.8), ρ Herculis (262.9) β, γ Arae (263.3), κ Arae (263.5), σ Ophiuchi (263.6) Lesath, δ Arae (264.7), Choo (264.9)

No, the correct position for heliacal Rigel and Capella should evidently be at Cb3-3. However, according to my alternative reading their position should be 3 glyphs earlier, viz. at the last glyph in line Cb2:

Cb2-14 Cb2-15 Cb2-16 (432)
kua pua to hau te kahi huga kiore - henua
Hyadum II (64.2) Net-19

θ² Tauri, AIN, θ¹ Tauri (65.7)

no star listed (66)

σ SCORPII (247.0), Hejian (247.2), ψ Ophiuchi (247.7)

ρ Ophiuchi (248.1), Kajam (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5), She Low, ι Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr. (248.8) Al Kalb-16 / Jyeshtha-18


ANTARES (249.1), Marfik, φ Ophiuchi (249.5),  ω Ophiuchi (249.8)
Cb2-17 Cb2-18 Cb2-19 Cb2-20 (436) Cb2-21 (45)
manu rere - toga manu toga ka tuu te toga o te manu kua tapu - no te manu
no star listed (67) ANA-MURI

ALDEBARAN (68.2), Theemin (68.5)

no star listed (69) no star listed (70) no star listed (71)
γ Apodis (250.1), σ Herculis (250.3), θ Tr. Austr. (250.6), τ Scorpii (250.7) Han (251.0) ζ Herculis, η Tr. Austr. (252.1), η Herculis, β Apodis (252.5) Atria (253.9) Tail-6

Wei, η Arae (254.3), DENEBAKRAB (254.7)

Cb2-22 Cb2-23 Cb2-24 (440) Cb2-25
ku kikiu - i te henua koia ra tagata tua ivi - te henua tagata tua ivi - ki te henua
no star listed (72) Hassaleh (73.6) Almaaz (74.7), Haedus I (74.8) Haedus II (75.9)
ι Ophiuchi (255.3), Grafias (255.4) κ Ophiuchi (256.2), ζ Arae (256.5), ε Arae (256.8), Cujam (256.9) no star listed (257) 17h (258.7)

no star listed (258)

This, according to my primary reading, was at the Haedus door, which ought to have a pair of similar glyphs, which indeed is the case.

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, the Sun would here have been at the equinox and hurried quickly ahead. The glyphs seem to support my primary and heliacal reading of the text.

But could there not also be an alternative nakshatra reading?

FEBRUARY 16 17 (413 = 112 - 64 + 365) 18 (49) rutua - te pahu - rutua te maeva - atua rerorero - atua hiko ura - hiko o tea - ka higa te ao ko te henua ra ma te hoi atua
"DECEMBER 17 18 (352 = 413 - 61) 19
AUGUST 18 19 (48 + 183 = 231) 20
"JUNE 18 19 (170 = 231 - 61) 20
April 21 (111) 22 (*35 - 3 + 80 = 112) 23
"March 11 12 (71 = 112 - 41 = 26000 / 366) 13
October 21 (294) 22 (*218 - 3 + 80 = 295) 23
"September 11 12 (254 = *218 - 3 + 80 - 41) 13
Cb1-5 Cb1-6 (398) Cb1-7
no star listed (34) ξ Arietis (35.0), ρ Ceti (35.4), ξ² CETI (35.9) σ Ceti (36.9)
ASELLUS PRIMUS = θ Bootis (217.8) τ Lupi, δ Oct. (218.1), φ Virginis (218.7)

FOMALHAUT (α Piscis Austrini)

σ Lupi (219.1), ρ Bootis (219.5), HARIS = γ Bootis (219.7)
April 24 (114) 25 (*38 - 3 + 80 = 115) 26 27
"March 14 (73) 15 16 17
October 24 25 (*221 - 3 + 80 = 298) 26 27 (300)
"September 14 15 (*177) 16 17 (259)
Cb1-8 Cb1-9 Cb1-10 Cb1-11 (403)
ν CETI (37.9) ν ARIETIS (38.5), δ, ε Ceti (38.8) μ Arietis (39.4), HEAD OF THE FLY = 35 Arietis (39.6), KAFFALJIDHMA = γ Ceti (39.8) π Ceti, ο Arietis (40.0), ANGETENAR = τ¹ Eridani, μ Ceti (40.2), RIGHT WING = 39 Arietis (40.9)
σ Bootis (220.2), η Centauri (220.4) ρ Lupi (221.0), TOLIMAN = α Centauri (221.2), π Bootis (221.8), ζ Bootis (221.9) 31 Bootis (222.0), YANG MUN = α Lupi (222.1), RIJL AL AWWA = μ Virginis (222.5), ο Bootis (222.9) IZAR = ε Bootis (223.0), 109 Virginis, α Apodis (223.3)
FEBRUARY 19 20 (51 = 115 - 64) 21 22 (418 = 403 + 15)
"DECEMBER 20 21 22 23 (418 - 61 = 357)
AUGUST 21 22 (234 = 298 - 64) 23 24 (236 = 4 * 59)
"JUNE 21 22 23 24 (175 = 236 - 61)
26 MARCH 21 (445 = 430 + 15) 22 (81) 23
"JANUARY 19 (384 = 445 - 61) 20 21
Cb2-14 (430) Cb2-15 Cb2-16
kua pua to hau te kahi huga kiore - henua
SEPTEMBER 20 (236 + 27 = 263) 21 (264 = 81 + 183) EQUINOX
"JULY 21 (263 - 61 = 202) 22 (203 = 20 + 183) 23
MARCH 24 EQUINOX 26 (450) 27 28
"JANUARY 22 23 24 25 (390) 26
Cb2-17 Cb2-18 Cb2-19 Cb2-20 (436) Cb2-21 (45)
manu rere - toga manu toga ka tuu te toga o te manu kua tapu - no te manu
SEPTEMBER 23 24 25 (268 = 85 + 183) 26 27 (270 = 45 + 225)
"JULY 24 25 26 (207 = 268 - 61) 27 (208 = 390 - 182) 28
MARCH 29 30 (454) 31 (90) APRIL 1
"JANUARY 27 28 (393 = 454 - 61) 29 30
Cb2-22 Cb2-23 Cb2-24 (440) Cb2-25
ku kikiu - i te henua koia ra tagata tua ivi - te henua tagata tua ivi - ki te henua
SEPTEMBER 28 29 (272 = 454 - 182) 30 (273) OCTOBER 1
"JULY 29 (210) 30 31 "AUGUST 1 (213)
APRIL 2 (92) 3
Cb3-1 (50) Cb3-2 (443)
E vae ra - ka oho - ki te henua - kua huki ku kikiu - te henua
OCTOBER 2 (275) 3
"AUGUST 2 (214) 3
APRIL 4 5 (460 = 445 + 15 6 (96 = 54 + 42) 7
"FEBRUARY 2 3 (34 = 53 - 19) 4 (400 = 446 - 46) 5
Cb3-3 Cb3-4 (445) Cb3-5 (54) Cb3-6
ko te henua - te rima e kava i haga rave ika ki kikiu - te henua
OCTOBER 4 5 (217 + 61 = 278) 6 (279 = 54 + 224) 7 (280 = 97 + 183)
"AUGUST 4 (216) 5 6 (218 = 446 - 228) 7

The date for the Roman final of their regular year, Terminalia, was February 23, which according to the Julian calendar was day 54 counted from January 1 (or day 55 counted from December 31). Given my initial idea of 392 glyphs on side a representing a year + the precessional depth down to Roman times, it seems possible that the end of line Cb2 and the beginning of line Cb3 could have reflected the final period of the year in Roman times.

Before the Julian calendar there were only 29 days in January, and then we should instead count 54 - 2 = 52 respectively 55 - 2 = 53. The latter number could be interpreted as 52 weeks (364) + a final week.

Ianuarius 29 31 +2
Februarius 28 28 -

In 2 decks there are 26 red and 26 black cards supplemented by a pair of Yokers.

392 (side a) + 348 (side b) = 740 and if a pre-Julian calendar was presented on side b, then it could have begun with 'September 23, after helical Alrisha and nakshatra Thuban:

Cb1-1 (393) Cb1-2 Cb1-3 (366 + 29)
E tupu - ki roto o te hau tea
Al Sharatain-1 / Ashvini-1 / Bond-16

Segin, Mesarthim, ψ Phoenicis (27.2), SHERATAN, φ Phoenicis (27.4)

ι Arietis (28.0), λ Arietis (28.2) ALRISHA, χ Phoenicis (29.2), Alamak (29.7)
April 17 (107 = 80 + 27) 18 19
'March 21 (80) 22 23
Muphrid (210.1), ζ Centauri (210.3) φ Centauri (211.0), υ¹ Centauri (211.1), υ² Centauri (211.8), τ Virginis (211.9) Agena (212.1), θ Apodis (212.5), THUBAN (212.8)
October 17 (290) 18 19
'September 20 (*183) 21 (264) EQUINOX
October 31 31 -
November 29 30 +1
December 29 31 +2
Sum 89 92 +3
Ianuarius 29 31 +2
Februarius 28 28 -
Martius 31 31 -
Aprilis 29 30 +1
Maius 31 31 -
Iunius 29 30 +1
Quintilis 31 31 -
Sextilis 29 31 +2
September 29 30 +1
Sum 266 273 +7
Total 355 365 +10

348 - 3 = 345 and Cb1-4 could be the first glyph after 0h. Alternatively, and perhaps more reasonably, the right ascension line for 14h (in the night sky) at the time of Gregory XIII could have been used for marking calendar day zero. Because this line came 4 days after April 17 (107):

FEBRUARY 16 17 (413 = 112 - 64 + 365) 18 (49) rutua - te pahu - rutua te maeva - atua rerorero - atua hiko ura - hiko o tea - ka higa te ao ko te henua ra ma te hoi atua
"DECEMBER 17 18 (352 = 413 - 61) 19
AUGUST 18 19 (48 + 183 = 231) 20
"JUNE 18 19 (170 = 231 - 61) 20
April 21 (111) 22 (*35 - 3 + 80 = 112) 23
°April 17 (107) 18 19
'March 25 (84) 26 27
"March 11 (70) 12 (71 = 112 - 41 = 26000 / 366) 13
October 21 (294) 22 (*218 - 3 + 80 = 295) 23
"September 11 12 (254 = *218 - 3 + 80 - 41) 13
Cb1-5  °14h (213.1) Cb1-6 (398) (214, All Hearts' Day) Cb1-7
no star listed (34) ξ Arietis (35.0), ρ Ceti (35.4), ξ² CETI (35.9) σ Ceti (36.9)
ASELLUS PRIMUS = θ Bootis (217.8) τ Lupi, δ Oct. (218.1), φ Virginis (218.7)

FOMALHAUT (α Piscis Austrini)

σ Lupi (219.1), ρ Bootis (219.5), HARIS = γ Bootis (219.7)
April 24 (114) 25 (*38 - 3 + 80 = 115) 26 27
°April 20 21 (111) 22 23
'March 28 29 (88 = 111 - 23) 30 31 (90)
"March 14 (73) 15 16 17
October 24 25 (*221 - 3 + 80 = 298) 26 27 (300)
"September 14 15 (*177) 16 17 (259)
Cb1-8 (400) Cb1-9 Cb1-10 Cb1-11
ν CETI (37.9) ν ARIETIS (38.5), δ, ε Ceti (38.8) μ Arietis (39.4), HEAD OF THE FLY = 35 Arietis (39.6), KAFFALJIDHMA = γ Ceti (39.8) π Ceti, ο Arietis (40.0), ANGETENAR = τ¹ Eridani, μ Ceti (40.2), RIGHT WING = 39 Arietis (40.9)
σ Bootis (220.2), η Centauri (220.4) ρ Lupi (221.0), TOLIMAN = α Centauri (221.2), π Bootis (221.8), ζ Bootis (221.9) 31 Bootis (222.0), YANG MUN = α Lupi (222.1), RIJL AL AWWA = μ Virginis (222.5), ο Bootis (222.9) IZAR = ε Bootis (223.0), 109 Virginis, α Apodis (223.3)
FEBRUARY 19 20 (51 = 115 - 64) 21 22 (418)
"DECEMBER 20 21 22 23 (418 - 61 = 357)
AUGUST 21 22 (234 = 298 - 64) 23 24 (236 = 4 * 59)
"JUNE 21 22 23 24 (175 = 236 - 61)

And at the time of Bharani the star θ Bootis (Asellus Primus) would have been at the Full Moon in "March 14 (73), a π date (Cb1-5).

And in Roman times this position was when the Sun reached the Julian spring equinox ('March 25) - as in the year for the Council of Nicaea (325 AD).

At the time of Gregory XIII this position was day 107 (= 471 - 365), viz. at °April 17.

Egyptian nfr Phoenician teth Greek theta Θ (θ)

... The form of the letter θ suggests a midline ('waist'), although the origin of θ is the Phoenician tēth which means 'wheel'. This in turn could have originated from a glyph named 'good' which in Egypt was nfr ...

... θ is the last star in the Ara constellation, and the ancient meaning of this letter was described as a wheel by the Phoenicians but for the Egyptian it meant 'good'. When the wheel of time has come full cycle around and the upside down fire-altar is in the past the times ahead should be good (or lucky Sa'ad) ...

According to Wilkinson nefer originally depicted the throat and heart of a sheep:

Instead of counting with 80 as the measure for finding March 21 (0h) there could have been an earlier night side method with 77 for reaching day 400.

From "March 14 (3-14) to the end of "September, i.e. to day 266 according to the Pre-Roman system, there could have been 266 - 29 - 28 - 13 = 254 (= 6 * 59 - 100) days.

And from there to the last calendar day in "December there could have been 89 days. 254 + 89 = 343 (= 7³).

348 (glyphs on side b) = 5 + 343. I have here presented in parallel my heliacal (initial) reading and my later nakshatra reading:

4 339
Cb1-5 Cb1-6 (398) Cb14-17 (346) Cb14-18 Cb14-19 (740)
η Arietis (31.9) no star listed (32) λ Phoenicis (6.3), β Tucanae (6.4) M31 (7.7) DELTA (8.4), Schedir (8.6), ζ Andromedae, μ Phoenicis (8.9)

ASELLUS TERTIUS = κ Bootis, κ VIRGINIS, 14 Bootis (214.8)

Al Ghafr-13 / Svāti-15


15 Bootis (215.2), ARCTURUS (215.4), Asellus Secundus (215.5), SYRMA, λ Bootis (215.6), η Apodis (215.8)

 γ Muscae (189.0), Avis Satyra (189.3), Asterion (189.5), Kraz (189.7)


α Muscae (190.2), τ Centauri (190.5), χ Virginis (190.7) Al Áwwā'-11

ρ Virginis (191.4), PORRIMA, γ Centauri (191.5)

no star listed (34) ξ Arietis (35.0), ρ Ceti (35.4), ξ² CETI (35.9) ξ Phoenicis (9.0), ρ Tucanae (9.1), Deneb Kaitos, η Phoenicis (9.4) Achird (10.7) Legs-15

ρ Phoenicis (11.2), η ANDROMEDAE (11.4)

ASELLUS PRIMUS = θ Bootis (217.8) τ Lupi, δ Oct. (218.1), φ Virginis (218.7)

FOMALHAUT (α Piscis Austrini)

ι Crucis (192.2), β Muscae (192.5), Mimosa (192.9) no star listed (193) κ Crucis (194.4), ψ Virginis (194.5), μ Crucis, λ Crucis (194.6), Alioth (194.8)
5 343 (= 7 * 7 * 7)
348 (= 12 * 29)

At the last glyph on the back side of the tablet we can count 14 * 19 = 266, which is similar in structure to 348 = 12 * 29.